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Old 09-18-2010, 09:16 AM   #13371 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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^my top four includes facebook, two forums and last fm ha.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 09-18-2010, 09:19 AM   #13372 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post
I watch a ridiculous amount of films, though I go through phases. I haven't downloaded any new music in about a week because I'm in a film phase. I've recently got out of a mad music phase. But when I'm in the mood for films, I need Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic etc. or else I'd watch too much bad stuff, they help me sort what I watch out for the most part.

Haha, Echo & The Bunnymen I've just never been able to get into. Same with Massive Attack really. Maybe one day I'll get into E&TB but I don't think I'll get into Massive Attack. Just one o' dem fingz.
I'd have woke up late to avoid that skanky cow as well, you did right. No regrets. You've seen Jedward? How isn't that one of the best gigs you've ever been to? They seem like a tremendous live act!
I'm not fussed about the atmosphere really, it's something that doesn't appeal to me like it does to others.

Some of my favourite films I've only seen once or twice. I've only seen Taxi Driver once. I've only seen The Shining once.
I don't think you need to watch a film loads, some films don't need to be watched loads. What's the point in watching a film like The Usual Suspects more than once?
Pulp Fiction and American Beauty are the 2 films I consider favourites I've watched the most. (About 5 times each.)
I think I'm gonna watch Pans tonight.
I luv u.

I used to be way into films. I'm a **** 'cause I have a huge telly in my room but NEVER USE IT EVER. I HATE MYSELF. I'm gonna watch some films tonight when I get home from work, not sure what but SOMETHING because I JUST WANT TO. Maybe Ghost World <333333.

HA, I used to be on Rotten Tomatoes all the time when I was a mad film buff. I'd attend the cinema 3-5 nights a week, can't even believe it. I love the cinema though.. it's awesome but I don't think I could get into that habit again. Leave Amy alone I love her, used to properly fancy her as well. I even found her house once when I went to Camden Crawl, I was bladdered and remembered seeing her road name on a youtube video once. Went and found it at like 4am but later found out she'd moved out to a different house, gutted. And no, I know/hope that's sarcasm but Jedward were horrific. I've had to go and watch SO many horrendous bands cos my friends have liked them (the two exceptions being Prince and AC/DC, who I don't listen to but were equally amazing live).

You'll probably despair at this but I have never watched The Shining. I have genuinely been meaning to for about 6/7 years but for some reason I just ain't got round to it. You should've come to Belle and Seb with me btw. Sold out now though I think. You should defs watch Pans tonight and report back. I'm gonna end up having a nap when I get in and then I'll end up being awake the whole night, I sometimes prefer that though.

Maan, I can't wait for work to finish. I'm listening to Gigantic, eating Milka and drinking hot chocolate though, shit's good.

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Old 09-18-2010, 09:20 AM   #13373 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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American beauty is class. If I'm struggling to choose a dvd/don't know what mood of film im in, american beauty never fails me. I love it.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 09-18-2010, 09:27 AM   #13374 (permalink)
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Ly 2_x.

American Beauty is just... divine. I love it so much. How big's your TV? I have a 32" Samsung, but I'm cheap so I download and watch them on my laptop. I wish I had an absolutely maffis TV but meh, 32" does the job.
I need a wireless network adaptor for my Xbox, then I can download an update so I can put films on my USB stick and watch them on my Xbox.
I just can't be arsed parting with the £40 to get an adaptor. I'm like a scouser.

I envy you. I can't get people together that often to go to the cinema. Plus I'll only go if I'm sure it's gonna be a cinematic experience - Inception for example. I'm gonna go and watch Danny Boyle's new film as well as Aronofsky's Black Swan.
Gonna be aussum.

Out of all the people you could stalk, you choose her.

I used to love AC/DC!
Then I grew up...
A friend of mine, we used to be into the same bands
AC/DC, Queen, Oasis, Led Zeppelin etc.
He's still into them, but I grew out of them.
I call them dull, and he really doesn't get it.
I want to feed him so more entertaining bands/albums.

