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Old 12-04-2013, 03:53 AM   #11 (permalink)
The Big Dog
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Nominees in bold.

As it's only nominations, I may list several members for one award. I will try and give reasons for my choices as well.

Member of the Year:
Goofle11: Promoted to moderator so must have been doing something right. Always a prominent figure in the music and sports sections. Don't always agree with him (especially in the football threads when his rampant Arsenal fanboyism is in full effect) but always enjoy reading his opinion.

Journal of the Year: The Playlist of Life: Needs no explanation, consistent and detailed. Also shows a genuine passion for writing and music even if his taste is terrible.

Best Music Contributor: Sidewinder: Blarrobbarg & Sparky: The former two for their non direct recommendations in the Albums You're Digging and Last Album You Listened to Threads and the latter for his contributions to the Hip-Hop section

Best Music Taste: Alfred: He likes emo and pop punk. He knows the score.

Best Plug DJ Contributor: Rarely venture in here, so it would be unfair to vote.

Most diverse music taste: Anticipation Likes his hip-hop and screamo. A pretty wide spectrum of music.

Most mainstream music taste: Either Trollheart his reviews of novelty Christmas albums from last year stick in mind (I know he secretly enjoyed reviewing the ones he claimed to detest) and MissPopTart who has a ridiculous number of Backstreet Boys scrobbles.

Worst music taste: I know his whole gimmick is being the musical chameleon who will listen to everything and blend in with plants, but seriously one has to question the commitment to being 'diverse' when Wale is his most listened to artist and Will.I.AM has clocked up 200 Last FM scrobbles (DJChameleon)

Lounge Lizard of the Year: Vanilla usually can be found at the helm of some Lounge Thread. The Batlord & Fred Hale Sr are also always there for their daily love in with one another.

Best Shoutboxer: When Franco Pepe Kalle's there you take note.

Most Intelligent Poster: Will come back to this one.

Best Debater: Perhaps not the best in a conventional sense but there's nobody I enjoy arguing with more than Surrell

Biggest Troll: Sopsych or whatever the dude's name was that kept spamming the suggestions thread with his bitching and petty grievances had the whole forum at his trolling mercy. Good effort.

Worst Debater: RealTalk92: It's like arguing with an alter ego of Eddy Murphy or an atypical Youtube comment section lurker.

Least Intelligent Poster: 216, if this guy isn't retarded it'd come as a shock to me. Also one has to appreciate Norg's complete lack of understanding of music...and the world.

Hottest Male: Going to go with my boy Rezz and Laces Out Dan

Hottest Female: FETCHER (obviously) Sansa Stark (she scares and arouses me in equal amounts & Vanilla (dem boobies)

Member who looks least like you imagined: Slow Groove is an 18 year old Italian kid with a full beard.

Member You'd Most Like to Meet in Real Life: Goofle seems like a laugh, Christian Benteke as well, I think him and I could have a good time and just because it'd be hilarious: Frano Pepe Kalle

Member You'd Least Like to Meet in Real Life: Mondo Bungle just a pretty deplorable cretin.

Moderator of the Year: Burning Down
New Member of the Year: Paul Smeenus

Howard the Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member: LadyisLingering: I can't stomach her wittering posts about people being killed for killing others and all the justice for justice sakes nonsense. A real drag to attempt to read, contradictory, pointless and so Daily Mail reader like. Also her boyfriend Ki for his babbling in the Your Day thread.

Best Thread of the Year: Albums You're Digging usually has something good going on.

Nicest Member of the Year: Blarobbarg spends his time and efforts helping underprivileged kids in Nicaragua. If he doesn't win this award, it's a travesty.

Angriest Member of the Year: RealTalk92 is always at boiling point. I imagine Hip Hop Bunny Hop reads Music Banter then spends 20 minutes punching a wall most days (to be fair, I don't blame him sometimes)

Best Writer: err..(come back to this)

Biggest Contributor: Trollheart contributes the most. By far.

