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Bloozcrooz 03-31-2011 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 1028159)
Oh, fucking Mothers Day!


crukster 03-31-2011 01:33 PM

Oh man what an awesome Birthday. I woke up early, I've got 2 big bags of weed that still have loads left, I had a joints this morning, got a 3ds, ate some CHEESE ON TOAST had another joint, set up my 3DS went out for a walk over the fields. And then it got interesting. The chick with the dalmation was there that I saw last time. But I went into stealth mode because my clock system had registered that the little kid and his grandad (who turned out to be a middle aged man and woman) were supposed to be passing, but they'd alternating their pace ah FGGDAMNDAGNBBN gfh then I watched her walking away. some milfs walked past and I thought they was checking me out, but then they did the "omygawd drugs!!! look so I thought they was gonna report me"so I got up and trekked over to the over field. I saw dalmation chick over the bridge across another field, I was gonna roll a joint under it the bridge but I thought

wtf man thats a bit trollish

so I kept walking and 2112 was playing. It was in tune to my discoveries. I understood what the meek shall inherit the Earth means now. Then I carried on up the field. Went on down to the river. I saw a scrap motorbike trashed in the river.

This was awesome what occured next

I threw a rock at it to see if the gas tank would ignite. I kept missing, so I went closer but I though "**** man if it does ingite i'll be dead" so I set back a certain distance. I started practising my aim and developing technique, I had the cross-hair cyborg eye going. This eventually evolved into what is now known as "Motorbike Skeeting"


Originally Posted by Official Rules of Motorbike Skeeting (written in my 3ds operations manual

Rules of Motorbike Skeet

Requirations -

1 decrepid scrap motorbike (ideally located in a river)

1 pool of projectiles (ideally rocks)

Aim: One must hit the motorbike with the projectiles

henceforth known as "skeeting"


One must stand at minimum 3 metres from the motorbike at times of throwing [extended to all times at discretion of Referee] Disqualification for breaking the distance limit.

(At the discretion of Referee, D.O.R., it may be 3 metres from the point intended hitshot on the bike. A hitshot is a shot declared beforehand by the skeeter, with the motorbike component clearly identified by name. If not it is treated as a regular shot. Regular shots are shots that are thrown without declaration, and gain normal level points for any hit to any part.



Points are deducted for a miss on a hit-shot at D.O.R. Points on hitshots are doubled.

Additional points added for additional distance at D.O.R.

The most experienced skeeter is always the referree. If this is in dispute, the referee is the one who made claim and started the game. If there is a dispute over this or any other rule, it can be settled by an additional game of skeeterball, effective immediatly.

Hitting sucessive sides in one throw and ding combos yields additional points, at D.O.R and how cool he thinks the combo is


300 handelbar

100 tyre hoop

1000 gas tank face

500 gas tank side

200 seat

250 under seat

10 points body

15 points wheel (30 points for wheel bounce)

Hits are made in a turn based manner between all skeeters. Places are called in the first round. These places continue for the duration of the game.

The winner is the skeeter with most points when the game ends, determined by either the explosion of the motorbike or everyone getting bored

Alternatively, 10 consecutive turn hits to the face of the gas tank automatically makes that skeeter the winner.

At D.O.R a hit to the side of the gas tank can continue the chain but for 1 consecutve turn only.

Explosion of gas tank = Undisputed World Champion

Dirty 03-31-2011 04:22 PM

Today could be the best day in a long time for myself. I don't wanna get my hopes up too high, but it's too late for that cause I'm ecstatic.

I am looking for summer housing (I am taking summer courses in college) and also housing for next Fall and Spring semesters. I visited a place today that is exactly what I am looking for. $700 per person for the entire summer which is cheap as hell. $2,800 per person for each semester, which is cheaper than most properties I found. It's a 2 person apartment with 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, and living room. It's above a hair and nails salon and literally right beside my favorite bar. Plus there's a 3rd floor which has been used as storage but could make for a lounge or something and also a large back porch that hangs out over the salon. Basically this place rules and has everything I have been looking for the past few weeks. Cheap, own bedroom, close to campus, close to bars, and a porch. I'm making my deposit Saturday afternoon. I emailed him telling him I was 100% on renting and if someone puts in a deposit tomorrow before I get a chance to, I WILL KILL THEM AND THEIR FAMILY.

Dayvan Cowboy 03-31-2011 06:50 PM

well, tonight was the night of the much video dance. I usually don't go to them but I knew the VJ and he promised that he'd play some Deadmau5 for me. All of my friends ditched me and I was stuck in the back with an elaborate glowstick laden outfit. Some guy who I'm not interested in named Brystin started hitting on me, and I feel bad because he was really nice.

Another thing thing that hit me was the fact that I could never be like those happy dancing couples that were there. The decent looking guys avoid me like the plague and it's just another reminder that I'm probably going to be the mysterious loner for a long time.

On a higher note, this cute guy said he'd date me if I wasn't a hacker because he was afraid that if he upset me, I'd do something to his network. It turns out that the school now knows that I managed to get into the network via laptop but they're letting me go because I didn't do any damage. I got a ton of hacker cred, though. And it's unfortunately evident that hacker cred intimidates people.

Also, I got bored in class since there were only substitutes in today:
if you're wondering why my shoes are so small that's because I wear size 3 kids. Being this small is a curse.

s_k 03-31-2011 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy (Post 1028368)
On a higher note, this cute guy said he'd date me if I wasn't a hacker because he was afraid that if he upset me, I'd do something to his network.

Without trying to make you feel bad I'd like to say that you're going to laugh about this posting in a couple of years.

I called you Jailbait yesterday, remember? :D.
Don't worry Cowboy, you'll be fine some day. It takes some time and you won't be able to see how young you are now until you get older :D.

Freebase Dali 03-31-2011 07:58 PM

It was mother's day??? Fuck!!! Wait.. Don't say yes when it's April 1.. that's like the only significant date I remember besides my birthday. So I will know you're lying.

s_k 03-31-2011 08:01 PM

Did some googling, apparently mother's day is not at the same time everywhere :)

Howard the Duck 03-31-2011 10:00 PM

Jacky Chan R.I.P.

Happy April Fool's Day.

Dirty 03-31-2011 10:28 PM

Jackie Chan rules.

Well I got an email back from the landlord saying that he isn't showing the property again until Wednesday so as long as I get him my security deposit by then, I will have the place for summer and next fall and spring. I am so happy right now goddamnit, probably the most excited I've been in years. An apartment. Cheap. Porch. BESIDE A BAR. YES.

djchameleon 04-01-2011 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1028508)
Jackie Chan rules.

Well I got an email back from the landlord saying that he isn't showing the property again until Wednesday so as long as I get him my security deposit by then, I will have the place for summer and next fall and spring. I am so happy right now goddamnit, probably the most excited I've been in years. An apartment. Cheap. Porch. BESIDE A BAR. YES.

I fucking hate you so much right now, words CANNOT express it.


Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy (Post 1028368)
if you're wondering why my shoes are so small that's because I wear size 3 kids. Being this small is a curse.

Being small is NOT a curse. Embrace your smallness and take advantage of the things that you can get away with that others can't. Look at the positives not the potential negatives. D'uh.

plus I hate your shoes and they are ugly. that is all.

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