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FRED HALE SR. 03-20-2012 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1167195)
Mate, I'd ****ing love a bike. Just cannot be arsed sitting another driving test and driving about on a ****ing scooter or something until my insurance got cheaper. :(

Basically my cars proper old (12yr old fiesta), my brakes failed on the motorway on Sunday and my mate thought it could be a burst brake pipe. Turns out it's not and it's going to be expensive for me to repair, so it's not worth it. It's totally ****ed. If I had to write a list of things needing renewed on my car I'd be here a good while.

Probably just the master cylinder. I understand when something is beyond repairable due to funds, sorry to hear it.

FETCHER. 03-20-2012 12:38 PM

It's something to do with coils and my back left brake drum is leaking my brake fluid. It's utterly ****ed, my friend tried all day to fix her :(.

FRED HALE SR. 03-20-2012 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1167206)
It's something to do with coils and my back left brake drum is leaking my brake fluid. It's utterly ****ed, my friend tried all day to fix her :(.

Sounds like the wheel cylinder. You can usually buy rebuild kits for them for about 10 bucks. You replace the cups and washers inside and the bleeder screw on them and they're usually good as new. If I was in Scotland i'd certainly help, long drive for a wheel cylinder me thinks.

FETCHER. 03-20-2012 12:48 PM

You're fucking right you'd help ;) and bring smokes to bring my stress levels down a notch before I burst a blood vessel :) haha.

ThePhanastasio 03-20-2012 04:04 PM

Still waiting on hearing back from Bleacher Report to see if I'll be writing for their wrestling section...they accept 20 percent of applications, and accept submissions from anyone 13 and older for the Contributor spots. It's unpaid, but I mean, Hell, that's a portfolio builder right there. It's the #4 most trafficked sports news site on the interwebs. If I can get on and then work my way up to Featured Columnist (the perks of which include press passes and credentials for major events in your field) then it will be an even more excellent portfolio builder.

Also, I am sweating to death, it seems. It is 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It has been in the upper 70s or 80s for the past week. This does not feel like mid-March at all. It's sweltering.

Planning on buying some beers tonight and listening to some music / watching some wrestling. My nerddom of late is unsettling.

CanwllCorfe 03-20-2012 06:02 PM

Finally handed in my project for package design! Done, done, and done! I'm so happy. Ms. Horribletaste was going through a .PDF, talking about why a package's design is successful. But then she went on questioning almost every example the .PDF showed as being successful. "See, Redken, when you see it, you don't really know what it's for. Is it for hair? Is it for skin?" It's IN a .PDF saying why a package's design is SUCCESSFUL. It must be SUCCESSFUL or else it wouldn't be in there. Goddamn. She said the same kind of thing about this:

If she had it her way the whole thing would have been filled with Lego and Crayola designs.

Frownland 03-20-2012 06:32 PM

Yesterday, I sarcastically responded to a friend's anticipation for a response from Stanford with "oh yeah, I got accepted into Stanford. It was easy." The dumbass believed me and the tale that I was accepted into Stanford spread like wildfire. All day I've been having to explain to people what happened as they congratulate me on my admission. I suppose that it's a nice complement for them to believe it so easily, though. This isn't the worst rumour that I've had spread about me.

CanwllCorfe 03-20-2012 06:42 PM

I wonder why there were surprised. I got accepted into Stanford. It was easy.

Howard the Duck 03-20-2012 10:51 PM

finally got my privileged "blue card" which allows me to get expensive meds free

it's usually awarded to "bumiputras" (princes of the earth) meaning Malays

i'm one of the few mixed Chinese/wateva to get it

it's due to my psychiatrist getting promoted so that she has control over the "quota" now

Sparky 03-21-2012 03:21 AM

ay howard what comic is your avatar from?

Also, were you a fan of the "duck avenger" series? It was pretty bad ass and fairly serious considering the source, at least thats how i pictured it as a kid
It also featured "darkwing duck" who was shadowy and cool
He had a show on tv i wish i had watched

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