Lifetime Achievement Award: Urban Hatemonger. Been here since day one, has made an impact since day one. The cornerstone of Music Banter. One of the faces on MB's virtual Rushmore Mountain

Best Music Banter Quote of the Year: I regret nominating this category, it's harder than I thought.

Best/Most Shocking/Oddest/LOL Music Banter Moment of the Year: The Batlord and his harrowing story about him and his friend sucking each other off 'as a joke' and contemplating then fucking each other still plagues my nightmares.
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Old 12-04-2013, 03:58 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Slow Groove is Mexican doe
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Old 12-04-2013, 09:33 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Might I suggest that we also do a "Most Missed Member" category?

Member of the Year - Paul Smeenus got this place from the start, I hope he stays a while.
Journal of the Year - Classic Albums I Have Never Heard was a pretty good journal if only because we got Trollheart to listen to Trout Mask Replica.
Best Music Contributor - Janzsoon
Best Music Taste - Sequoioideae and bob. both have excellent taste.
Best Plug DJ Contributor - Mondo Bungle's usually playing something good. Also Smeenus.
Most diverse music taste - Goofle11 has a broad musical palette.
Most mainstream music taste - djchameleon comes to mind.
Worst music taste - Probably djchameleon or Dulce.
Lounge Lizard of the Year - Sansa Stark
Best Shoutboxer - Sansa Stark and drunk Pedestrian
Most Intelligent Poster - Urban Hatemonger seems to have a lot of knowledge on very good music.
Best Debater - tore and Unknown Soldier
Biggest Troll - Lord Larehip and butthead.
Worst Debater - Goes to Lord Larehip and Mankycaant
Least Intelligent Poster
Hottest Male
Hottest Female - Fetcher, of course.
Member who looks least like you imagined - I expected Paul Smeenus to be about twenty years younger than he is and I pictured him with long hair.
Member You'd Most Like to Meet in Real Life - Fred Hale Sr. and bob definitely seem like some pretty cool people to meet. Also Blarrobarg.
Member You'd Least Like to Meet in Real Life - butthead
Moderator of the Year - Urban Hatemonger
New Member of the Year - Paul Smeenus and Ninetales
Howard the Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member - Dulce or Crazyvegan.
Best Thread of the Year - Albums You're Digging II
Nicest Member of the Year - Gotta be Blarobbarg and Lisnaholic.
Angriest Member of the Year
Best Writer - Janzsoon's journals are very well written.
Biggest Contributor - Goofle11
"Virtuoso" of the Year - Plankton is the obvious choice here.
"Under the Radar" Member of the Year - Ninetales and rostasi have really good taste and contribute positively to the music forums.
Lifetime Achievement Award - Urban Hatemonger and bob.
Best Music Banter Quote of the Year - En Sig:
Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs
I could tell she was staring at my dick because when I looked at her I noticed she was looking at my dick. Booya.
Best/Most Shocking/Oddest/LOL Music Banter Moment of the Year - Rezz doing his impersonation of the Antonio Banderas gif was pretty funny.
Most Missed Member - Conan
Best Avatar - Exoskeletal's Lynch avvys always get me. I've really liked Rjinn's avatar selections this year, especially her most recent one.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

Last edited by Frownland; 12-09-2013 at 02:02 PM.
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Old 12-04-2013, 09:38 AM   #14 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by Mankycaaant View Post
Best/Most Shocking/Oddest/LOL Music Banter Moment of the Year: The Batlord and his harrowing story about him and his friend sucking each other off 'as a joke' and contemplating then fucking each other still plagues my nightmares.
It wasn't a joke. We were drunk and open and just went at it for no apparent reason. There was no thinking involved. Though I did intentionally french him terribly for my own personal amusement.

Member of the Year: Trollheart - Nobody cares about this site as much as him or does more for it (except perhaps the mods behind the scenes).

Journal of the Year: Pounding Decibels- A Hard and Heavy History - Consistently informative and totally comprehensive. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Whenever Unknown Soldier finishes it/gets bored it should be moved to the Rock and Metal section and stickied.

