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Black Francis 08-17-2014 11:38 AM

Matt seriously just say you're 13 so we can all go:

"ohhhhhhh, i get it now~"


I luvs u 2. :o:

MattMVS7 08-17-2014 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1479759)
Matt, you strike me as a kid who's probably watched too many animes. You know nothing of life, and it shows. You should go and live life for a while and then you can review your thoughts when you've actually got some life experience and see if it still makes sense. If they don't, there may be hope for you, and if you still feel the same, well .. then I think you're special only in a negative sense.

If you watch anime, you would know that there are characters (villans). For example, there is a character named 'Vegeta' in the anime Dragonball Z. I am deeply inspired by this character because of his sense of pride and power. To the hell with life itself and what it is. I have learned something very great and awesome from this character and I have embraced that and used that as my attitude in life. I would say this character is very mature (not some spoiled immature brat) and he has the attitude of a ruler and such. Therefore, since I have embraced his attitude, that then makes me the same as him. So, to me, being proud and arrogant is something very awesome and is not what you are thinking of it. So your opinion here that I am just some immature spoiled brat and such is not true at all.


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1479760)
Humility for exsample is not letting your ego accept praise for something you did because you felt the need to do. Not telling yourelf you are un worthy of praise.
Again you are confusing ****ty self esteem with humility.

And being knocked down by depression is not the same thing as say your house burning down and you needing to accept help from others when you have always been self reliant.

When you have become so full of pride, (dont confuse that with positive self esteem bc you seem to mix these things up) and arrogance and you get to a place where you realize you are not evetything your ego has lead you to belive THAT is humility.

There is medication for depression, there is not a pill you can take for arrogance, selfishness and pride.

You really just come across like the main characters in Alred Hitchcock' s rope.
I have actually stunned by the arrogance in your statements.

How old are you?

Even if I were to be in a situation where I had to get help from others and even if I were to find out for a fact that, for example, if I were to think that I am the next best composer and found out that I wasn't, that would not change my sense of pride (the inspiration that I have received from anime and the character Vegeta).

Also, I am 25 years old and even if I were 90 years old, I would still have the exact same attitude I have now. Age has nothing to do with who you are as a person--it is yourself that changes who you are or you giving into other people's opinions and allowing that to change who you are. For example, someone who says "Grow up and act your age," if this person were then to do so according to this other person's opinion, it would of either been because he/she personally wanted to, or that he/she has allowed that person's opinion to dictate who he/she should be.

John Wilkes Booth 08-17-2014 11:52 AM

willing to bet at this point that OP is either insane or trolling.

Black Francis 08-17-2014 11:59 AM

Im glad you mentioned Vegeta from Dbz, i luv that guy but it seems you misunderstood his character.

Vegeta pride and arrogance were his downfall, if you watched the Maijin saga where he betrays his own family and friends he doesn't become stronger, he becomes a puppet of his past saiyan arrogance making him weaker not actually stronger that's why at that point of the series Vegeta became a proud fool and a sad story.

eventually he becomes good again and from then on to GT he becomes a good guy.
i mean if you're gonna call him your role model at least analyse his growth as a character cause he himself realised in the series his arrogance and pride were his downfall.

RoxyRollah 08-17-2014 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by MattMVS7 (Post 1479769)
If you watch anime, you would know that there are characters (villans). For example, there is a character named 'Vegeta' in the anime Dragonball Z. I am deeply inspired by this character because of his sense of pride and power. To the hell with life itself and what it is. I have learned something very great and awesome from this character and I have embraced that and used that as my attitude in life. I would say this character is very mature (not some spoiled immature brat) and he has the attitude of a ruler and such. Therefore, since I have embraced his attitude, that then makes me the same as him. So, to me, being proud and arrogant is something very awesome and is not what you are thinking of it. So your opinion here that I am just some immature spoiled brat and such is not true at all.

Even if I were to be in a situation where I had to get help from others and even if I were to find out for a fact that, for example, if I were to think that I am the next best composer and found out that I wasn't, that would not change my sense of pride (the inspiration that I have received from anime and the character Vegeta).

