Freebase Dali |
02-27-2012 12:04 AM |
Originally Posted by Farfisa
(Post 1159206)
That doesn't sound like fun at all. I've never heard you talk about your parents. You probably have a reason, but I think it would be better not to ask for the sake of decency.
I don't have a problem talking about them because I'm nothing like them. I do love them, but they have a way of turning a good time into an argument between themselves that escalates higher and higher in decibels.
One would think that after over 30 years of marriage, they'd have figured each other out and realized that simply butting heads never actually gets either one of them anywhere, but it hasn't. As an outsider, I feel like they both have to be really stupid, or really egotistical. I tend to put my mom in the "stupid" category, and my dad in the "egotistical" one. I have evidence that it's the correct choice, believe me.
So they're the perfect example of getting along for approximately an hour. They're also the perfect example of getting drunk and microscoping an insignificant event into an argument of epic proportion, decibel levels soaring, until the argument simply becomes who can yell louder.
In essence, my dad is a borderline obsessive-compulsive logical workaholic multitasker that absolutely needs to be making EVERY second of his time work for him, which in his old age, ends up becoming nothing more than a cluster-f*ck of jumping back and forth between projects he either forgets to complete, or couldn't hope to complete in a million years, and my mother is a totally emotion-driven person that completely ignores logic or reason and goes solely by whatever she feels, regardless of whether it makes any sense or not. I mean.. she literally does not believe scientists because scientists have FOUND NEW EVIDENCE AND CHANGED THEIR OPINIONS....
She operates SOLELY on whatever her subconscious mind gives her, which is based on a pretty f*cked up past.
Together, they are a tornado of WTF.