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Old 12-31-2012, 04:13 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Unhappy Giving Up Smoking

Okay, so I briefly mentioned this in the Resolutions thread and didn't get any expressions of interest but even if nobody else wants to take part something like this will definitely help me. If you're planning on giving up smoking as of tomorrow then you can use this place to vent your frustrations, boast about your accomplishments and maybe beg for support or something if you're on the edge and too embarassed to go to a real life meeting. Hell, if you're trying to kick another addiction you're perfectly welcome to use this for the same things as well.

I'm not actually going to drop the smokes until the 2nd because my resolution for last year was to never again see the onset of a new year sober, meaning I'm not going to be in any mindset to remember to keep away from smoking. When I get up in the morning I'll go out for one last one and then hopefully not touch a single cigarette again for the rest of my life.
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Old 12-31-2012, 06:16 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Understatement of the universe for those who have tried: “it isn’t easy”. I’ve tried…a mentally and emotionally draining time; I still smoke.

Just my 2 cents (take it for what it’s worth, considering); you’ll never quite if you make dates, plan on ‘one last cigarette’, or even tell anyone you’re going to quite. That’s the big one, never tell anyone who you know personally that you’re trying to quite, or even planning on it. Its different for different people, some people like that emotional support, but at the same time, it may put unnecessary weight on your shoulders; and make you feel like you owe it to someone, or someone is counting on you to quite.

Try to keep in mind; NO cigarette is your last. I found that, during my smoking cessation, it was easier not to smoke when I had a pack of cigarettes on me. Having a pack with me at all times made me feel in control, and assured me that “no one is taking this away from me”, “if a want, I can light up”. - When I went the rout of throwing my packs and lighters away, I felt extremely depressed, anxious, and just an overall feeling of helplessness.

Making dates causes unnecessary stress, because it will make you feel like you have a deadline, and as it draws closer, you’ll dread it even more.

Now, I don’t know what kind of cigarettes you smoke, but if you smoke the chemical **** like I do (Marlboro, Camel, Pall Mall), it will be a hell of a lot more difficult to quite, because you not only have a nicotine dependency, but a dependency on a number of other additives, the things that give a cigarette that ‘kick’.

Believe it or not, switching to an ‘organic’ cigarette, or at least one with a significantly reduced number of additives in comparison to the big brands, will help. Some that are more widely available are Natural American Spirit and Nat Sherman’s for instance. Smoke something like that for awhile to wean yourself off the additives.

Again, this is just me; take it for what it’s worth considering I still smoke. I’ve only tried twice (seriously tried). For some people it takes a few tries.

Bottom line: don’t be so hasty about it. Pace yourself, let it come naturally.

I wish you luck
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Old 12-31-2012, 06:58 AM   #3 (permalink)
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I usually don't make new years resolutions as I will probably never keep them. I've practically quit regular smoking at this stage and only smoke when I'm out drinking with friends. I aim to keep it that way. Quitting smoking completely would be a huge challenge for me as a large portion of my friend circle smoke when drinking and I can't imagine at this stage going out for a few drinks and not smoking. You get into a habit of going to the smoking area of a pub or club to see who's there, have a chat etc and it's something I love doing.

I haven't smoked a cigarette during daytime in over a month now and I don't feel any desire to do so, which is great. Whenever I have a few cigs left over from a night out I usually just dump them so that I don't get tempted to smoke them. I don't know if the e-cigarette approach works effectively as I've never tried it but it could be a method for you to experiment with.
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Old 12-31-2012, 09:13 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Check this post mate -

I have some other tips and stuff, such as think of yourself as a non-smoker, not an ex-smoker.

I don't smoke anymore. I personally think, without sounding patronising, it is as difficult as you make it (I have thought this even more since stumbling across Allen Carr's method). My dad for example, drinks a lot and obviously when you drink you're more tempted to smoke. So he quits, then drinks as he normally would, then the inevitable happens. It would be easier for him if he stopped drinking too, at least for a period of time, but he claims it's fine.

Two things I think are important if you want to quit, are that you must really want to quit. The other is to be prepared to remove yourself from any temptation, so if that means avoiding your friends for a while, not going to the pub, do it. Find something else to do (set a fitness goal?) and work towards that. I know they sound obvious but there will be times as a non-smoker that you think 'one won't hurt' and that is the moment you must really want to quit. The worst problem for me, is that I sometimes have sleeping trouble and stuff. I keep some patches and Nytol in my desk next to my bed, so when that happens I stick a patch on and take a Nytol and watch a documentary and I'm fine. Cravings only last 5 minutes apparently but with insomnia I've eventually just smoked to fall asleep.

I cannot recommend that Allen Carr method enough. There is a book and a DVD, I have watched the DVD but not read the book, the DVD is about on the internet somewhere as a torrent. Should be easy enough to find.

Good luck Circe and everyone else quitting smoking.
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Old 12-31-2012, 09:15 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Best of luck t'ya Circe. I don't smoke but my sister does and I know how hard it is, as she has MS, is bedbound and STILL bloody smokes! She can't even hold the cigarette herself now, I have to do that for her.

You need any support/shoulder/spanking if you lapse, let me know.
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Old 12-31-2012, 09:24 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Best of luck t'ya Circe. I don't smoke but my sister does and I know how hard it is, as she has MS, is bedbound and STILL bloody smokes! She can't even hold the cigarette herself now, I have to do that for her.

You need any support/shoulder/spanking if you lapse, let me know.
That is admirable and you just earned a lot of my respect. You're a true caretaker in my book.
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Old 12-31-2012, 10:09 AM   #7 (permalink)
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I think not telling people you're going to quit helps massively, it stops people talking about it all the time and stops you thinking about it. Plus nobody expects it from you so if you relapse you don't have someone blabbing about how you've failed miserably.

Keep the hands busy too, that was the hardest for me.

And the routine of having cigs is hard to break, try and fill that time with something you enjoy to help try and take your mind off it.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 12-31-2012, 10:34 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Heh, thanks for the advice and encouragement everyone. Not telling anyone probably won't work unless I can get some kind of memory eraser as I've already announced it to my mum and a few friends, but I'll try and shut up about it so the people I'm less close to don't know. If I start lapsing or finding it really challenging I'll be sure to give the other stuff a try but being the lazy teen that I am I'd rather do it all with a minimum of effort on my part unless absolutely necessary.

Also I feel really bad for just sucking up loads of attention here so if anyone else is considering it you should really talk about it here.
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Old 12-31-2012, 10:45 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Engine View Post
That is admirable and you just earned a lot of my respect. You're a true caretaker in my book.
Thanks Engine. Yeah, if there's one thing I hate more than smoking I don't know what it is, but four times a day I have to put the cig in her mouth, light it, hold it and also hold the ashtray underneath it (as she's in bed) while simultaenously trying to avoid breathing in that choking thick smoke! Urgh! Still, if I didn't do it she wouldn't be able to smoke, and she has very few pleasures left in life. Eyesight going bandy, so no more reading. Can't drink anymore, finds it hard to listen to music... ah yes, MS: the disease that just keeps on giving!
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Old 12-31-2012, 10:48 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Fair play TH, you seem like a nice guy.
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