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Carpe Mortem 03-31-2014 09:09 PM

Cats or Dogs?
I was looking through the pets thread and noticed a LOT of cat people. Now don't get me wrong, I love the selfish little bastards as much as the next person, but I am most assuredly 100% a dog person when it comes to the two most popular pet choices.

If I get a furry pet, I want something I can take to the park with me and teach tricks, and maybe even train as a guard dog. I'm also not exactly a cuddly person, and I'd rather have a dog that chills at the foot of my bed than a cat who wants me to spoon it.

I am aware other animals exist. But I think everyone can easily fall into being either a cat or a dog person. So where do you stand? Are you a friend of feline or a dawg of the dogs?

WWWP 03-31-2014 09:10 PM

Very much a dog person.

Frownland 03-31-2014 09:14 PM

I like both but I'm more of a dog person as well.

Engine 03-31-2014 09:15 PM

Was born and raised with cats and love them more than life itself.
Got some amazing dogs when I was 21/22 and they ruled my world.
There's no way for me to decide between the two. I want both.

I also want a pig and I REALLY SERIOUSLY want a goat. And a horse.

Janszoon 03-31-2014 09:16 PM

Cats for me. They're hilarious, cute, fun, pretty self-suficient and they let you know they like you without being too overbearing about it.

butthead aka 216 03-31-2014 09:18 PM

dogs are better in every way

Engine 03-31-2014 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1433742)
dogs are better in every way

You unadventurous bitch.

Carpe Mortem 03-31-2014 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1433737)
Was born and raised with cats and love them more than life itself.
Got some amazing dogs when I was 21/22 and they ruled my world.
There's no way for me to decide between the two. I want both.

I also want a pig and I REALLY SERIOUSLY want a goat. And a horse.

Get a pygmy goat dude, obviously smaller. I had two indoor pygmy goats growing up and have every intention of getting another someday. They were so funny! When we said 'wanna go outside' they'd act just like our dogs and run excited to the door. Not to mention coolest eyes ever.

Janszoon 03-31-2014 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1433736)
I like both but I'm more of a dog person as well.

Heh. That's pretty adorable. Is that yours?

Engine 03-31-2014 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1433744)
Get a pygmy goat dude, obviously smaller. I had two indoor pygmy goats growing up and have every intention of getting another someday. They were so funny! When we said 'wanna go outside' they'd act just like our dogs and run excited to the door. Not to mention coolest eyes ever.

Oh my god, the square pupils are the best.

Goat love

Janszoon 03-31-2014 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1433747)
Oh my god, the square pupils are the best.

Goat love

I got kicked by a goat once (well, more liked punched since it was his front legs). The fucker.

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-31-2014 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1433741)
Cats for me. They're hilarious, cute, fun, pretty self-suficient and they let you know they like you without being too overbearing about it.

Spend a week with mine, anyone would think it was tied to my leg.

Engine 03-31-2014 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1433749)
I got kicked by a goat once (well, more liked punched since it was his front legs). The fucker.

My German Shepard/Alaskan Husky used to kick people (back legs). It was because he had congenital hip problems and he was so cute that people always forgave him.

RoxyRollah 03-31-2014 09:27 PM


Janszoon 03-31-2014 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1433751)
My German Shepard/Alaskan Husky used to kick people (back legs). It was because he had congenital hip problems and he was so cute that people always forgave him.

This goat was just so excited that I was bringing him food that he jumped up and hit me. Not how I treat my waiter, but then again I wasn't born in a barn.

butthead aka 216 03-31-2014 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1433745)
You unadventurous bitch.

i can actually go on an adventure w/ a dog but not w/ a cat

dogs are mans best friend for a reason

Engine 03-31-2014 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1433756)
This goat was just so excited that I was bringing him food that he jumped up and hit me. Not how I treat my waiter, but then again I wasn't born in a barn.

Goatz For Life

Frownland 03-31-2014 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1433746)
Heh. That's pretty adorable. Is that yours?

I wish, just a cute toy-cuddling dog I found on the internet.

Engine 03-31-2014 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1433758)
i can actually go on an adventure w/ a dog but not w/ a cat

dogs are mans best friend for a reason

That's not true. I took a formerly indoor east coast cat to Colorado with me and it followed me around 35 acres of pure wildness (my property). It was a beautiful thing. No commands, no running off, just me and a cat doing what cats do.

butthead aka 216 03-31-2014 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1433764)
That's not true. I took a formerly indoor cat to Colorado with me and it followed me around 35 acres of pure wildness (my property). It was a beautiful thing. No commands, no running off, just me and a cat doing what cats do.

yea and whens the last time ur cat licked crunchy peanut butter off of you

Engine 03-31-2014 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1433766)
yea and whens the last time ur cat licked crunchy peanut butter off of you

My Texas cat doesn't eat human food.

Carpe Mortem 03-31-2014 09:40 PM

I also like dogs better because they'll run with me. Even if a cat was well trained enough not to take off outside, it probably wouldn't run right next to you.

Silenzio 03-31-2014 09:44 PM

I would both cats and dogs like me. Even birds, it seems that animals like me.
However, I have to say I prefer living with a dog, Csibi is so much more accessible than my grandmother's cats.
Cats just want to get what they want from you, but a dog cares more for you. That's my experience so far.

Engine 03-31-2014 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem (Post 1433771)
I also like dogs better because they'll run with me. Even if a cat was well trained enough not to take off outside, it probably wouldn't run right next to you.

I prefer to just walk around. Which is perfectly suited for a cat. Was pleasantly surprised when mine just walked around with me, stopping occasionally to climb trees or check out other things. He stayed within 20 yards of me and it was adorable.

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-31-2014 09:55 PM

My cat has this annoying habit of zig zagging 3 feet in front of me and then suddenly stopping, every time I try to walk past she'll speed up and cut me off.

djchameleon 04-01-2014 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? (Post 1433778)
My cat has this annoying habit of zig zagging 3 feet in front of me and then suddenly stopping, every time I try to walk past she'll speed up and cut me off.

Yeah I have a similar problem. Especially with my most vocal one, he will walk in front of me then slow down so I always have to kick him in his butt so that he keeps walking. He just loves being a little annoying bastard.

Also all these cat and dog stereotypes getting thrown around end differing depending on the specific cat/dog.

Some of them live up to their stereotype while others don't.

The one stereotype I hate about dogs and it's always been with dogs I have experienced is how needy and all over you then need to be constantly. It annoys the shit out of me. I have a cat that is similar and I wish she would just stop.

Based off of stereotypes, dogs are for people that are needy and want that constant attention while cats are for people that like pets that do their own thing and are more on the independent side.

Trollheart 04-01-2014 05:35 AM

Um, look at my avatar?

Our family has always had either a dog or a cat, quite often both, but after we had to have our last dog put to sleep right around the time Karen got sick I said we wouldn't have another. The pain was too raw and I knew having a big clumsy (or small yappy, though we always went for big: Collie, Labrador, whatever the hell Teddy was, like a cross between a bat and a pig but so cute!) dog in the house --- no, we NEVER left any of our dogs in the garden, they always lived indoors with us --- would be dangerous with her balance beginning to go. Plus with looking after her I would have no energy or time to devote to a dog, and we all know they need so much of both.

So we have cats now, and have had for about the last ten years or so. I love dogs though: if I'm out on the street and see someone walking a dog I'll usually see if I can pet it and maybe talk to them about it. Mind you, if I see a cat out on the street I always try to make friends with it too.

And people who think cats ain't loyal? On her return from hospital the three of them took it in shifts to always sleep on her bed, and you can say they were just enjoying the warmth of the bed but I know they were watching over her.

Trollheart 04-01-2014 05:36 AM

Oh and Carpe? You need a new option in your poll, as I couldn't vote because I love both...

Stonedtone 04-01-2014 09:53 AM

can't stand cats. I love dogs

Scarlett O'Hara 04-01-2014 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1433741)
Cats for me. They're hilarious, cute, fun, pretty self-suficient and they let you know they like you without being too overbearing about it.

I agree. They are soooo gorgeous when they cuddle up to you, lick or rub your face, they purr to wake you up (better than an alarm clock), and their meow is so cute. I also love to have scraps with them, especially fluffy ginger toms, they love pretend fighting and biting on your hands and cuffs!

Dogs are cute but way to noisy, dependent, need walking a lot, require training, jump at you...etc.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-01-2014 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1433777)
I prefer to just walk around. Which is perfectly suited for a cat. Was pleasantly surprised when mine just walked around with me, stopping occasionally to climb trees or check out other things. He stayed within 20 yards of me and it was adorable.

Awwww (community anyone?). That's so damn gorgeous.

ladyislingering 04-02-2014 12:44 AM

I love all cuddly creatures, because they're cute and beautiful, but I'd rather be a kitty-mommy because cats are generally less maintenance and they choose when they want your attention, so it's all good.

Plus they're really cute and I just love kitties.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-02-2014 02:20 AM

Today I cuddled a grown up Siamese cat and a tiny little Siamese kitten came along with a cute wee pink collar and bell! The cat hissed at the kitten, I patted it and it bounced off after the big cat (to annoy it more lol). Adorable. Cats are so entertaining. I love just sitting there and watching them. My bestie's cat used to climb onto a gazebo style cover over our deck and we would give him a ball and pushed him from the bottom so he bounced all over it, so funny.

Burning Down 04-02-2014 07:32 AM

I would be a cat person if I wasn't so damn allergic to them.

Isbjørn 04-02-2014 10:33 AM

Hmm, dogs greet you joyfully and will not hesitate with showing that they love you, while cats can be trained to **** in a box. Tough choice...

djchameleon 04-02-2014 11:03 AM

My cats greet me at the door. So sucks for you and your experience with cats.

Isbjørn 04-02-2014 11:50 AM

They're really dogs, trust me

ladyislingering 04-02-2014 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1434733)
My cats greet me at the door. So sucks for you and your experience with cats.

Whenever Ki and I visit his parents (and their old-man kitty) the cat comes running for us if he's in the house. (And if you kneel down, he'll walk quickly toward you to be pet or snuggled!) He's a little baby angel. Cats are super attached to people who treat them with love and respect (and they love when you talk to them - they can't understand a lot of it but the inflection in your voice is important to them).

DriveYourCarDownToTheSea 04-02-2014 01:03 PM

Cat person. Can't stand dog barking, and the majority of them kinda smell. I also like the way cat's fur is softer, and cat purring is cute and soothing. Plus they're smarter and have more personality than many dog people tend to give them credit for. Yes, cats can actually learn tricks, it's just that most of them don't really want to. ;) I also like the way they're lower maintenance.

DriveYourCarDownToTheSea 04-02-2014 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1434733)
My cats greet me at the door.

Mine does this too. She also tends to follow me around the house. If I go upstairs, she'll usually follow me up there. If I go downstairs, likewise. Cats - at least some cats - bond with their owners a lot more than some dog people realise. But it's highly individual with the cat.

One interesting thing I read recently was, cats have never actually been domesticated, in terms of being bred for specific behaviors. Rather, they've domesticated themselves, and have become attached to humans not because people made or bred them that way, but because they (the cats) wanted to, basically. Cats became domesticated when they started hanging around ancient Egyptian graineries because of the large population of mice and rats there. After a while many people took a liking to them and the cats themselves starting bonding with the people. It was more of an 'accidental' thing. Dogs, on the other hand, have been domesticated for far longer than cats and have been bred many times over to accomplish specific tasks (sheep herding, etc). They orginally were more "working animals" whereas cats were just a convienent mouse-control animal who happened to be cute and cuddly. As a result cats tend to be a lot more independent than dogs, which probably why a lot of "dog people" are turned off by them. For whatever reason, a lot of "dog people" don't seem to like or understand a pet that is still fairly "wild" and independent.

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