ThePhanastasio |
07-16-2012 10:50 PM |
Finished my first day of wrestling training today. Words cannot express how much bumps hurt if you hit the wrong part of the ring. Well, they probably can. But I can't seem to find the proper ones at the moment.
Learned back bumps, flip bumps (assisting with my hands), running ropes, locking up, and countering lock-ups into waist locks. Also learned how to assemble a ring.
I also learned how much I hate hindu squats and frog jumps. Doing circuit training with frog jumps directly into sit-ups nearly made me vomit, but I was determined not to be "that guy (girl)"
I have the biggest bruise ever from running ropes, and another from banging my elbow on the rod that holds the turnbuckle.
It was the most physically painful yet wonderful day of my life.
I'm hoping I'm not too sore tomorrow to function at training.