Best Music Taste: Hip Hop Bunny Hop - Over the last year I've learned that our tastes in metal are quickly converging with a shared love of all black metal not from Norway.

Most diverse music taste: Goofle - I still have no idea what the **** this dude listens to.

Most mainstream music taste: Djchameleon - He gets a lot of flack over his music taste, but being a whore for mainstream pop myself I have love for his taste.

Worst music taste: Djchameleon -

Lounge Lizard of the Year: Sansa/Rezz - Rezz has risen from the depths of irrelevance to become the king of stupid gifs and mock trolling in the Lounge. And the Lounge seems to be the kingdom where Sansa holds court.

Most Intelligent Poster: Freebase Dali - Dude's smart.

Best Debater: Freebase Dali - Dude's smart.

Biggest Troll: I almost forgot about Sopsych. He was also the dude whining about people hating on Slipknot wasn't he? Epic troll is epic.

Hottest Female: Circe - You know that scene in Catch 22 when all the guys are moaning at the briefing cause the nurse up front is so hot? Yeah... Also Vanilla. Those knockers. Yeah...

Member You'd Most Like to Meet in Real Life: Rezz - Dude just sounds fun to be around. Oh, and Hip Hop Bunny Hop, just to finally see what the dude's like in real life.

New Member of the Year: Butthead 216 - He's inane, he's a troll, he says things that make me wince, but he makes the forum a more fun place to be.

Howard the Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member: Dulce - Duh(lce).

Best Thread of the Year: The Music Banter Members' Journals Weekly Update Thread - Probably single-handedly built up the Journal section, which was kinda sparse before. I also got a narcissistic thrill seeing what he said about my Journal(s) that week.

Angriest Member of the Year: Sansa - Tries to claim aloofness, but she's got a hairtrigger temper. And sometimes...man!

Best Writer: Freebase Dali - Same reason he's the best debater. He knows how to frame an argument in a way that makes you feel dumb.

Biggest Contributor: Trollheart. Duh.

Best Music Banter Quote of the Year: Not from this year, but who gives a ****? Besides, it's arisen from the dead to become far more relevant this year than it was at the time it was made.

Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs View Post
I have been going on here for a month or so on a daily basis, usually multiple times a day, and really enjoy it. Just want to say thanks to everyone running it and who uses it regularly, because i have a fun time on here !
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 12-04-2013, 09:39 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Journal of the Year - Classic Albums I Have Never Heard was a pretty good journal if only because we got Trollheart to listen to Reign In Blood.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 12-04-2013, 10:22 AM   #16 (permalink)
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WTF happened to the "Virtuoso" category? I'd nominate ZK but it's been eliminated.
See location...
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Old 12-04-2013, 10:31 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Exoskeletal View Post

Okay, so I'm going to finally do something for this community of ours and lead this sh*t. I've been a loafer for a long time and it's time to pay the dealer. From what I remember I believe everybody posted their nominees directly in this thread so everybody can see it/be offended by it. We're going to do that again. I'm going to post the categories (a wonderful list contributed by Manky) and you guys can post whatever you like. Don't feel obligated to post a nominee in a category you are no informed on. This will skew voting.


I'll count the votes and declare winners in the following brand new days of 2014. You'll notice that I didn't publish my nominees. I will do so when ready please get off my back. Thanks and good luck to all who are fortunate to be nominated. Vote for me or I'll send you poop in a bag.


Member of the Year
Journal of the Year
Best Music Contributor
Best Music Taste
Best Plug DJ Contributor
Most diverse music taste
Most mainstream music taste
Worst music taste
Lounge Lizard of the Year
Best Shoutboxer
Most Intelligent Poster
Best Debater
Biggest Troll
Worst Debater
Least Intelligent Poster
Hottest Male
Hottest Female
Member who looks least like you imagined
Member You'd Most Like to Meet in Real Life
Member You'd Least Like to Meet in Real Life
Moderator of the Year
New Member of the Year
Howard the Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member
Best Thread of the Year
Nicest Member of the Year
Angriest Member of the Year
Best Writer
Biggest Contributor
Lifetime Achievement Award
Best Music Banter Quote of the Year
Best/Most Shocking/Oddest/LOL Music Banter Moment of the Year
Member of the Year: DJ CHAMELEON- Big presence in every section. He likes to state his opinion strongly but seems like a really nice guy in the big picture

Journal of the year: Heavy Music- Really enjoying Engine's entries.