Also, I am 25 years old and even if I were 90 years old, I would still have the exact same attitude I have now. Age has nothing to do with who you are as a person--it is yourself that changes who you are or you giving into other people's opinions and allowing that to change who you are. For example, someone who says "Grow up and act your age," if this person were then to do so according to this other person's opinion, it would of either been because he/she personally wanted to, or that he/she has allowed that person's opinion to dictate who he/she should be.

How have you made it through life with such an egomaniacal outlook? You have a really limited, out look on life, and the human condition. You must live in Nebraska that's it please say that's it. You can't really believe your own bull****.

The Batlord 08-17-2014 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1479759)
Matt, you strike me as a kid who's probably watched too many animes. You know nothing of life, and it shows. You should go and live life for a while and then you can review your thoughts when you've actually got some life experience and see if it still makes sense. If they don't, there may be hope for you, and if you still feel the same, well .. then I think you're special only in a negative sense.

Totally true. You can definitely come to some well thought out conclusions about life in general merely by observation and a little bit of thinking, but without the experience to test out your theories they are unreliable. Not to mention the subtle little details and tidbits of knowledge about life, human relationships, yourself, etc that can only be picked up through life experience that you need to come to any real, paradigm-shifting revelations. I've had plenty of time to sit back and watch, and I think the objectivity gained through detachment has given me a perspective that is in some ways more honest than if I was really in the thick of life. I don't have as much of a dog in the fight as many people, so I am not as emotionally invested in a particular point of view (innate arrogance and narcissism aside), but my world view never matures half as quickly as when I'm actually immersed in everyday life.

DwnWthVwls 08-17-2014 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1479775)
Im glad you mentioned Vegeta from Dbz, i luv that guy but it seems you misunderstood his character.

Vegeta pride and arrogance were his downfall, if you watched the Maijin saga where he betrays his own family and friends he doesn't become stronger, he becomes a puppet of his past saiyan arrogance making him weaker not actually stronger that's why at that point of the series Vegeta became a proud fool and a sad story.

eventually he becomes good again and from then on to GT he becomes a good guy.
i mean if you're gonna call him your role model at least analyse his growth as a character cause he himself realised in the series his arrogance and pride were his downfall.

Touche. No many things top beating someone with their own argument. +1 for anime geeks.

HellCell 08-17-2014 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 1479764)
I've been on internet forums for a very long time and this might just be the dumbest thread I've ever seen in my entire life. And for that, I congratulate you, MattMVS7.

Eh, I reckon I've seen worse. What do you think of spam threads then eh?

djchameleon 08-17-2014 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1479773)
willing to bet at this point that OP is either insane or trolling.

It took you to til this point to see the trolling?

Isbjørn 08-17-2014 03:05 PM

@OP: I'll just say what people have probably already said, but with a personal twist: People aren't necessarily narcissists with perception issues just because they don't agree with you, that's ridiculous. Some people just genuinely believe in a higher spirit, be it God, Allah, Brahman, Cthulhu or Korrok. Who knows whether they're right or not, but as long as they're not pushy or acting dangerously because of it, we should just let them believe what they want. They also might find relief in thinking that life isn't completely meaningless, or that stuff doesn't just stop after death. I'm among them, as I believe in reincarnation, though not influenced by karma (this does not mean I'm not afraid of death, I really am). Just try respecting people's beliefs and know that they're just as entitled to their opinions as you are.

Guybrush 08-17-2014 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by MattMVS7 (Post 1479769)
If you watch anime, you would know that there are characters (villans). For example, there is a character named 'Vegeta' in the anime Dragonball Z. I am deeply inspired by this character because of his sense of pride and power. To the hell with life itself and what it is. I have learned something very great and awesome from this character and I have embraced that and used that as my attitude in life. I would say this character is very mature (not some spoiled immature brat) and he has the attitude of a ruler and such. Therefore, since I have embraced his attitude, that then makes me the same as him. So, to me, being proud and arrogant is something very awesome and is not what you are thinking of it. So your opinion here that I am just some immature spoiled brat and such is not true at all.

