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Old 08-02-2013, 11:36 PM   #101 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
I started singing the "ain't nobody got time fo dat" song after reading this.
Thanks Obama.
Should I punctuate this with a "global net jive" or a gif? I can't figure out which will come off as more self-righteous while still trying to smokescreen with irony.
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Old 08-02-2013, 11:37 PM   #102 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Driving a manual with traffic up a hill is the worst. I know this because people that thought manual transmission vehicles are a great idea have told me about it.
It is annoying, but you get pretty good at handbrake starts! I only drive a manual because when I went to buy a car it was there and it was cheaper than the auto.
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Old 08-02-2013, 11:46 PM   #103 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
Should I punctuate this with a "global net jive" or a gif? I can't figure out which will come off as more self-righteous while still trying to smokescreen with irony.
Not sure how that relates. I'm lost.

Originally Posted by Lateralus View Post
It is annoying, but you get pretty good at handbrake starts! I only drive a manual because when I went to buy a car it was there and it was cheaper than the auto.
My first car was a manual. Honda Civic 86, Hatchback... of all things. After I let the water pump die without replacing it, I drove it home one day to its smoky death on Bryan Dairy road in Florida, right near Largo. In my defense, the hood release latch broke, so I couldn't open the hood to do things. I enjoyed it while it lasted, but all I have to say is that bridges were unnecessarily retarded with a manual during traffic.
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Old 08-02-2013, 11:50 PM   #104 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Not sure how that relates. I'm lost.
i am partially making fun of myself.

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Old 08-02-2013, 11:52 PM   #105 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
My first car was a manual. Honda Civic 86, Hatchback... of all things. After I let the water pump die without replacing it, I drove it home one day to its smoky death on Bryan Dairy road in Florida, right near Largo. In my defense, the hood release latch broke, so I couldn't open the hood to do things. I enjoyed it while it lasted, but all I have to say is that bridges were unnecessarily retarded with a manual during traffic.
It sounds like it served you well! My first car was a little 80s hatchback as well. I sold it to a newly licensed teenager before I had to face its death. You never forget your first car! I should've 'upgraded' to an auto... but I didn't!
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Old 08-02-2013, 11:59 PM   #106 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
My first car was a manual. Honda Civic 86, Hatchback... of all things. After I let the water pump die without replacing it, I drove it home one day to its smoky death on Bryan Dairy road in Florida, right near Largo. In my defense, the hood release latch broke, so I couldn't open the hood to do things. I enjoyed it while it lasted, but all I have to say is that bridges were unnecessarily retarded with a manual during traffic.
Why bridges specifically? You mean just in the sense of the whole pulling out of a toll booth/shifting/rolling up window/trying to put change away juggling act?
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Old 08-05-2013, 09:25 AM   #107 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
My first car was a manual. Honda Civic 86, Hatchback... of all things. After I let the water pump die without replacing it, I drove it home one day to its smoky death on Bryan Dairy road in Florida, right near Largo. In my defense, the hood release latch broke, so I couldn't open the hood to do things. I enjoyed it while it lasted, but all I have to say is that bridges were unnecessarily retarded with a manual during traffic.
I had an '89 Civic Hatchback in the late 90's. It had a Rockford Fosgate 1200w amp with 2 16" Piledrivers (woofers/horns/tweeters all in one box) in the hatch. You could sit in the back seat and get a massage with the right tune on (Crystal Methods' Vapor Trail was a good one), and the rear view mirror would do a little dance. Sadly, a 17yo girl went to make a left, saw me and stopped right in my path. Out of the girl, her friend, my daughter and me, noone was hurt, but the Piledrivers tried to make their way to the front seat. If she'd have kept going, I'd likely still have it. Well, maybe not.

And yeah, it was a manual trans. I had 6 vehicles in a row, all manual. The worst encounter with a manual truck I had was stopping on a hill at a stop sign in the snow. I had to back up down the hill, and gun it. Hoping noone was crossing the intersection. Luckily it wasn't a heavily traveled road.
See location...
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Old 08-09-2013, 08:33 AM   #108 (permalink)
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My first car was a 72 manual 2 door Torana that I picked up for around $600. Pulled up at some lights one night and it just stopped dead. I was trying to restart it when I saw some weird wavy shadows on the road in front of the car. When I got out I realised they were coming from the fire under the hood. Turned out the fuel line had popped off and pumped fuel all over the engine which ignited and burnt out all the wiring and hoses.
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Old 08-13-2013, 05:09 AM   #109 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
My first car was a 72 manual 2 door Torana that I picked up for around $600. Pulled up at some lights one night and it just stopped dead. I was trying to restart it when I saw some weird wavy shadows on the road in front of the car. When I got out I realised they were coming from the fire under the hood. Turned out the fuel line had popped off and pumped fuel all over the engine which ignited and burnt out all the wiring and hoses.
I had a year 2000 5dr navy blue Ford Fiesta, had it for two years and my manifold completely fell off the engine so got that welded back up, then my rearview mirror fell off when I was driving the backroads, then my glovebox fell off on same road. Still loved her. Then I was going to pick up weed and I was coming off the motorway at 80mph, so I get on to the slip road and it's time to brake and my foot goes further than it normally does and I instantly know I have no brakes so I said in a weird calmness to my mates in the car "right lads, I don't mean to alarm yous but I have no brakes" haha, got my weed and went home. Still drove her for 6 months after that and she finally got scrapped as she wasn't worth repairing.

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 08-18-2013, 08:48 PM   #110 (permalink) to hear...
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Most traffic lights turning green have this:

First person: (doesn't care about going fast. He's gonna make it anyway.)
Second person: (Doesn't care about going too fast. Was on the phone and texting, but fortunately, the guy ahead of him took off and it caught his eye. But he's the second guy, so he will make it. No need to rush)
Third person: (Slightly annoyed at the response time of the first two, but he'll make it, so his entire concern is based on his own interest.)
Fourth person: (This one is paying attention, but becomes victim of the lag cycle.. where forward movement is starting to be exponentially worse)
Fifth person: (This guy tailgates the fourth guy. He wants to make the light, but something goes wrong, invariably)
Everyone else:
They all hate the first 5 people. And they're progressively more likely to hit the light. When they get under it, they completely forget other humans exist. Only they exist. They have gotten under the light before it turned red and ruined their lives.
The last person in this convoy is the guy that does not want to chance it, so he stops on the yellow. At a glance, you would think that this guy would also be the perfect person to be first at the light. This is not so. He will ruin it somehow, since he is now first. And thus, the cycle will continue.
^ I thought of this very neat analysis the other day, Freebase!

I was tailgating a truck to get through on green, up so close that the truck obscured my view of the actual traffic lights, when this justification suddenly ran through my head :- " All traffic lights shall be assumed to be green until proven otherwise."

If that´s not actually in the Highway Code, it should be.
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