Mama Booze |
04-18-2006 03:59 PM |
Hey everyone, THE EXOTIC BOOZE IS BACK! ...after three days...
Anyway. Easter was good! Went around to family. Dad was pissy, but then again when is the man not?! HA! He needs midol for men or something [hhaaa, joke...].
But then anyway I stayed with dads parents for two days, saw movie, went shopping with his mam [I'm calling them his parents because when I talk about the other set I saw "gram" or "gramp" and this is just to differentiate...]. Then his mom had an office party today so I went to that, twas fun! People thought I was a new worker haha. Loverly<3.
NOW ME IS HOME! And back on the true love of my life, Lola. My computer.
EDIT: I also got fixed up with a 15 year old...The brother of one of my gram's younger friends. Haha should be interesting. He's local [well, obviously]...and I'm on myspace with him as I type so it should be QUITE friggin' in'ristin'.
EDIT II: Well now it's the next morning and I'm at my uncle's house...he and his wife are in Vegas so me and my mam are watching his kids...the one sleeps naked...with the door open...:/
Anyway, I'll just be on his computer all day slamming diet cokes.
EDIT III: I now keep getting porn pop-ups....leads me to believe someones up to something in this house haha...