MoonlitSunshine |
11-20-2010 06:22 AM |
Right, so I think this needs some backstory, as it just occurred to me that it is actually pertinent.
Yesterday, the Maths Dept in my College (/Uni, depending on where you're from) held a reception for the Freshers in Maths and Theoretical Physics in the Maths Society room. As there were three of us in the room before it started, we helped them set up the ridiculous spread of food and wine, and as a result got to stay and eat it when the freshers and the lecturers (eventually) arrived. As it happened, only like, 5 of the freshers turned up, so we got quite a lot of food :P During the reception, I had two conversations which obviously were stuck in my head for some reason.
One was with a guy in 3rd year who it turned out had met my sister in the Netherlands that summer (bit of a wtf that one, still have no idea how it happened), and she had told him that I was studying in the same college as him, and while we had talked a number of times before then, he had only just made the connection.
The other one was about how bleeding to death is not as uncommon a way to die as people might think, especially when murder is involved, seeing as one if much more likely to have a major blood path damaged when stabbed or shot then a critical organ hit.
I had a very odd dream last night (not that this is an uncommon occurrence).
I was a bodyguard for a man of dubious profession in what looked like a town from a wild west film. The man had one other bodyguard, who was the guy who had met my sister, and we were both dressed in suits (damned if I know why), one which I distinctly remember putting on in a dream I had had earlier on in the night, and also carrying guns, cause you know, bodyguards. Turns out the guy we're protecting is a bit of a slimy prat, but he's clever and he practically owns the town we're in. We walk into a bar, and for some reason one of the (few :P) girls in my maths class is sitting at a table in there. So I go over and start talking to her, at which point we all notice that there are a lot of people outside running towards some disturbance we can't see. The guy and the other bodyguard get up, tell me to stay there, and go and see what it is.
So I'm talking to this girl (and someone else I think). She's talking about how she pronounces the word "Mars" oddly (yeah, I try not to dwell on what actually goes on in my head), when suddenly I start feeling a sense of Déja Vu. I've seen this place before, but it was broken up, trashed after a fight... At this moment, I notice a very angry, thuggish looking brute walking very purposefully towards the bar, with a gun in his hand. I check my gun, and realise that it's not loaded. The man reaches the bar, kicks in a window, and starts firing at me. Screaming ensues, and I leapt for cover in the corner or the room. At which point the doublecrossing bartender takes out a shotgun and starts unloading at me (What a ****! Someone else trashes up his bar, and he shoots at me) While he's keeping me pinned, the first guy has come up behind me and shoots me in the shoulder through the window. I fall to the floor, figuring he won't stop till I'm dead, and lie still. In the corner of my mind, I hear someone say "I've seen people die from bleeding out of a wound like that", and then I woke up.
I'm a little bit pissed that I didn't get to find out what happened next :/