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SATCHMO 07-23-2005 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by right-track
Which leaves me to wonder...have you ever considered, that as you get older... you just may have already had, the best day of your life... :usehead:

If I start thinking that way I might as well be dead.

adidasss 07-23-2005 02:52 AM

man, i like reading about other peoples lives and trips me out!!

right-track 07-23-2005 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO
If I start thinking that way I might as well be dead.

mmm...I suppose it did sound a bit dark, but then that's the effect Peter Murphy can have on you, that and the dissapointment of a poor performance.
It was'nt all bad though, he ended the set with a tribute to Ian Curtis playing Joy Divisions - 'Transmission'. :)
Today I'll be taking my son aged 4 and daughter of 2 yrs to a travelling funfair, they are jigging about with excitement as I type.
Promised them a trip to McDonalds too (I know.. I know, but the kids love it).
So, what about the typical day in the life of to hear one.

gabbagabba_hey 07-23-2005 12:41 PM

woke up at 12:30am came on the computer took out my rats for a little bit went to my friends house and ate all her food then we walked around for a while and went to get something to eat then she sleept over and we tryed to pull an all nighter but we fell alseep at 5:00am then i came on the computer and now im here

my day was boring...stupid summer

shandapanda 07-23-2005 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by right-track
Which leaves me to wonder...have you ever considered, that as you get older... you just may have already had, the best day of your life...

that might be true. i just thought that what if one day when you were like four and thinking about something simple like candy could make your day, but then you wouldn't really remember so you don't think so later and the pursuit for the best day ever would be forever continued!..................

pastor of muppets 07-23-2005 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by right-track
Which leaves me to wonder...have you ever considered, that as you get older... you just may have already had, the best day of your life... :usehead:

i agree with satch, i you start thinkin like that you might as well be dead.... you never know whats around the corner....

right-track 07-24-2005 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by pastor of muppets
i agree with satch, i you start thinkin like that you might as well be dead.... you never know whats around the corner....

Your right never know whats around the corner.
Before you all start thinking I'm a miserable individual with suicidal tendancies, my remark about, already having the best day of your life, does have a positive twist. If only to serve as a reminder...that life is what you make it!
If I have'nt already had the best day of my life, then its gotta be pretty special to top the day my eldest kid was born. It was the moment I saw the reflection of my own face in the eyes of my newborn son.
Quality :)

Darkness 07-25-2005 07:55 PM

Play some video games.
Do some of my summer homework.
Lift 5 pound dumbells.
Eat junkfood.
Torcher 3 rats.
Spend some time in the computer.
Watch MTV music videos.
Eat dinner.
Listen to music.

gabbagabba_hey 07-25-2005 08:22 PM

you torcher rats and watch mtv all in one day *crys*

James Earl Jones 07-25-2005 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Darkness
Watch MTV music videos.

which one? the green day one or the southern rap one?

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