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View Poll Results: Who do you want in 2004?
Bush (Republican) 3 21.43%
Kerry (Democrat) 8 57.14%
Edwards (Democrat) 1 7.14%
Nader (Independent) 2 14.29%
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-06-2004, 11:53 AM   #41 (permalink)
looking long'n'hard
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How would it of looked to the rest of the world if the 'Greatest Democracy' on the face of the planet had chucked out the wrong result,no one was ever gonna put your country in that position.You would have too much face to lose,especialy when dealing with rogue nations who do not allow there ppl a vote.
I know you know that some of your presidents have had a checkered career to say the least,and your nation has many stories that show your government to act in an underhanded fasion,turning a blind eye to an election result sounds fairly mild in comparison.
The fact is Sadam didn't have those weapons THIS TIME and thats that.He didn't have them.That puts the 'coalition' in the we got it wrong gang.If they find WMD out there now do you think the world will say,oh they did have them after all? Or is it more likely that most ppl will take the view that they 'found' WMD.It's to late to find them now.The lie your president and my prime minister told was that they were ready to assemble in 45 mins.We have been there how long?? We can't find a BB gun!!! They had nothing to find.As you say they had already shot their load over Israel.That was the time to take direct action.
Bush's and Blairs replacements may be no better but dont let the same man keep telling you lies or acting underhanded,because one day you wake up and it's too late.Ask any Iraqi!
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Old 03-06-2004, 05:41 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 2tonelol
How would it of looked to the rest of the world if the 'Greatest Democracy' on the face of the planet had chucked out the wrong result,no one was ever gonna put your country in that position.You would have too much face to lose,especialy when dealing with rogue nations who do not allow there ppl a vote.
I know you know that some of your presidents have had a checkered career to say the least,and your nation has many stories that show your government to act in an underhanded fasion,turning a blind eye to an election result sounds fairly mild in comparison.
The fact is Sadam didn't have those weapons THIS TIME and thats that.He didn't have them.That puts the 'coalition' in the we got it wrong gang.If they find WMD out there now do you think the world will say,oh they did have them after all? Or is it more likely that most ppl will take the view that they 'found' WMD.It's to late to find them now.The lie your president and my prime minister told was that they were ready to assemble in 45 mins.We have been there how long?? We can't find a BB gun!!! They had nothing to find.As you say they had already shot their load over Israel.That was the time to take direct action.
Bush's and Blairs replacements may be no better but dont let the same man keep telling you lies or acting underhanded,because one day you wake up and it's too late.Ask any Iraqi!
Wow, wow hold on a second as I mentioned earlier there's no definite proof that there isn't any and there's no definite proof that there is at this time.

Shot their load over Israel? No, Saddam had alot more than what he shot over at Israel.

Kerry is by no means any better than Bush, especially when it comes to the military, the guy's a raging idiot with no tact whatsoever.
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Old 03-06-2004, 06:57 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Interactive
What you're hoping for is not possible. Iraq as a whole is Muslim and they're basically all looking towards that Cleric (whatever the hell his name is) who seems a bit crooked in my mind.
wow. i really think you should look into the matter before you go making generalizations about an entire nation. and i think i'd know a BIT more on the subject, seeing as how i grew up in the middle east. ok where to start. Yes iraq as a whole is muslim, but there are subtleties and differences within the religion that you obviously don't recognize. Saddam belonged to the sunni muslim sect, which constitutes about 16% of the population of iraq. that was the group that held most of the political power, and tended to opress and disriminate against the majority of the rest of the people, being the kurds (about 20% of the population) and the shiite muslims, making up the rest, about 2/3. now in the case of a democratic election right now, the winner would most likely be a shiite muslim, who after years and years of repression by the sunnis, would tend to be discriminative on their part to the minorities. also, shiite muslims are known for fundamentalist views, and ties with iran (a nation that underwent an extreme fundamentalist revolution in the late 70's to early 80's, but even then there are differences between shiites of iraq and iran, mainly stemming from the fact that iraqi's are of arab heritage, whereas iranians are of persian heritage). So, the US obviously fears a leader emmerging from the shiites (which would most likely be the case) because of possible fundamentalist rule. however, within the shiites there is a group of about 4000-8000 fighters. this group is known as the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq. the SCIRI is made up of iraqi shiite exiles and prisonners of war, and have been fighting against the iraqi military (run by sadaam) in souther iraq. The US has just had a meeting with the brother of the leader of the SCIRI, which indicates that the two groups could perhaps work coorperatively in the future. maybe even a shiite from this group will emerge without fundametalist ideal and be supported by the iraqi people. i didn't say that this scenario was likely to happen soon, which is why i said the best option at this time was delay. iraq is not yet ready for its own democratic election, nor is it right to impose a foreign backed leader. so next time you write off my ideas, maybe pause for a bit and consider the fact that someone could know more of the subject than yourself.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
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Old 03-07-2004, 12:38 AM   #44 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Interactive
Wow, wow hold on a second as I mentioned earlier there's no definite proof that there isn't any and there's no definite proof that there is at this time.