Even if I were to be in a situation where I had to get help from others and even if I were to find out for a fact that, for example, if I were to think that I am the next best composer and found out that I wasn't, that would not change my sense of pride (the inspiration that I have received from anime and the character Vegeta).

Also, I am 25 years old and even if I were 90 years old, I would still have the exact same attitude I have now. Age has nothing to do with who you are as a person--it is yourself that changes who you are or you giving into other people's opinions and allowing that to change who you are. For example, someone who says "Grow up and act your age," if this person were then to do so according to this other person's opinion, it would of either been because he/she personally wanted to, or that he/she has allowed that person's opinion to dictate who he/she should be.

This is the funniest post I've read all day :p: Thanks for confirming my hypothesis, Matt.

Stay awesome!

Isbjørn 08-17-2014 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1479847)
This is the funniest post I've read all day :p: Thanks for confirming my hypothesis, Matt.

Stay awesome!

Holy crap, your post count. It's kewl.

John Wilkes Booth 08-17-2014 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1479847)
This is the funniest post I've read all day :p: Thanks for confirming my hypothesis, Matt.

Stay awesome!

you really did call it. how did you know he was obsessed with anime?

MattMVS7 08-17-2014 04:16 PM

Now I am going to present another argument here supporting my idea that people who have severe depression and such are better off with the delusional belief in heaven.

Now here's a main reason why I feel people are better off with the delusional belief of there being a God and an afterlife (including me) because there is the ultimate mockery of all of you as a human being which is that, in the future, they might find a way to become immortal and eliminate many types of suffering (diseases and such). Everyone in the future might live a nice life of immortality while you and everyone else are "unfortunate" in that you will not only live lives of suffering and possible disease, but will die and remain dead in the end after all that suffering and no special reward for that suffering in the end. All of it was for nothing in the end. One might have the attitude of "At least I did my best in life" or that "At least I've helped others suffering," but even that will be all for nothing in the end because when you are dead, the fact that you made the best of your life would no longer matter and also that anyone you've inspired or helped in life--they will just die in the end as well. No, it doesn't matter how much of a person you are and what your desires are in life, this pathetic universe considers you "unfortunate" and, for that very reason, you are going to suffer and die and remain dead. Therefore, this is one of the main reason why I consider this life a pathetic joke and an utter mockery to us as human beings. This is why I wish I instead wasn't an atheist and believed there was a God and an afterlife of immortality and eternal joy and feel that people are better off with this delusional belief. The only thing they are not better off with would just be the morals of religion--those are something I am against.

Here is a quote from someone who argued against my idea, but I have argued against this as well:


Originally Posted by Baruch' pid='627643' dateline='1408306825
Sounds to me like you need psychiatric help, but that's only my judgment working within the medical field which you will obviously ignore.

On a daily basis I help people reduce their suffering, that's one reason I enjoy medicine. The fact we all die in the end is irrelevant, at least we can make the journey more meaningful & at least help reduce some suffering in a practical way - in this life, in what we have evidence for - our living experience.
The key point is that meaning occurs in the moment and can be transient, within the actual life journey - not something that has to be eternal or at the end.
Consider the birth of a new born baby - for mum & dad that moment is meaningful, special and memorable but it is a transient moment which will pass. Its not like you have to wait for an afterlife to THEN find the meaning - that just misses the journey ! That is living blind ! That is being asleep.

Firstly death is what gives meaning to life - without death, just carrying on forever is utterly pointless and becomes meaningless. So I know an afterlife just distracts and postpones people's empowerment in this life which is all we have evidence for.
Why waste this life on a fantasy about the next ???
In any case - if you live a happy, meaningful & constructive life in this world, I'm sure you will be rewarded appropriately if there was an after life - however why waste time on imaginary rewards ?
Why postpone finding meaning in the journey & wait for the journey to end ?

