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swim 06-10-2006 09:10 PM

I woke up at six o'clock and wandered my house aimlessly. It's more than likely I spent some time here. Tried to find dress up clothes that fit. Yesterday I went shopping for a plain black skirt (for those who never received the memo, yes, I'm a girl) but, apparantly those don't exist anymore so I was like fuck it, I don't care. I washed my face and cut my self with shaving which is a bitch because I'm usually real good about not getting knicks and cuts. So, I suppose karma only thinks its fair that when I do cut my self it's this big gash on my knee. I found something to wear. My brother and I headed out to his graduation around 8:15 but I forgot my music and we had to turn back around. This kinda upset him but I tried really hard to remember everything. He sped and his driving made me nervous but we got to school on time. We had to set up everything and just wait. The ceremony was the most boring thing in my whole life. Paint drying has got to be more entertaining than that. My brother and I met my parents, my grandparents, and my aunt at a/the mexican restaurant. My brother and I grabbed some ice cream on the way home. Watched soccer/football. Ate dinner which happened to be chicken and potatos. Sat down and listened to music mostly Pete Seeger. Watched Carolina lose to Edmunton and now just busy being bored and refusing to sleep.

tdoc210 06-10-2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
So you've given up starving youself, and settled on Bulemia?

i had an amazing onion and a sandwich today..and may i say i was forced the sandwich

Merkaba 06-10-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by jr.
It is better to move with the wind than against it.

That is exactly the idea behind it, I am just useless when it comes to explaining things. We don't fight or struggle with the opponents attack, we go with the flow.

Mama Booze 06-10-2006 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
So you've given up starving youself, and settled on Bulemia?

You'd know, Mr. "I just like to torture the bulemic girls"...heheeee...

My day was superb I must say. Aside from thee fact my mum woke me up at 8:30 AM on a Saturday to walk thee dog. Then though, I did the usual morning routine, then headed off to my second home, went online, talked to Dan<3...then me and my gal pal went to a movie (The Omen)...The movie was terribly amusing, I must say. I laughed. Not to say it wasn't creepy, but, I DID accidently kick some lady in front of me in the head when I jumped. And the movie was totally illogical. But enteraining to say the least. Then I bought my gramps an Ipod for fathers day, (he's always fidling with mine, so me and my gran went out to buy him one.) got that working for him, etc. And I ended up today going home with about $150 worth of CD's and movies hehe. I'm one lucky bastardess :P.

Oh and tommorrow morning my hair shall be black again, as I bought the dye tonight and well yeah, you can connect the dots ha. Also bought teeny tiny itty bitty lightly-tinted sunglasses =]
All should look wondaaafull with my fringe haha.

bungalow 06-10-2006 11:41 PM

I thought this was a good conversation.

thealextron i wanna see immortal tech soo bad
thealextron i would be pissed if i missed a show
kid frequency: i bet 21+ show
kid frequency (1:35:41 AM): LOLZ
thealextron (1:35:45 AM): no
thealextron(1:35:49 AM): ive seen his dates
thealextron (1:35:55 AM): in chicago
thealextron(1:36:01 AM): they were all ALL AGES
kid frequency (1:36:23 AM): damn, some of his lyrics are pretty naughty
thealextron (1:36:49 AM): Well,
thealextron (1:36:56 AM): that usually doesnt matter
thealextron (1:36:58 AM): ****
thealextron (1:37:10 AM): i bet half of those screamo lyrics are like
thealextron(1:37:17 AM): I WANNA RAPE CHILDREN
thealextron (1:37:21 AM): WITH **** FETISHED
thealextron (1:37:32 AM): ****-LICKING BABIES
kid frequency (1:37:37 AM): hahaha
thealextron (1:37:42 AM): I WANNA RAPE OLD PEOPLE
thealextron (1:37:50 AM): we would never know though

jr. 06-11-2006 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
That is exactly the idea behind it, I am just useless when it comes to explaining things. We don't fight or struggle with the opponents attack, we go with the flow.

Use your opponent's own momentum as your weapon of defense, correct?

Mama Booze 06-11-2006 09:53 AM

Well my day's been a bit funny for the most part. I woke up and it was really cold, so I came out and had coffee, wrapped a blanket around me, and put on my sunglasses. No body was here, I think they were outside smoking...but then they came back in...etc. HA. And so I then burned more songs for my gramps...he should be happy now.

I can't help but be a bit bitter lately, and short with people. It's really begining to get to people ha...they'll get over it. My sarcasm has also gotten out of hand =] makes me happy though. Suites the black hair and glasses.

Pop: You don't know who he is, he could be a girl for all you know.
Lex: That'd be find with me.
Pop: ....Don't want to know...Don't tell me no have your life, I have mine.

Ha. I have a loose tongue.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 06-11-2006 10:23 AM

im now not working at minimum wage!
haha, its pretty good.
but yeah, good day so far, met up with people & just had the best chicken in the world.. & now im off to work again and get home at half 10... not cool.

bungalow 06-11-2006 12:48 PM

Haha, I just got a reply to a message that I sent Immortal Technique the other day. He actually replied.

jr. 06-11-2006 01:50 PM

I had two very odd things happen to me.

I have to be at work at 4am on Sundays, so I stop at Dunkin Donuts for coffee and the paper. I come out, and as I'm getting in the car, a woman pulls up next to me. It's 3:30am, so naturally, I think she is going to ask directions. So, she rolls down her window and says "How are you?" So, then, I think, oh great, a hooker. So anyway, she says she needs a favor, she's in a jam, and she needs money. I feel bad for her, because she looks scared, or nervousm or something not quite right, so, I reach in my pocket. I have 3 dollars to my name. LOL. I give it to her, and she's very thankful, so I know she wasn't just trying to just stick me.

So anyway, I'm riding to work thinking, great, I just gave a total stranger my last three bucks. Once I get to work, I reach into the side pouch of my bag to get my work keys out. There is three dollars in there. Not 5, 10, 1, but three one dollar bills, exactly what I just gave that woman, not 1/2 an hour earlier.

So, later on, I was on my break, reading the funny papers, and in one of the strips, this guy was talking about being happy he finished reading a book, 'Guns, Germs, and Steel'. Then, on my last break, I was reading my book, and a reference was made to the book by Jared Diamond, 'Guns, Germs and Steel'.

Too weird, eh?

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