ThePhanastasio |
12-21-2011 11:18 PM |
I was riding with my buddy this evening, and he said he'd drop me off at my place. At the end of the road, the state troopers had a road block going on.
The cop was hassling my buddy, giving him complete hell and making him dig around for insurance and stuff, calling in to see if he had any priors, etc. etc. - in other words, not what they normally do at our road checkpoints. Finally, he asked where my buddy and I were headed and I finally could be silenced no more. I said very pleasantly that he was dropping me off at my house because we both had to go Christmas shopping in the morning, and my buddy nodded still digging through his papers. The cop smiled at me, suddenly super-friendly and said, "Oh, you guys are good to go. Drive safe."
Cops love me. I also had a quarter ounce of bud on me. :laughing:
Story of my life. I've never been patted down or searched. Once, at a concert I set off a metal detector because of my belt, I guess...and I had some bud in my sock. The security guard looked at me, smiled, said, "You look harmless, go on," and just let me walk in.