DriveYourCarDownToTheSea |
04-02-2014 01:12 PM |
Originally Posted by djchameleon
(Post 1434733)
My cats greet me at the door.
Mine does this too. She also tends to follow me around the house. If I go upstairs, she'll usually follow me up there. If I go downstairs, likewise. Cats - at least some cats - bond with their owners a lot more than some dog people realise. But it's highly individual with the cat.
One interesting thing I read recently was, cats have never actually been domesticated, in terms of being bred for specific behaviors. Rather, they've domesticated themselves, and have become attached to humans not because people made or bred them that way, but because they (the cats) wanted to, basically. Cats became domesticated when they started hanging around ancient Egyptian graineries because of the large population of mice and rats there. After a while many people took a liking to them and the cats themselves starting bonding with the people. It was more of an 'accidental' thing. Dogs, on the other hand, have been domesticated for far longer than cats and have been bred many times over to accomplish specific tasks (sheep herding, etc). They orginally were more "working animals" whereas cats were just a convienent mouse-control animal who happened to be cute and cuddly. As a result cats tend to be a lot more independent than dogs, which probably why a lot of "dog people" are turned off by them. For whatever reason, a lot of "dog people" don't seem to like or understand a pet that is still fairly "wild" and independent.