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Old 03-03-2004, 07:07 AM   #21 (permalink)
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no.. actually I have other stuff to do.. like.. going to work and have a life maybe you should try it some time...
and frankly the fact that you took the time to take some old picture of me and make it into an avatar is somewhat of an honor and also makes me pity you that at age 35 you would be immature enough to do so.. oh well once again nothing in my power I can do

and in response about getting laid.. getting laid isn't the problem... it's being stupid enough not to use protection and ending up with children.. heh not my problem

and people with young children should not be allowed to do much except for look at themselves and see how much they messed up by bringing more crap into this already overpopulted piece of **** of a world
"It's better to try and fail, than to never try at all" - Edgil
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Old 03-03-2004, 07:49 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Edgil
no.. actually I have other stuff to do.. like.. going to work and have a life maybe you should try it some time...
and frankly the fact that you took the time to take some old picture of me and make it into an avatar is somewhat of an honor and also makes me pity you that at age 35 you would be immature enough to do so.. oh well once again nothing in my power I can do

and in response about getting laid.. getting laid isn't the problem... it's being stupid enough not to use protection and ending up with children.. heh not my problem

and people with young children should not be allowed to do much except for look at themselves and see how much they messed up by bringing more crap into this already overpopulted piece of **** of a world
Well she didn't lose her voice then!!! So you have a job and a life congratulations i am sure they are both as worthless as each other.Having been on the planet twice as long as you i have had the oppotunity to carve myself a rather nice life thank you.After a while my partner and my self planned to have a child and did.
I can hold my hands up and say that making an avatar with your revolting little face in it was not the most mature thing i ever did in my life but then who wants to be a sensible grown up all their lives? Weather you get laid or not is not important.It probably wont bother your victim too much either should he/she even notice.

Finally i would ask you to choose your words carefully when describing peoples children.I do hope you are not saying that everychild born is more crap.This would imply that should a member of your familly have a baby you will only feel that it is a piece of crap and what a lovely thing for a familly member to say.
Your maturity in calling baby's more crap,shines through a treat and it's probably a relief to the whole world that you do not intend to reproduce.

This world is only a crap world with crap like you in it.When you have hair on your testicles and a brain in your head come back and see me and tell me what you know then.Up until then why dont you consider a drugs overdose or even shooting yourself in the head.I will glady pay all expenses.

The only thing this planet is overpopulated with is whinning little wankers like you.
Jesus is coming!!!! Look Busy!!!!

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Old 03-03-2004, 08:17 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Edgil
no.. actually I have other stuff to do.. like.. going to work and have a life maybe you should try it some time...
and people with young children should not be allowed to do much except for look at themselves and see how much they messed up by bringing more crap into this already overpopulted piece of **** of a world
Do you know Egdil I'm saddened that somebody as young as you can have such a bitter and cynical outlook on life. We've all had our fair share of **** thrown our way, but you can't go on blaming the rest of the world for it!
So what you're saying is that my dear friend here has no life because he posts on a forum, and that his gorgeous little boy is a piece of crap who will never do anything to enhance the world? How out of order is that judgement??? People in glass houses and all that...

This world is how you see it, if you choose to see it as a hideous place to live thats how it will be. It has it's negative points, granted, that doesn't mean you're in a position to judge everyone. Grow up.
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Old 03-03-2004, 11:10 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Edgil
and people with young children should not be allowed to do much except for look at themselves and see how much they messed up by bringing more crap into this already overpopulted piece of **** of a world
I'm sure your parents do that every day.... As for the rest of the comments you made last, I don't see how you have a place to talk. I think the post count speaks for itself when judging who spends more time here. 2Tone makes a life for himself and takes care of a child and has said he posts after the child is in bed. (Not that he can't post whenever the hell he wants.) Point is, he's being responsible.

On the other hand with your "busy" life you still find time to come and make offensive comments to others here. I mean when was the last time you actually made an intelligent comment pertaining to music? Have you ever? I've read tons of stuff by 2Tone and he's got a musical knowledge base that I for one appreciate on a music site. You on the other hand just troll.

I agree with both 2Tone and Shan when they say that if you think it's a crap world, you're the one making it that. So instead of constantly trying to bring everyone else down, why don't you step back, unplug the computer and try to better yourself. Lord knows there's room for improvement...
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Old 03-03-2004, 11:57 AM   #25 (permalink)
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I would just like to thank Shan and DJ Jester and JackJeckel for their kind and supportive words.
Jesus is coming!!!! Look Busy!!!!

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Old 03-03-2004, 01:46 PM   #26 (permalink)
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No problem mate, I know exactly where you're coming from.

If the world is so bad it's up to us to try and improve it surely?
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:47 PM   #27 (permalink)
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I agree but my name is Jester not Shirley.
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:54 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Oi, you've been watching too many Leslie Nielsen films mate!!
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:56 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Yeah and tie into that fact that I have had like 6 cappacino's today... I'm a lil hyper on these forums. My boss needs to give me some work damnit...
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:58 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Cappucinos make you hyper?????? Ouch!
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