Fo' shame! The Shining is just brilliant. Probably my favourite horror film.
I should have come to B&S
I should have gone to so many gigs.
I'm useless Anton </3

Work? It's Saturday?!?!?!

I'ma ring my Mum and tell her to get some Milka if she can, 'cause she's in the supermarket. Milka > Dairy Milk.
I don't feel and I feel great.

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Old 09-18-2010, 09:49 AM   #13375 (permalink)
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The first time I watched American Beauty I was 11 years old and it blew my mind even then. Looking back I wouldn't have thought I was quite mature enough to enjoy it but I really really did. It's absolutely astounding, I remember the part where Angela shouts "CUNT!" to those girls and I was so shocked by it and was like "OMG BEZT MOVEY EVA DIS WORD IS SO BAD N OFFENSIVE!!". Oh man I just love it so so so much. Definitely holds a special place in my heart. Mine's 40" but my room isn't very big, so it looks about 90" (probably not). I have never liked AC/DC at any point in my life but my friend is a huge fan so I had to go with him last year to one of their MEN shows.. they were good but the only song I like is Thunderstruck.

I like forcing music upon people. Unfortunately most of my friends at home would probably projectile vomit at the sound of J Mascis' glorious shredding, they'd much rather listen to The Script, Courteeners, KOL etc. etc.. that old chestnut. I was gonna ask if you wanted to come to B&S actually cos I know you love them but I felt quite odd, so I didn't. And yes, you are fairly useless. If one of my friends drops out (definitely won't happen) then you will come. And yeah work :'( however I'm on £18 an hour before any commisions because it's double time <3 life.

Also, one day I'd like to achieve having a conversation with you where you don't insult my heritage. Cheers x

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Old 09-18-2010, 10:08 AM   #13376 (permalink)
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Your favourite film when you were 11 was American Beauty? FML. My favourite film for years was the Titanic. No idea why, maybe because they got it on in that car. I was like ZOMGGGG I SAW A B00B!!!!111¬11! THIS IS HAWT.
Bit o' Kate Winslet.
I wish my favourite film was American Beauty when I was 11.

40" mmm.
Watch more films!
There's nothing like buying a really great film on DVD and then sitting down to watch it, but I haven't done that in so long. I only buy DVDs if I've already seen the film and I like it a lot.

AC/DC = Dad Rock.
But I bet they'd be entertaining live, bit o' fun Rawk N Roll.

The Script are embarrassingly bad, I used to love The Courteeners though.
They're continuing what Oasis started!!!!1
Lol, no. Shut up Michael.
I used to adore KOL, before they went ghey.
WTF is their new video about? And the song for that matter.

You felt odd? Why?
I probably would have said yes, none of my friends have even heard of Belle & Sebastian.
One of my friends had actually never heard of The Pixies.
That was one step too far for me.
I really should disown them all.
Some of them even love The Cribs. Eww.
The Crabs > The Cribs.

Your taste in music <3 - except for Winehouse.

One of these days it will happen Anton, one of these days...
I don't feel and I feel great.

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Old 09-18-2010, 10:28 AM   #13377 (permalink)
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Yeah, well it was American Beauty/Se7en/Jurassic Park/The Bone Collector, blat3z a cool kid. I ****ing hate Titanic, sorry.

I love it when it's raining out and my room is toasty, coming home and throwing a film on and just getting in bed with a brew <3 it's raining right now so I'm totes gonna do that when I get in, you have insipired me, Michael. In truth I used to like The Courteeners, I do think their debut has a few alright tunes on it. I still whack Not Nineteen Forever on just for the organ bit at the beginning of the song haha. But The Script are baaad, I've been to see both of those bands </3 my life is horrendous. In truth, I still dig KOL. I genuienly don't think OBTN was a bad album, just got very bad followers cos of SOF and I'd rather cut my dick off and beat myself senseless with it than go to one of their own shows now. I hate myself for all of those abbreviations I just used.