When I say death gives meaning to life - I don't mean that I would necessarily want to die at say 70 or 100.
Perhaps extending life to 200 or 500 in good health may be greatly rewarding and a useful research project. Who knows, maybe life extension to 1000 years may be a great experience if one finds useful meaningful projects along the way.....
However living forever ? Even living for 1,000,000 years - ??? sounds incoherent for a variety of reasons and you will never reach any final goals - they just go on forever. Sounds like torture.
Eventually after 10,000 years you will be trying to create a death potion to reverse living forever once life becomes so meaningless going on and on and on and on and on....
A train journey can be a meaningful JOURNEY along the way, interesting interactions, relationships, sights, experiences etc. The train journey may also have some amazing stops you can get to along the way. The final stop is the end of the track and then the train disappears. So why not enjoy & find meaning, specialness, purpose within the journey ? Why wait until the end ?
...and what if the train stops DID go forever ? stop 4, stop 99, stop 9999, stop 1,000,000,000,000....Someone on the train is going to seriously want to make the train crash and give salvation to the passengers in the form of DEATH !

Anyway - why fear death, there is no experience so nothing to fear or be alarmed about. (however the process of dying painfully is distressing - especially with some types of cognitive impairment & physical + emotional pain) - hence why I am pro assisted suicide, when the time is right, just end it.

In any case - death is a powerful force in natural selection and why we are here in the first place - so death is extremely meaningful because without it you wouldn't be here.

Now in regards to that quote, first off, what about people who go through the absolute worst suffering in life and have virtually no positive feelings or outlook on life whatsoever (such as those with chronic severe depression who are treatment resistant and can never get better because there are such people)? I think very few, if any in this situation, would agree with this and what practically everyone else thinks regarding atheism and these depressed people would instead highly agree with what I just argued above in this post. I am one of these depressed people. Therefore, consider my arguments in support of those with severe depression and major problems in life and not just blissfully denying the existence of such people by saying things such as what that quote said about this one and only life being the greatest thing and such.

Second, I used to live a life of virtually no problems when I was younger. I went to school and then went home and played videogames all day. This is how my life was each day and I was perfectly fine with that and I would be perfectly fine with that now as an adult. I found great meaning in it and such. Therefore, I see no reason as to why I would not be fine and not find even greater meaning living forever. Since I'm just fine living a life without problems as well as living forever this way, there would be no reason that I would view an eternal life as something with less meaning as well as torture. It's not like my brain has some sort of limited capacity built into it in which I can only handle so much amount of living with no problems and such. It's the exact opposite of that.

Guybrush 08-17-2014 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1479850)
you really did call it. how did you know he was obsessed with anime?

He mentioned anime in a sentence somewhere and it all just seemed so juvenile, it seemed to fit together. I didn't know his entire philosophy was based on Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z though.

Man, that tickles my funny bone.

The Batlord 08-17-2014 05:40 PM

But wasn't Vegeta second best to a happy-go-lucky guy who wasn't arrogant or overly proud and had respect for those around him?

DwnWthVwls 08-17-2014 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1479872)
But wasn't Vegeta second best to a happy-go-lucky guy who wasn't arrogant or overly proud and had respect for those around him?

Yeh, YuGiOh was pretty awesome.

The Batlord 08-17-2014 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1479875)
Yeh, YuGiOh was pretty awesome.

Mind = blown. Next you'll tell me that Naruto and Bleach are also derivative. I don't think I could handle that.

MattMVS7 08-17-2014 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1479760)
Humility for exsample is not letting your ego accept praise for something you did because you felt the need to do. Not telling yourelf you are un worthy of praise.
Again you are confusing ****ty self esteem with humility.

Have you ever heard the phrase "This is humiliating" and people say this in negative situations and use that phrase negatively? That, right there, says that humility is a negative thing here.

The Batlord 08-17-2014 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by MattMVS7 (Post 1479895)
Have you ever heard the phrase "This is humiliating" and people say this in negative situations and use that phrase negatively? That, right there, says that humility is a negative thing here.

Man. We just been schooled.

RoxyRollah 08-17-2014 07:49 PM

No we haven't he's an idiot...

MattMVS7 08-17-2014 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1479901)
No we haven't he's an idiot...

Please explain then.

The Batlord 08-17-2014 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1479901)
No we haven't he's an idiot...

