Originally Posted by MattMVS7
(Post 1479121)
Although I am an atheist, I view pleasure as the most important thing in life (and even pleasure obtained from the belief of there being a God and an afterlife). I am going to present an argument here as to why I believe that both pleasure as well as pleasure from this belief makes you better and superior to people who are atheists who are depressed and emotionally numb.
Being alive is superior to being dead as long as you have pleasure. Therefore, since pleasure is emotional life, that makes it superior to being numb (emotionally dead) in which you have nothing more than mere thoughts and duty in life. Pleasure is the absolute and defining life force of "living" and a living thing that defines you as a living person and is what makes you a better and superior person because anyone would know just how good of a experience pleasure is and how much it makes life worth living and is the only thing to me that makes life worth living.
So even if you were a psychopath and killed many people, as long as you have all the pleasure in the world, that would make you a far better and superior person than if you were someone who is depressed and emotionally numb and helped and cared for other people. As for happy selfish people in life who think they are better than everyone else, their happiness is what makes them better than everyone else regardless of how selfish and cruel they are. Their happiness is what makes them better than people with no happiness since, as I just stated before, pleasure is the absolute defining life force of a human being and is the only thing that makes your life worth living and allows you to make the best of your life. This also goes for what I'm about to say below which is that regardless of who you are and such and regardless of how much you help others, you would still be nothing but an inferior biological functioning machine without pleasure which is what makes people who have all the pleasure in the world better and superior regardless of how cruel and such these people are.
Happy people are also better and superior since they at least get to die happy (and perhaps with even more happiness having the delusional belief in a God and an afterlife of eternal joy). But people who suffer with severe depression or anhedonia (emotional numbness) are inferior since they will likely die hopeless and/or with little to no pleasure (and perhaps with even more hopelessness being atheists who don't believe in a God or an afterlife of eternal joy).
Another convincing argument for the radical reasoning I just made above is that thoughts and such without pleasure are nothing more than any other part of the brain for biological functions (such as parts of the brain responsible for movement, breathing, etc.). But pleasure is your emotional well-being here and is the only thing that makes your life worth living and is the only thing that allows you to make the best of your life. So this is why I come to the conclusion that living your life through pleasure (even if you were a psychopath) would be the only best thing here in this situation as opposed to living your life feeling numb and depressed and helping others being nothing more than mere biological functions (thoughts and actions). It would be better for you as a person because you would, again, be nothing more than mere biological functioning without pleasure regardless of how much you chose to help others and regardless of how much these helped individuals look up to you and admire you. They would have a pleasurable sense of high value and worth towards you, but you will not even be allowed to have a pleasurable sense of value and worth towards yourself in helping others and in them admiring and looking up to you.
But, however, it would be better for other people if you chose not to be the psychopath and instead chose to be numb and depressed and help other people. So even if you did choose to become the lesser (nothing) person with nothing more than mere biological functions, you would be able to help other people suffering which is obviously a great thing.
As for trying to make the best of your life and helping others and such having no pleasure (being nothing more than biological functioning), I would unfortunately have to say good luck on that. You will soon find that you are nothing as a person without pleasure regardless of how much you help others, regardless of who you are as a person and what your attitude is in life, and no matter what you do in life. You would find that life is completely worthless. As a result, you would then go to drastic measures to try and get your pleasure back such as electric convulsive therapy and wishing that you would rather be in a hospital bed with cancer and many other horrible things to happen to you at the same time--as long as it meant having your pleasure back.
Also, let's pretend that I had no ability to experience pleasure and I wanted advice for this mental illness, people who give such "advice" such as: " I am 53 and have never had pleasure in my life, I am used to it," this is not the type of advice I need as I am an emotionally sensitive human being and not some robot who would be fine living a life without pleasure. Robots are fine living a life without pleasure because that's what they are--emotionally insensitive functioning machines. But I, on the other hand, am an emotionally sensitive human being who would not be fine living a life without pleasure and will never be fine with such a thing because, again, I am a sensitive human being and will forever remain a sensitive human being.
In a way, people who give such "advice" are robots themselves because if they were truly a caring sensitive human being and truly cared for my emotional well-being (pleasure), they would instead offer me hope and comfort that I will once again experience pleasure instead of simply just giving the cold insensitive message of just getting used to it or that "Many people have problems that they have to deal with, so just deal and live with it."
To me, this is not just some personal opinion--it is a fact. No matter who you are and no matter what you do in life, that does not change the fact that you are nothing more than biological functioning if you did choose to become the depressed and numb person and help others.
As for me being a sensitive human being, I am sensitive in the sense that I just wish to have my pleasure back, but I am a harsh and strict believer when it comes to hedonism.
Although you can consider me a sensitive human being when it comes to wanting to just have my pleasure back, you can consider me a sort of "drill instructor" when it comes to just how important pleasure is and that without it, you are nothing (nothing more than a maggot as a drill instructor would say regardless of who you are as a person and such if you were in the military). I guess, maybe, you can consider my arguments as a sort of encouragement to regain your ability to experience pleasure in life and to encourage you just how important pleasure (your emotional well-being) is. But if you can't regain your ability to experience pleasure, then you will forever be an inferior human being regardless of how much you did your best in life and such since, again, you would be nothing more than biological functions and that there is nothing in life (including making the best of your life and helping others) that will ever change that.
My arguments are also geared towards an audience who think that pleasure is not that important and that there are more important things in life that define your value as a human being. Again, I do not believe that there are such things because you would, again, still be nothing more than biological functioning without pleasure.
If, let's pretend again, that I were to have no ability to experience pleasure and I were to talk to someone about my inability to experience pleasure and this person were to just simply have little or no value towards my pleasure (emotional well-being) by saying something such as that life is not about pleasure and that there are more important things in life greater than your pleasure, these are opinions that I would absolutely hate which is another reason I have presented my arguments here for pleasure in the event that there are such people so I can at least try to convince them otherwise.