Flyingpig437 |
04-30-2012 09:45 AM |
Originally Posted by James
(Post 1183658)
I saw that part haha. I'm just wondering what he said two years ago that could cause such a rift between them?
Well that's not getting to get talke about so you'll just have to wonder. but as you'd have gathred if you read the texts I posted he had a Schadenfreude moment that engendered maximum resentment and hatred but 'cause he was the only friend I had I was too scared of having no one to talk and text to to **** him off until yesterday morning when I did. Also we went on a bender about 3 weeks ago, the first day I met Cheryl as it happens, and during the reveleries he let slip something I can't quite remeber which shocked me and revealed the extent of his resentment of how I and my brother and some mates picked on him when we were kids although he was 3 yrs. older than us . He also a few yrs. ago sent me a drunken text saying something like 'how would you feel if you're life was made a misery by someone who is now trying to be friends with you etc. etc. etc. to which I replied 'are you on about me?' to wich he replied he wasn't but I was convinced he was and had just let it all out in a drunken text rant and then got scared that if he fell out with me he'd blow his chances of meeting my brother again.
a/w I came back on here to say before I replyed to that poster...I've had a tiny bit of good news which is helping me in my ever recurring battle against wanting to end it all...the local housing ass. have put me on the books which means I might only have to tough out 1 more winter in this freezing house and also I've found that there's some flats I can apply to move to that are quite near here which prior to becoming infatuated with Cheryl wasn't really something I cared about. Now it's imperative.