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Dirty 04-06-2011 11:39 AM

Speaking of writing, I've been feeling so frustrated with mine lately. For those who don't know, I rap and you can check my stuff in the Lyrics and Songwriting thread. I put out a 12 song mixtape in January and I was really happy with it. It was much more advanced and lyrical than my first 7 songs or so which were mainly stoner rap oriented. The songs kinda wore on me and I only had one day to record so I kinda half assed the endings to a few, but there's still like 6 songs on that mixtape I'd proudly stack up against anyones. There were a few incomplete songs that didn't get recorded so I started writing back in January for a new mixtape and finishing those incomplete songs. I took like a two month break from writing. I felt like I was out of ideas and felt stale with my writing. I started trying to write again and it just gets frustrating. I'll write a verse, then after rapping it a few times I'll come to not like it. It's like everything I've been writing doesn't feel good enough. I want this mixtape to be better than the last and I wanna keep improving but I feel like this time around it's a lot harder to improve and be creative with the limited resources I have. I don't know how to sample or edit or do anything but rhyme and the guy that masters my music is pretty basic and we just end up throwing a random affect on a chorus and going with it. I guess I can look at it positively in that I'm not settling for something mediocre and I'm going for something really solid but it's just frustrating to write out verses and keep re-writing them til I get them right, cause it seems like I'm never happy with it.

By the way, anyone know where I can find that one thread with loops and samples? I remember Conan posting in it, and a mod too. Maybe Freebase?? I can't remember who started it, the name of it, or which sub forum it's in but it had links to sites with a bunch of downloadable sounds, speeches, movie clips, etc.

Had 4 classes today, all boring. Nothing important in my studies for the rest of the week so I guess it's a positive. All I gotta do is show up and get my attendance grade. Tomorrow night at midnight, the girl I kinda had a crush on turns 21. I've been hanging around her a decent bit lately and finding her less attractive, party because of her hyper personality and I'm not sure why else. I'd still bang her though and hopefully will mess around with her tomorrow night or soon now that she's 21. She "is having a drink or two but not getting drunk tomorrow." I plan on getting bombed, I don't go out to have a drink, I go all out and get drunk and have a kickass time regardless. But I'm gonna go to the dollar store and get her a goofy bday gift of some sorts, that should give me some points towards hooking up with her.

Thom Yorke 04-06-2011 02:53 PM

I asked a girl out on the very last day of class today (I'd only started talking to her recently). Sort of awkward because who the hell does that when the exam period is just starting before going home for the summer, but oh well. She said yes. She lives fairly close if anything happens.

s_k 04-06-2011 03:43 PM

Woohoo! Way to go cowboy.
Hope you have a great time :)

noise 04-06-2011 03:54 PM

i dug one and a half large holes. tomorrow i get to dig some more. it was tiring because i was digging in clay.

now i'm going out to a stranger's house for wine and cheese.


Urban Hat€monger ? 04-06-2011 04:15 PM

How do you dig half a hole?

s_k 04-06-2011 05:05 PM

By planning to dig more. But it's only half when you know there's going to be more.
I did a LOT today.
Too much to write down here as I'm going to sleep.
Last thing I did was recording a cassette, just because you can (I have no reason to want to use them. Yes they sound fine and look great, but I don't need them, I just like them :D).
I'm on a mad recording spree :D

Buzzov*en 04-06-2011 07:14 PM

Went out to eat, bought new shoes, wrote a new riff, got lots of sleep, called out of work. Not in that order.

noise 04-06-2011 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 1032144)
How do you dig half a hole?

well i have a total of four holes i have to dig. i finished one, but not the second. i only dug half-way down, then it was time to go home and play video games.

bonesaw-orchestra 04-06-2011 08:53 PM

Today I found out that my math average is 88%.. yet I've no idea what I'm doing. Fun fun, I write my final next week and will then only have 5 classes left. Currently taking a break from studying for my Biology midterm tomorrow, before I begin reviewing for my English and Law midterms that I'm doing a day early as well. I am going to the city (200 km away) on Friday to get a heart holster monitor I have to wear for 24 hours.. not looking forward to that, considering my mom recently had 2 heart attacks in surgery.
I do have some wonderful news, though, my favourite musician, Sage Francis, just emailed me to say that my art piece he posted on facebook last Saturday is now sitting at nearly 69 000 views. I'm pretty ecstatic. He's a very humble and hospitable man, and now I wait patiently for the package he sent me.. I've never been more psyched for mail hahaha

Janszoon 04-06-2011 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by bonesaw-orchestra (Post 1032335)
I do have some wonderful news, though, my favourite musician, Sage Francis, just emailed me to say that my art piece he posted on facebook last Saturday is now sitting at nearly 69 000 views. I'm pretty ecstatic. He's a very humble and hospitable man, and now I wait patiently for the package he sent me.. I've never been more psyched for mail hahaha

Yeah, a friend of mine was friends with him back in college and has told me before that he's a really nice guy. That's really exciting that that your artowk has had so many views, it really is a great piece! :)

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