08-09-2010 12:44 PM |
Originally Posted by kayleigh.
(Post 915368)
Home sweet home. not. I have a sore neck from sleeping on an airplane, I have cough that ****ing kills I think I caught swine flu :laughing: I have a £340 phone bill and I have no money to pay it. Yusssss. 8-) Seriously, **** my life. Take me back to Marmaris.
Originally Posted by kayleigh.
(Post 915801)
My holiday rep was a Scouser. I fell in love with him because of his accent alone.
Hopefully true love will be like a balm on your travel wounds, kayleigh! (I hope you don't have the flu, really).
Originally Posted by crash_override
(Post 915976)
I've heard some good things as well, it's just going to be a big change.
I looked up Bahrain, Crash, and it looks like a fascinating country. I also looked up women's rights there. ;) They actually are improving, though not many women are in politics, and 60% of the women voted *against* letting women have the vote!!! I think Freebase is probably right that it will be a fantastic, life-changing kind of place to live for a year.
Look at this cool picture!!!
And you may see many more people who dress like this, although I *think* Bahrain is pretty lenient on clothing styles so that people can choose to wear pretty much what they want: