Trollheart |
06-08-2013 03:44 PM |
I guess, to take it a little more seriously (must we? Yes we must. Okay then) I don't really have terribly strong political views. In our last general election I voted for Sinn Fein (Republican Party, Gerry Adams, all that lot) simply because I was sick of voting for one of the Big Three (well, two: I would never vote for Fianna Fail. You have to be Irish to understand) and thought feck it let's see how they do. I didn't expect them to win (they didn't) but I still felt better for not going for the obvious.
Other than that, I pretty much see all politicians and political parties as painted with the same brush. One gets into power, the other bitches at their policies then when the positions are reversed they do the very same thing, while the original party, now in opposition, bitch about the new party's policies, which were theirs in the first place. It'd be funny if they weren't deciding our fate, setting our wages and shutting our hospitals!
But I know this is not exclusive to Ireland. It just makes me not want to vote. I do, but it makes me not want to. Seems very little choice, lesser of two or three evils, with the captain's armband, as it were, being passed around but the same team in control all the time.
Bloody politicians!