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franscar 07-07-2005 08:36 AM

London people
Hope that nobody who posts on the board has been affected by the blasts in London today, and that you and your families are all safe.

Sneer 07-07-2005 08:57 AM

thankfully we werent involved directly with it. but i feel so sympathetic for people that were. these bastards have no respect for humanity- the cowardly act of detonating bombs simultaneously during the rush hour proves that. but the english and indeed all decent human beings are stronger then them. london is a fantastic city and we wont let some moronic terrorists get the better of us. london will put on a fantastic olympic games in 7 years and stand tall. *puffs out chest and waves cross of st. George aloft*

dog 07-07-2005 09:00 AM

all the channels here (australia) are news reports on whats happening, really awful what happened

ArtistInTheAmbulance 07-07-2005 09:02 AM

But to be expected really... Still, thats not justifying it in any way. Yeah, my thoughts are with whoever was affected by it all.

Sneer 07-07-2005 09:07 AM

40+ people dead so far- if and when the perpetrators are caught a death penalty deserves to be reinstated here . but its been coming for a while. london was always the second big target after new york because of our allegiance with the USA. i find it ridiculous that some people are accusing the french. a country we have political ties with and a western super power would not be responsible for this..even regarding the fact the english and french hate eachother, its just not feesible. takes a lot more then this to bring down london.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 07-07-2005 09:08 AM

People are accusing the french now?! Sweet Jesus, its any chance they can get...

Sneer 07-07-2005 09:12 AM

yep, frenchman jealous of our olympic success is the new theory. and to make it more acceptable there adding the fact of them being french-muslim. next it'll be president bushes cronies being responsible because blair slept with his wife. i dont care whos to blame- all i care about is the london people and that whoever done it gets what they deserve.

Krosstika 07-07-2005 09:27 AM

Yeah...about 6 explosions in the likes of Aldgate st,Liverpool st,Kings Cross and i cant quite remember the rest but the death toll is continuing to rise......

Words cant explain my unforsaken Hatred towards the low life zit ridden outcast scum that was responsible for this!...and i mean that, bring back 'public exicution'!!!

all the innocent lives they've now taken, for there poxy jihad!?
Im sitting here safley in Ipswich,Suffolk at the moment,but it still hit's where it hurts...almost all of london is cut off!
...But hey we've been through the likes of bombings during the Blitz....and i dont think the likes of a mere worthless terrorist can break british moral

Sneer 07-07-2005 09:35 AM

exactly, though they've discovered bombs in sutton (less than a mile from me), wallington (1 1/2 from me) and brighton. so i feel a tad insecure.

Krosstika 07-07-2005 09:39 AM

SH!T....really...thats bad!

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