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SATCHMO 05-27-2005 09:11 PM

[b]dig Deep[/b]
What are the contents of your pockets at this very moment?....DIG DEEP!!!!!!!

.angie. 05-27-2005 09:19 PM

strawberry chapstick and a starburst wrapper.

Pimp_racer 05-27-2005 09:20 PM

lol im in my boxers so um. i dont have pockets.

.angie. 05-27-2005 09:22 PM

:rofl: i could say something here, but i prefer not to..

Trauma 05-27-2005 09:26 PM

Cell Phone
Pocket Knife

Yes, it is 11:25 here.
Lol yes, I always stay dressed RIGHT until I go to bed.
Yes lol, bring these to school most days.
But I didn't have school today and they still found their way into my pocket.

I'm glad that it works now

.angie. 05-27-2005 09:35 PM

i have a permenant marker now too.. dont know how that got there.

(snickers, it works.)

IamAlejo 05-27-2005 10:01 PM

Car keys, a sharpie, and a pen.

deaths_black_kisses 05-28-2005 01:29 AM

im in my phjamis so no pockets.


blackTshirt 05-28-2005 02:17 AM

mobile phone and chewing gum

sometimes money :D

oh, wait, that's when i go to school.. i have a long Tshirt on me now, no pockets, sorry

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-28-2005 05:28 AM

I have two stamps, a maltesers wrapper, a battery, a plectrum, some crappy money that will never buy me anything, my brick (phone), and a lighter.

I like wearing my guy jeans, they have bigger pockets heh...

holdyoualways 05-28-2005 06:46 PM

well i dont...have any pockets. but there were 5 bucks, chapstick and a watch in there. now im in my jammys. :)

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-28-2005 06:59 PM

Cigarettes , Lighter & a Jules from Pulp Fiction 'Bad Muthaf*cker' wallet containing £26

Sweet Jane 05-28-2005 07:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Haha, I have a pic of that wallet on my pc because thought it was cool

I have my hands in my pockets. Yes I am SweetJane the amazing.

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-28-2005 07:29 PM

I`ve had mine for years , it`s almost falling apart

dog 05-30-2005 04:51 AM

a paperclip, and a piece of paper that reads "Q1"....????

Imonlydancing 05-30-2005 06:08 AM

im in no pockets, but i normally have some gum, my mobile phone, a plectrum...probably a leaflet from the local place where my mates bands play....and most likely some rubbish of some sort.

Kurt_Cobain 05-30-2005 06:31 AM

My wallet, complete with moths and cobwebs
Pack of 20 with the lighter tucked in the box
Ipod. (why I have an iPod in my pocket while im on the pc I don't know)

AprilMay 05-30-2005 06:38 AM

hmn... well my pocket seems to have acquired a detachable bra strap, my mobile phone complete with large crack on its screen, some hayfever eyedrops and some lip balm

Imonlydancing 05-30-2005 11:20 AM

woo i am now wearing clothes with pockets and inside them are....some money, a plastic bag scrunched up, mobile, hairbands....

pastor of muppets 05-31-2005 12:29 AM

well when i got to school i got my uniform which sucks but the contents are as follows..

numerous forms and homework as well as doodles during maths
pemanent marker and various other pens
4 bulldog clips
3 paper clips
concert poster
hanky :p:
flexible ruler
watch (broken)
bits of food and wrappers

good stuff :)

blackTshirt 05-31-2005 01:03 AM

aww you have to wear a uniform... hehe that's cute.. and sad

pastor of muppets 05-31-2005 01:05 AM

yeh and i just found two cds and some headphones in there

SATCHMO 05-31-2005 01:31 AM

What on earth are you wearing that could possibly allow you to have that much sh*t in your pockets !?!?!?!?

pastor of muppets 05-31-2005 02:08 AM

a blazer thing with a secret pocket inside two outside

walkin' dude 05-31-2005 02:17 AM

A mobile phone, about £4.00 in shrapnel, my wallet, my house keys, my cigarettes, my lighter, my security pass, a pen, and for some reason that I don't know, my passport.

blackTshirt 05-31-2005 02:22 AM

security pass.. that reminds me of lara croft and tomb raider :D

walkin' dude 05-31-2005 02:40 AM

^I don't think my breasts are big enough to pull it off.
Oh, and there is tissue in my pocket now because i've got a ****ing cold.

blackTshirt 06-01-2005 01:54 AM

you mean you're a man and don't have lara-croft-breasts?? that's weird...

pastor of muppets 06-01-2005 03:59 AM

yeah i was thinking the exact same thing........ anyway today i also remembered i often carry round my mobile, wallet and keys so add that to my list of sh!te

Soundgardener 06-03-2005 10:43 AM

A pen, piece of gum, and a list of people I need to call when drumline practice comes around.

Sneer 06-03-2005 11:01 AM

pack of wrigleys extra
lighter (despite the fact i dont smoke)
about £6 in change
my shitty phone

Fenixpunk 06-03-2005 11:15 AM

car keys
work ID badge
pack of smokes
my HHH wallet containing my DL, Bankcard, misc. business cards, about $135
oooh..a green apple jolly rancher, Yay!!

PopIsDead 06-03-2005 02:01 PM

pocket knife
3 rubber bands
paper clip
guitar pick

PhishFood 06-07-2005 07:58 PM

A pocket watch with a cracked face, a thumb pick, a blue balloon a small wad of duct tape, and a wallet with a $5 and two 2 dollar bills, a bus pass, a library card and a bank card in it

shandapanda 06-08-2005 07:16 AM

my mobile
some paper that's been in the wash and is all mjushy
my keys
my panda
some lip balm
empty candy wrappers
lighter-to burn random things when bored
random crap i should've thrown away

anticipation 06-27-2005 02:36 PM

about 70 grams of grade A poison.
a map to blackbeards prostitue training facility
a repo man's eye
and 2 italian stillettos, for lock picking.

jr. 06-27-2005 02:58 PM


A pocket knife.

A scrap of paper with some numbers on it. I don't remember what they're for. (Hey! Maybe it's the combination for a safe!)

gabbagabba_hey 06-27-2006 04:40 PM

this thread hasnt been posted in exactly a year!!!!!!!!!

I HAVE.......
candy wrappers
a key that i dont know what it opens
danger pins
a doll head
random papers
a lighter (tea*he)

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 06-27-2006 06:19 PM

fun times.....

I've got....a cell phone, a set of keys, my MP3 player, and a bag of throat lozenges......damn sore throat.

tdoc210 06-27-2006 06:22 PM

ive got nothing in my pockets :)

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