Shot their load over Israel? No, Saddam had alot more than what he shot over at Israel.

Kerry is by no means any better than Bush, especially when it comes to the military, the guy's a raging idiot with no tact whatsoever.
Saddams got these weapons and he's sitting there and there is no doubt in his mind at all that the west is after him.He's sitting on a stockpile of weapons that are dangerous enough that 2 of the richest nations on the face of the planet consider it a threat.Does he use them? No he goes on the run and hides in a hole in the floor with a load of cash.Doesn't make sense!!
If he had a single weapon to hand he would of used them! No doubt! Bush and Blair couldn't wait to tell us that he used them on his own ppl,unyet he doesn't use them when his country is invaded! Come on!!! What was he saving them for?????

Kerry is the raging idiot with no tact.

If i went through all the newspapers printed,worldwide since Bush was 'elected' i wonder how many times i would see that sentance starting with Bush's name?
Hasn't this kerry got quite a good and accountable milatary carreer behind him,has even been honoured i believe,where as again there seems to be (oh no) yet another dark cloud of grey area hanging over Bush's military history.

I believe that Kery actually served in Vietnam,i would rather get sent to war by a man who has been there as he knows just what he's sending ppl in to.Plus he's not asking them to do something he wouldn't do himself.

As i said before.i am no fan of either man,but America simply must be able to offer a better choice than Bush.
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Old 03-07-2004, 01:09 AM   #45 (permalink)
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the next president should be ME
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Old 03-07-2004, 06:02 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 2tonelol
Saddams got these weapons and he's sitting there and there is no doubt in his mind at all that the west is after him.He's sitting on a stockpile of weapons that are dangerous enough that 2 of the richest nations on the face of the planet consider it a threat.Does he use them? No he goes on the run and hides in a hole in the floor with a load of cash.Doesn't make sense!!
If he had a single weapon to hand he would of used them! No doubt! Bush and Blair couldn't wait to tell us that he used them on his own ppl,unyet he doesn't use them when his country is invaded! Come on!!! What was he saving them for?????

Kerry is the raging idiot with no tact.

If i went through all the newspapers printed,worldwide since Bush was 'elected' i wonder how many times i would see that sentance starting with Bush's name?
Hasn't this kerry got quite a good and accountable milatary carreer behind him,has even been honoured i believe,where as again there seems to be (oh no) yet another dark cloud of grey area hanging over Bush's military history.

I believe that Kery actually served in Vietnam,i would rather get sent to war by a man who has been there as he knows just what he's sending ppl in to.Plus he's not asking them to do something he wouldn't do himself.

As i said before.i am no fan of either man,but America simply must be able to offer a better choice than Bush.
First off, Kerry.

A honorable record? By no means. He went to Vietnam as a Comm Specialist if I remember right and was there for a few years, came back and joined the protestors and started calling his fellow soldiers terrorists (he was buddies with Jane Fonda basically).

Bush on the otherhand was accused of going AWOL (away without leave), which is actually a bit odd. One because he was in the reserves (1 weekend a month, 2 weeks a year kind of thing) and was supposidly gone for 4 months. Many reservists do 'this' (being taking time away from the reserves) when they're going to say training for their regular job. The democrats are just stamping this as AWOL because they are trying to get the Military vote, which will never happen as Kerry wants to give control of the Military to the UN.

Saddam lost all control of his military basically when the country was begining to be liberated so therefore unless he "pushed the button" himself they wouldn't have launched do to lack of communications and the like. My belief is that they're being stored (as in non-operating condition) in Syria.
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Old 03-07-2004, 06:04 PM   #47 (permalink)
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No idea..

I just hope that dont get another **** face like Bush in there
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Old 03-07-2004, 07:14 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Interactive
First off, Kerry.

He went to Vietnam as a Comm Specialist if I remember right and was there for a few years,

Bush on the otherhand was in the reserves (1 weekend a month, 2 weeks a year kind of thing)
Doesn't read good like that does it? Kerry was decorated to wasn't he?