Sarcasm | Define Sarcasm at

Janszoon 08-17-2014 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by MattMVS7 (Post 1479895)
Have you ever heard the phrase "This is humiliating" and people say this in negative situations and use that phrase negatively? That, right there, says that humility is a negative thing here.

And what about the fact that humility is generally perceived as positive attribute?

MattMVS7 08-17-2014 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1479922)
And what about the fact that humility is generally perceived as positive attribute?

To say that humility from an objective point of view is something good would be false. But to say it is something subjective and can be good or bad for different people would be true.

Janszoon 08-17-2014 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by MattMVS7 (Post 1479925)
To say that humility from an objective point of view is something good would be false. But to say it is something subjective and can be good or bad for different people would be true.

So not going to answer the question then? Ok.

MattMVS7 08-17-2014 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1479927)
So not going to answer the question then? Ok.

I just did.

Janszoon 08-17-2014 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by MattMVS7 (Post 1479928)
I just did.

That would be true if it were true.

MattMVS7 08-17-2014 11:27 PM

Also, people with either delusions of grandeur or the delusional belief in a God or afterlife should not be frowned upon because mental delusions are just one of the many amazing functions of the human mind. I'm sure many atheists admire the beauty of knowing how things scientifically work and such. Therefore, you should acknowledge the fact that anyone with a delusional belief has a beautiful scientific inner working of their minds and you should not frown upon it and convince them otherwise of their beliefs and such. I realize that atheists value the truth that there is no God and afterlife, but you should also value the fact that any attitude or delusional belief a person has is just something scientifically meant for survival. You should not try to change how things work according to science in this specific situation (which means not trying to change this person's beliefs). However, when it comes to the beliefs either causing harm to themselves or anyone else, that's when it's time to intervene. But other than that, if this person's belief just simply brings them personal pleasure in life, then it should not be frowned upon at all and should be acknowledged as an amazing function of his/her mind that makes this person that more amazing. I have delusions of grandeur and I don't have the intention of harming anyone or halting scientific progress.

There are innocent people here just living their own fantasy world not harming others or causing wars and we should just leave these people alone and never tell them the truth of reality as long as they are happy with their fantasies. We should encourage their fantasies to make them even more happy. If your attitude is that we should convince these people otherwise because the more people we have who realize the facts of reality, the more progress we have in science and such, then what if they never wanted to be that way and being that way makes them disappointed and depressed? Not to mention, some people don't even care about science and supporting it--they are just fine living their own innocent happy lives. Therefore, it's not worth it at all to tell them the truth of reality just for the possible sake of getting a more few people here and there to support science when the fact is that science is already being well supported by many people.

Black Francis 08-18-2014 09:26 AM

Dude, if you wanna build sand castles out of your own bullsh*t, go ahead, play with your sh*t and be happy i don't care..

but if you make thread about your personal views preaching the gospel of crazy know that ppl here are gonna be all over your case. lol

RoxyRollah 08-18-2014 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Black Francis (Post 1480048)
Dude, if you wanna build sand castles out of your own bullsh*t, go ahead, play with your sh*t and be happy i don't care..

but if you make thread about your personal views preaching the gospel of crazy know that ppl here are gonna be all over your case. lol

The gospel according to Black. Francis.....Amen!

RoxyRollah 08-18-2014 09:47 AM

Also Matt check the dictonary bro

Humility and Humiliation two different words, with two different meanings.

MattMVS7 08-18-2014 09:48 AM

The mindset that I wish to live in a fantasy world is very important to me because I use that in composing music that has beautiful fantasy-like emotion to it and such and I do not want anything in reality to interfere with it. Although there are people who do use inspiration from reality and use that to compose music, I am not this type of person at all. I can use my inspiration from fantasy to achieve greatness and success in life just as good (if not better) than those people who do with inspiration from reality. Therefore, this right here says that my personal delusions of grandeur through fantasy will not have negative consequences. Instead, it is the exact opposite and I will be a successful composer in life because of it.

