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Old 01-18-2013, 08:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by fleamailman View Post
("...another ten posts and I'll be able to post pictures here..." smiled the goblin across the ether once more, where somehow the post never looked its best without a matching picture to go with it, adding "...so I'll tell you what humans, I wager with you that if I don't get banned and that if this thread is not locked beforehand too, then this thread will have a hitcount of 10,000hit to it by christmas, nah it can't be done you're thinking, but my wager stands if you are willing to take me up on it...", and with that the goblin went back to posting on those threads that would up his postcount till he could start his wager for real, laughing "...me, I place my reputation on the line by this, simply it gives my posting a purpose to me...")
I vote for locking it up.
Something Completely Different
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Old 01-18-2013, 01:41 PM   #2 (permalink)
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No, just very very pretentious.
("...nah, it's all pretence anyway, I mean ask yourself what is real here to begin with where everything is simply virtual reality between us..." replied the goblin again, adding "...no, there's never any malice in my posts, moreover you may lock luckyme's thread here, banning me along with it if you like, or you can just make me look a fool by letting me lose my wager, for surely no one could ever make a 10,000hits to a thread by christmas, unless you feel you could do it...")
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Old 01-18-2013, 03:39 PM   #3 (permalink)
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... a repost from a place where music sounds too and humans dance to their tunes ...

” … how is it possible that so many people are not interested in others but themselves? That they are so consumed by what they think is the right way, the only way?” Lucky sits on the sofa, basking in the heat of the fire and thinks on how people pass each other by. She once gave a homeless person–whom nobody seems to notice–a cup of coffee. He was grateful beyond compare, it embarrassed her. She doesn’t want this kind of gratitude for such a trivial matter. But he was not thankful for the coffee; he thanked her for the recognition of his existence. “It’s just,” Lucy thinks, “why wouldn’t he be seen? Is he not a human after all? Is he not a fine example of how one can exist without all that we seem to need these days? Is he not wise in refusing to offer what this greedy world wants from us? Is he not truly free from what holds us back from being human after all?” The man knows no greed, he lives from what he can get and when she asks, “Do you like your life?” He smiles and says, “I am truly free. You are a slave of your machines and society. Do not feel sorry for me, feel sorry for them.” And he pointed at the men carrying their briefcases and serious faces. On their way to yet another greed meet in their beloved bank. "Even those who love their music are slaves to it, for they must dance too and most dare not dance to a different tune." She smiles and asks, "Who will dance to new tune?"
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Old 01-19-2013, 04:23 PM   #4 (permalink)
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... another repost then ...

"yes, daily life and the motions to go through." Lucky muses. Why is it that humans want to bend others to their wishes and with that bending lose their grip on the other. It slips out off control and into the realm of chaos. Yet they do not see and bend more and more until finally one of two breaks and no longer is able to go through the motions. Motions that were not their own to begin with but laid upon them and acted on because of expectations that needed to be fulfilled. Only to end up broken instead of bent. "You've changed." Lucky hears the man say to the woman. He does not see the hurt in her eyes, nor the crack in her armour. "What is the matter?" Unaware of his bending he refuses to see her for who she is, he wants her to be how he perceives her. How she should be. Lucky shakes her head. "Why can't humans just accept others as they are? Why is there always the need to shape and change, to fit into that box readied for them upon birth. And when they break and break free, they are broken." Staring into the reflection of the darkened window Lucky looks upon herself. "Humans may break, but can be mended too. And maybe, maybe one day they will learn to accept and just be. But that would be a perfect world and that ..." Lucky refuses to go there for a perfect world can never be and remain. Not as long as humans remain human.
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Old 01-21-2013, 02:00 PM   #5 (permalink)
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("...I guess it's just me now..." went the goblin who was just editing stuff here, adding "...so chat with me is you like, if not I will my wager then...")

repost from elsewhere

the goblin remembered coming across the very toy in the flea-market that he had always wanted in his childhood, and in that way at least the flea-market to him seemed very much like a sea that often washed things up from his past, the goblin picked up the toy, took a long look at it and then finally put it back as if to let it drift away till next time then, saying "...well, I suppose my growing old is like this letting go here..."

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