I think you are not so much a Bush fan as you are a Republican.If the Republicans fielded a tree with a pizza nailed to it as a candidate you would vote for it because it is republican.

George Bush has been shrouded in controversy since he started,previous drinking/driving stories,his lack of international knowledge was proved to be lacking when it came to world leaders and even world geography,his army time,his election.He has been president and has made bad judgements.If you want to believe that Bush was given wrong info on WMD then you still have to admit to bad judgement on either the evidence or the ppl giving it to him,one way or another he has made bad judgements.
Turf him out!! Don't let him make any more because they will become more serious each time.

Of course the Democrats are stamping all over Bush's life and throwing this crap up but do you really believe that they are the only ones???
Do you REALLY believe that Kerry wants to give control of the Military to the UN?

(slightly off topic but relevant)Living in the UK we have this sort of story all the time,because some want to become a fully integrated in to Europe and some dont.The story's that fly about,i kid you not these have appeared in our papers and been whipped up as real issues;
We have to make all our banana's straight because Europe says so.
We are not allowed to have paperboys any more because Europe says so.
We will lose our army/money/royal family/government because Europe says so.

There is no way in the world that any President of the USA is going to surrender his entire army etc to another power.NO way!!! He would never get away with it.Thats Bush's ppl trying to scare you.

You said
Saddam lost all control of his military basically when the country was beginning to be liberated so therefore unless he "pushed the button" himself they wouldn't have launched do to lack of communications and the like. My belief is that they're being stored (as in non-operating condition) in Syria.

If he had the capabilities get them into Syria he had the capabilities to use them.
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Old 03-07-2004, 11:03 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Just Pro-Bush because he's a Republican? Hardly. I'm not that narrow minded, mind you .

My belief about politics is that anyone with their own opinion will never agree with someone 100%, however I believe politics is about finding the canidate that meets your beliefs (in the proper priority to an extent) than any other canidate. Hence this is why I like Bush. I don't agree with him on quiet a few things, such as the border issues, but I do agree with alot of his stances such as *** Marriage, Abortion, the Iraqi war, etc..

I'd continue to argue your post but I have to goto work and will continue when I get back..

About the Kerry UN Control thing. Do I believe it? Well I must admit it is hard to believe it because he flip flops on everything, but he has made that impression during his time in DC that he wished that the control was given to the UN just like Clinton wished for. It probably won't happen if he becomes elected during his time in office, however he will initiate the changer over. As someone who has several members of my immediate family in the military and tons of friends and associates I see this as something very bad...
Originally Posted by 2tonelol
Doesn't read good like that does it? Kerry was decorated to wasn't he?

I think you are not so much a Bush fan as you are a Republican.If the Republicans fielded a tree with a pizza nailed to it as a candidate you would vote for it because it is republican.

George Bush has been shrouded in controversy since he started,previous drinking/driving stories,his lack of international knowledge was proved to be lacking when it came to world leaders and even world geography,his army time,his election.He has been president and has made bad judgements.If you want to believe that Bush was given wrong info on WMD then you still have to admit to bad judgement on either the evidence or the ppl giving it to him,one way or another he has made bad judgements.
Turf him out!! Don't let him make any more because they will become more serious each time.

Of course the Democrats are stamping all over Bush's life and throwing this crap up but do you really believe that they are the only ones???
Do you REALLY believe that Kerry wants to give control of the Military to the UN?

(slightly off topic but relevant)Living in the UK we have this sort of story all the time,because some want to become a fully integrated in to Europe and some dont.The story's that fly about,i kid you not these have appeared in our papers and been whipped up as real issues;
We have to make all our banana's straight because Europe says so.
We are not allowed to have paperboys any more because Europe says so.
We will lose our army/money/royal family/government because Europe says so.

There is no way in the world that any President of the USA is going to surrender his entire army etc to another power.NO way!!! He would never get away with it.Thats Bush's ppl trying to scare you.

You said
Saddam lost all control of his military basically when the country was beginning to be liberated so therefore unless he "pushed the button" himself they wouldn't have launched do to lack of communications and the like. My belief is that they're being stored (as in non-operating condition) in Syria.

If he had the capabilities get them into Syria he had the capabilities to use them.
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Old 03-07-2004, 11:08 PM   #50 (permalink)
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^ just out of curiosity, you say that you support bush because you support many of the decisions he has made and share his opinions on alot of issues. does this stretch to ammending the constitution to ban *** marriages? how do others feel on the subject? (i'll admit this is a little off topic, but interesting nonetheless.)
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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