I felt a bit odd 'cause a lot of people don't take well with meeting people IRL from da interwebz. I'm fine with it, just didn't want to ask you and for you to be completely anti-meeting people. I will know now for when Pixies play over here though . To be fair, I can associate with friends not knowing bands. I just gave up talking about bands I'm into in the end as it was just tiring/insulting having to explain who they were and stuff. The Cribs D: I went to an NME tour they played as well haha, I should probably just kill myself.

p.s. what's your I've always wanted to see it, but you don't have any links in your profile or sig.

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Old 09-18-2010, 10:46 AM   #13378 (permalink)
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The lad opposite me is sat with his trainers off and his feet on the desk and they smell ridiculously bad he must've been wearing his socks for a few days. I feel awkward telling him to put them away though.

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Old 09-18-2010, 10:57 AM   #13379 (permalink)
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Jurassic Park was kind of a favourite, but I didn't watch it obsessively. But everyone knows Dinosaurs are SO cool. Rawr.
Se7en is a bit... violent for a child. Your parents -shakes head- *insert joke about Scouse heritage here*

Winter > Summer. Amirite?
There's nothing like coming home, waiting for it to go dark and sticking on a film.
With a hot water bottle and a take away.

Ooo, you kept that quiet. Ex-Courteeners fan
I loved their debut at the time, but they are quite a bad band.
I have their tshirt though
I only wear it for lounging around the house in.
Do not defend KOL, their album was horrible.
And their fans are horrible.
And the band are horrible, as well as arrogant cunts.
Their new album seems like it's going to be an epic failure.
I wish they'd fuck off the face of the planet.

I've met a few people over the interwebz in my time, a handful of people. One of which, I consider one of my best friends. It just proves e-weirdos > people you went to school with. I remember meeting somebody once over the internet, and we were both comfortable with how we met, but we assumed we'd get judged. So when one of their friends was like "So, how do you know each other"
We hatched an elaborate lie.
In the end they were just like Oh. Okay!
I think it's a little bit weird, but really funny.

You should kill yourself? Yeeeeeah. I think it's for the best.
What the fuck is Johnny Marr doing with that shower of shite? Honestly Johnny, sort it.

How do you get away with Music Bantering in work?
I can do it when nobody else is in the office, but that's only every now and again.
You won't say anything will you? You'll just silently judge him from a distance.
Tis the British way.
I don't feel and I feel great.

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Old 09-18-2010, 01:22 PM   #13380 (permalink)
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**** yeah, dinosaurs are cool. Especially this lot

And nah, did they shite know I'd watched Se7en! I went in the video cupboard and took it whilst my stepdad was working and my mum was asleep. I would've got throttled had they found out.

WINTER > SUMMER. YAS. r u me? I love winter so much, I ****ing detest the summer!! Glasto this year, the weather was 30 degrees one day D: I just wanted to pack up and go home cos it was so hot, so horrible. I want a take away so much now but my mum's made scouse and I don't have a single penny on me until Thursday cos it's payday then <3.

Hey, anyone who is/was a Courteeners fan should keep it quiet. If you go round flaunting it you're an even bigger cunt than you are just for liking them. I don't have the shirt though thankfully, I never ever thought it was cool even when I was into them. CAN U PLAY GUITAR? CAN U FUK. ughhhhhhhhhhh. "Do you know who I am? I'm like a Morrissey with some strings".. omg. I'm not even a huge Smiths fan but those lyrics offend me to the point where I just want to stove Liam Fray's head in. And nah, OBTN on the most part was pretty crap but there were a few good tunes. Manhattan is really good, and I really liked Revelry. But yeah, I saw them at the GMEX with a good crowd and it was 20 quid! Now they're charging triple the price and the crowd would be horrific. I don't think I'd even go if I was offered a free ticket to be honest.

In respect to the internet thing, pretty much all of my friends I met on the internet. I see them all the time now so it's just like they're my friends who also happen to post on an internet forum, if that makes sense? I don't really see any of my friends from before that forum any more, we had a massive fall out over loads of things. One of my friends still owes me like 1200 quid actually haha. I'm too soft to get it back though.

And.. I dunno? The site's not blocked or anything so I just go on it. My manager's not really that bothered as long as I'm still doing my job and not slacking to go on the internet.

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