Originally Posted by Spike*Spiegel
first of all, im not your 'nigga'. second, i suggest you clean up your mouth, little girl. if i was your mom, youd be eating six bars of soap right now. why are you getting so defensive? if you dont follow the rules of my thread, youre just asking to get burned. dont push me, im not happy today.
"First of all", I never called you MY nigga, because you aren't even close to that. Don't suggest shit, because your words don't mean shit to me. If you were my mom, I'd be eating those bars of soap and shi ting them into your mouth. I'm getting defensive because you're setting 'rules' in your fuc king thread, you dumbass. Who do you think you are? Some big-shot? I think otherwise. Go get over yourself and shut the fu ck up.