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Frownland 05-26-2012 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by fazstp (Post 1192769)
Happy Birthday Frownland :)


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1192791)
Happy Baarf-day eve Frown. Have a good un.

Thanks guys.

PoorOldPo 05-26-2012 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Flyingpig437 (Post 1192787)
I'm only vaguel aware of what HBO is so don't really know what to make of that.
A/w It's occured to me that Cheryl was jsut pushing her belly out last night. I noticed she was definetly drunk or stoned as soon as I met her and it wouldn't surprise me if she was just pushing her belly out for some reason known only to her she'd wanted to make me think she was pregnant. If she really is pregnant then why hasn't she mentioned it before? And What the **** kinda person goes out working as a prostitute not to mention taking drink and drugs and smoking ***s when they're 3 months pregnant? Also because she said she was 3 months pregnant that means she was 2 months pregnant when I found her slumped against that sign post 3 days after I first met her just over a month ago when she approached me to do business. If we dismiss entirely the idea she was having an epileptic fit then it's just a straight up fact she was in a heroin induced coma that day.
I've got over the fact she's pregnant now vis a vis my own feelings however that's two occaisons following on frome each other when she's not been able to get away from me quick enough after I've bought her something to eat which is what's really bothering me. In fact I think next time I see her I'm just going to tell her straight 'our 'friendship' isn't workng out and then say something like 'what do you want me to do if I find you in coma again?' and then just not even bother stopping to talk to her again and just help her if she's on the floor out of it on smack. It was pretty shocking seeing her like that and it wouldn't have surprised me at all if she was dead 'cause she was massively unresponsive plus I've always hated people who waste their life like she has. Esp. when she's obviously quite a smart, tough and gorgeous woman who could have done something interesting and worthwhile with her life. There's kids starving to death and living in war zones who'd love to have the opportunities Cheyrl has had and she's not appreciated how lucky she is to live in a country like this. Just pisses me off when people throw their lives away on smack and ****. I'm usually just basically callous and contemptous of people like that but I went and fell for Cheryl didn't I? So tried to like her as a person and not be hard on her 'cause of her ****ed up lifestyle choices but now I'm feeling used it's all coming out. I also now am convinced she doesn't like me and the fact I have a lot of affection for her means jack **** to her which is just making me feel foolish. I don't even want to see her again now which says it all really! **** her! Not literally. ha ha ha

Its my favourite channel. Like Sky Atlantic.

The Batlord 05-26-2012 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by PoorOldPo (Post 1192800)
Its my favourite channel. Like Sky Atlantic.

You should have listened to me from the beginning. I think the Flying Pig Show might just win an Emmy.

PoorOldPo 05-26-2012 10:05 AM

Maybe when pigs fly!

The Batlord 05-26-2012 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by PoorOldPo (Post 1192856)
Maybe when pigs fly!

Oh god that's stupid! :rofl:

PoorOldPo 05-26-2012 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by the batlord (Post 1192864)
oh god that's stupid! :rofl:

Flyingpig437 05-26-2012 10:48 AM

Went into town twice today. Met Cheryl the first time right in town ctr. I had £1.50 on me. She cadged 50p just before I went into the phone shop and £1. on the way out. As soon as she'd got the money she ****ed off altbough to be fair the 2nd time she only asked me for 9pence but I only had a squid so gave her that. The 2nd time I went i I was going into the shopping mall and as I put my hand on the door handle for one of those window-door type things a big fat woman just behind me stuck her elbow on the door-window type thing just above where I'd started to push the door open using the handle which isn't really a handle as such but I don't know how to descirbe it it's more like a bigish metal plate. As she did that she said 'all those germs'. Obviously meaning she didn't want to touch the bigish metal plate handle thing because everyone else has been doing all day, inc. me of course. I turned round and gave her a look and a smile. I don't know how to descirbe the smile I gave her or what it meant but 'cause she'd said that about the germs, which isn't something i'd have ever thought about, it made me feel weirdly conscious about my hands and all the germs that had jsut been put on it. in fact now i'm typing this back home i've not washed my hands since then and have bought 4 currys from a supermarket and a bottle of mile which i held by the handle so what germs are now on my keyboard, the curry boxes and the milk handle. I also picked up and put back 2 boxes of Sugar puffs in Iceland so what germs have i put on that from the door handle plate thing. I think I'm now going to wash my hands.

Unknown Soldier 05-26-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Flyingpig437 (Post 1192882)
Went into town twice today. Met Cheryl the first time right in town ctr. I had £1.50 on me. She cadged 50p just before I went into the phone shop and £1. on the way out. As soon as she'd got the money she ****ed off altbough to be fair the 2nd time she only asked me for 9pence but I only had a squid so gave her that. The 2nd time I went i I was going into the shopping mall and as I put my hand on the door handle for one of those window-door type things a big fat woman just behind me stuck her elbow on the door-window type thing just above where I'd started to push the door open using the handle which isn't really a handle as such but I don't know how to descirbe it it's more like a bigish metal plate. As she did that she said 'all those germs'. Obviously meaning she didn't want to touch the bigish metal plate handle thing because everyone else has been doing all day, inc. me of course. I turned round and gave her a look and a smile. I don't know how to descirbe the smile I gave her or what it meant but 'cause she'd said that about the germs, which isn't something i'd have ever thought about, it made me feel weirdly conscious about my hands and all the germs that had jsut been put on it. in fact now i'm typing this back home i've not washed my hands since then and have bought 4 currys from a supermarket and a bottle of mile which i held by the handle so what germs are now on my keyboard, the curry boxes and the milk handle. I also picked up and put back 2 boxes of Sugar puffs in Iceland so what germs have i put on that from the door handle plate thing. I think I'm now going to wash my hands.

You haven't mentioned if she's actually pregnant or not, you need to ascertain if she's really pregnant or not.

It amazes me that she's getting concerned over germs, I mean just look at what she does on a day to day basis.

BTW, who the hell asks to borrow 9 pence?

Also you need your head examined putting sugar puffs back, that's one of the best cereals around.:crazy:

Mojo 05-26-2012 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Flyingpig437 (Post 1192882)
to be fair the 2nd time she only asked me for 9pence but I only had a squid so gave her that.

Yeah, it's no substitute is it?

PoorOldPo 05-26-2012 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Flyingpig437 (Post 1192882)
to be fair the 2nd time she only asked me for 9pence but I only had a squid so gave her that.

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