Originally Posted by NumberNineDream
(Post 832678)
A very weird memory from my drunken weekend, but before that, I shall go back to the previous drunken weekend.
My cousin, my brother and I, were making this "what gender is you brain? test" or something like that. After my brother and cousin did it, it was my turn. There was this question, "which do you prefer more, males or females?", so I though, "What the hell, let's go with females", so the next test was about comparing between females instead of males. Now, the 2 others, assumed I'll go with "male" so they rushed on the computer to see how the male pix look like, and I was like "oh, umm... yeah". *awkward*
Anyway, the last weekend, after getting a lot more drunk, I was with my even drunker brother in the kitchen, and this weird conversation started:
Bro: So you're bi?
Me: I guess so.
Bro: But which of the two, do you think you prefer?
Me: Umm... I think females.
Bro: Ouh yeah! high five!!
*high five'ment*
I think I named "bold Nathalie Porteman" as an example, but I can't recall exactly.
So it seems like I'm openly bi-sexual when I'm drunk, who would've thought.