Flyingpig437 |
05-26-2012 10:48 AM |
Went into town twice today. Met Cheryl the first time right in town ctr. I had £1.50 on me. She cadged 50p just before I went into the phone shop and £1. on the way out. As soon as she'd got the money she ****ed off altbough to be fair the 2nd time she only asked me for 9pence but I only had a squid so gave her that. The 2nd time I went i I was going into the shopping mall and as I put my hand on the door handle for one of those window-door type things a big fat woman just behind me stuck her elbow on the door-window type thing just above where I'd started to push the door open using the handle which isn't really a handle as such but I don't know how to descirbe it it's more like a bigish metal plate. As she did that she said 'all those germs'. Obviously meaning she didn't want to touch the bigish metal plate handle thing because everyone else has been doing all day, inc. me of course. I turned round and gave her a look and a smile. I don't know how to descirbe the smile I gave her or what it meant but 'cause she'd said that about the germs, which isn't something i'd have ever thought about, it made me feel weirdly conscious about my hands and all the germs that had jsut been put on it. in fact now i'm typing this back home i've not washed my hands since then and have bought 4 currys from a supermarket and a bottle of mile which i held by the handle so what germs are now on my keyboard, the curry boxes and the milk handle. I also picked up and put back 2 boxes of Sugar puffs in Iceland so what germs have i put on that from the door handle plate thing. I think I'm now going to wash my hands.