09-07-2010 08:52 PM |
found my school report haaa!
for art from mrs bernstein & mcmahon: Working Very Hard for Design & Working Hard for Expressive.
Kayleigh is working very well in design, she is passionate about her work, putting in alot of time and effort. Kayleigh needs to organise herself a little better by setting herself targets to work to. Kayleigh needs to put more time + effort into both areas of written work by planning + researching designers + artists + movements on depth.
Kayleigh is producing some work of a high standard in the expressive side of the subject However at time, especially earlier in the term, she can be far too chatty. I think that Kayleigh should try to focus fully on her work at all times in order to fulfil her potential.
English report:
For english from Mrs Lyon: Not Working.
Kayleigh is wasting her time in English as she is not taking her work seriously. She has to be reprimanded for talking constantly, when she is supposed to be working, and she rarely hands in homework/essays.
As you could all tell... English was my strong point.
I done this 'cause I'm bored at 4am.