RoxyRollah 08-18-2014 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by MattMVS7 (Post 1480057)
The mindset that I wish to live in a fantasy world is very important to me because I use that in composing music that has beautiful fantasy-like emotion to it and such and I do not want anything in reality to interfere with it. Although there are people who do use inspiration from reality and use that to compose music, I am not this type of person at all. I can use my inspiration from fantasy to achieve greatness and success in life just as good (if not better) than those people who do with inspiration from reality. Therefore, this right here says that my personal delusions of grandeur through fantasy will not have negative consequences. Instead, it is the exact opposite and I will be a successful composer in life because of it.

What the **** does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

Bro, your poor self esteem radiates through out your posts that are as crazy as crack. I just want you to understand the difference between humility and humiliation. Humiliation is what you are going through with this pyschotic thread, and if you aren't you freakin should be. Humility would be excepting that your veiws suck wind and taking a moment to revaluate where your ego has lead you. But I think at this point you just like the attention we are giving you, negative, or negative. (Because I have yet to see a postivitive response to your stuff yet.)

DwnWthVwls 08-18-2014 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by MattMVS7 (Post 1480057)
The mindset that I wish to live in a fantasy world is very important to me because I use that in composing music that has beautiful fantasy-like emotion to it and such and I do not want anything in reality to interfere with it. Although there are people who do use inspiration from reality and use that to compose music, I am not this type of person at all. I can use my inspiration from fantasy to achieve greatness and success in life just as good (if not better) than those people who do with inspiration from reality. Therefore, this right here says that my personal delusions of grandeur through fantasy will not have negative consequences. Instead, it is the exact opposite and I will be a successful composer in life because of it.

I disagree. If you wish to live in a fantasy world and that's what your brain believes than it's true. The brain is a beautiful thing to control reality so fantasy isn't really fantasy. If your brain lives in a fantasy than it's actually reality so you can get inspiration without having to wish to live in a fantasy to acquire said inspiration. Furthermore, your delusions of grandeur do not exist because if you believe in the greatness of yourself than it must be true even if it's only true to you. As long as it's true to one person it carries weight. You will be a successful composer no matter what as long as you are happy with the music you create. You don't have to be humble about the greatness of your creations because you know they are great and greatness to ones self is the only thing that is important to the reality of the brain. It is the other people living in their fantasy world of negativity trying to cut down your wonderful productions because they can't accept the reality of the fantasies you live.

Don't let these haters bring you down Matt. Rock on!

Black Francis 08-18-2014 10:29 AM


you know what i think your problem is? that you don't get the dualism of things and how that dualism balances an individual.
a normal person feels both emotions, happiness and sadness
as well as confidence and humility, it's ok to have an ego and to have imagination but it's also good for you to be a humble realist.

But you seem like you need to believe one side is right and the other one is wrong and because of that you've become an extremist person who either has to be happy all the time or depressed.

But hey, that's just my opinion i could be wrong.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1480050)
The gospel according to Black. Francis.....Amen!

In the church of Black Francis instead of saying amen at the end we say "Andalusia!"

Plankton 08-18-2014 10:30 AM

Charles Manson lived in a fantasy world too, so yeah rock on bro.

The Batlord 08-18-2014 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by MattMVS7 (Post 1480057)
The mindset that I wish to live in a fantasy world is very important to me

It is to a lot of people. But we generally stop at reading Lord of the Rings.

Isbjørn 08-18-2014 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1480056)
Also Matt check the dictonary bro

Humility and Humiliation two different words, with two different meanings.

I just silently laughed and waited for him to find out.

MattMVS7 08-18-2014 01:31 PM

Now I have neither any sense of humility or humiliation and do not feel any negative emotion whatsoever of posts here that either criticize or make fun of me. I am all cool and smug about it and feel superior and such for feeling that way and not being affected by anyone else's views. I may come across as some angry spoiled whiny brat posting here, but I am not angry at all either--I am just simply posting my beliefs here out of pure interest of what others have to say about them.

Many people think that those who live in a fantasy world are somehow weak or useless to society, but this couldn't be further from the truth. I am using my "living in a fantasy world" mindset to compose music. Composing music is something that greatly contributes to society (even pieces of music that have fantasy-like emotion to them since even these types of music are honored by many people whether it just be instrumental or even with lyrics and such).

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