Best music contributor: Screen 13- I like the way he writes about music and he has a real passion for music that is fun to read.

Best music taste: HHBH- Dude is always on point with hardcore/metal. And he still buys tapes, how ****ing cool is that.

Best DJ Plug contributor: No idea. I'd suspect that Sansa would probably play a majority of stuff I would enjoy by default however.

Most diverse music taste- Jackhammer still delves into just about everything. Haven't seen alot of him, but dude has a great ear for music in general.

Most mainstream music taste- I'd say Miss Poptart or the chick who always post Spice Girls videos everytime she posts. Not sure the spice girls are mainstream anymore.

Worst music taste- I'm gonna be nice and say nobody.

Lounge Lizard of the year: Gotta be Batlord. He adds alot to music discussion so this isn't a slight and his posts generally rock in the lounge.

Best shoutboxer: doesn't seem like it would matter.

Most intelligent poster: Plankton- He is such a genuinely nice guy and intelligent posting requires more then intelligence. He has alot of great qualities that add to discussion and is helpful and also a great musician.

Best debater:Manky- You always get your point across and seem like a fairly intelligent chap beyond your years. Keep up the good fight.

Biggest Troll: Another one I feel isn't really necessary to detail.

Worst debater: Just might be me. I hate debate. I never enter with an open mind. I always leave a debate feeling like it wasn't worth my time.

Least intelligent poster:

Hottest male: Zombie Kid- Dude is model material and has some pythons. If I was a chick he'd never have his pants on.

Hottest female: All of em. If you're female you have already won.

Member who looks least like you imagined: Nobody really looks any different then I imagined. Some of the girls have complexes about their appearance but shouldn't. You're all really beautiful.

Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Mojo/Jackhammer- Feel like I'd take a liking to both IRL and would love to hit some shows because these guys are riding a similar music wave length. I think the majority of people here are pretty cool peops and Frownland you aren't far away, have to hook up someday and burn and turn some suds upside down.

Moderator of the year: Goofle- Glad to see him get a nod hes always been one of my favorite posters on the site.

New member award: Smeenus- I don't understand the angriest member nods you are always such a nice dude to everyone.

Most inane award: Sopsych- RIP HOWARD

Best thread of the year: I love the shuffle. Find alot of interesting stuff on there I would have never tried or given a chance. I like the eclectic blend that you absorb by visiting the thread.

Nicest member of the year: Rezdaddy LL- Just look at that sweet quote. It makes my heartlight turn on. Sweet guy.

Angriest member of the year:

Best writer: I always enjoyed Brennans journal wish he would have continued. I know he has been here less frequently but thats no excuse for disregarding your journal my man.

Biggest contributor: Exo- Hes counting the votes right? He has some cool threads. He's usually in DJ PLUG. Hes got some sound music ears. Good dude.

Lifetime achievement award: Urban- Where the hell is this guy? Always could appreciate his posts. Not only a great music poster, but I think an underrated sense of humor lost on some people.

Best quote:

Most shocking moment: Gotta roll with Manky on this one, Batlord has this won by a landslide.
" I slashed and burned thru my 15 minutes of fame."

Last edited by FRED HALE SR.; 12-06-2013 at 10:15 AM.
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Old 12-04-2013, 10:36 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Plankton View Post
WTF happened to the "Virtuoso" category? I'd nominate ZK but it's been eliminated.
It can be added, for sure. Vote away.
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Old 12-04-2013, 10:38 AM   #19 (permalink)
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I suggest a under the radar category as well
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Old 12-04-2013, 10:44 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. View Post
Most shocking moment: Gotta roll with Manky on this one, Batlord has this won by a landslide.
It's not my fault you people are boring.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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