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Janszoon 03-23-2013 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1299974)
You can't say your mother smoking had no effect on you. You don't know how you could have turned out otherwise. And anecdotal evidence is generally quite poor, f.ex statistically.

I'm pretty sure he was being humorous.

Cuthbert 03-23-2013 05:56 AM

My mom smoked when she had me. I'm 23 though, not sure how much was known about it back then.

I have asthma and learning difficulties :cool:

Guybrush 03-23-2013 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1299981)
I'm pretty sure he was being humorous.

Ew, that's Exo trying to be funny? I don't believe that.

Janszoon 03-23-2013 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1300001)
Ew, that's Exo trying to be funny? I don't believe that.

Exo? I thought the post you were responding to was from Engine.

14232949 03-23-2013 08:07 AM

What Tore said, science doesn't lie. If it's proven that smoking harms the babies health and causes genetic mutations. There's going to be cases where some samples will not be affected but the likelihood of developing problems greatly increase.
Not everyone who doesn't wear their seatbelt dies in a car journey, but the chances are greatly increased as to those who decide to wear them.

I'm not having a go at anyone's mothers but if you're serious enough to put yourself through the ordeal of carrying a life for 9 months and the pain of childbirth, why would you want to jeopardise what is already a major commitment for the sake of a few cigarettes which aren't going to help you with things such as morning sickness anyway.
Plus, how would you feel if you're child was born retarded or had deformities. You personally would have handicapped them for life because you failed to give up cigarettes.

Burning Down 03-23-2013 08:08 AM

Drinking and using illicit drugs while pregnant is more dangerous than smoking throughout (not to say that's a good idea either). Drinking causes fetal alcohol syndrome and other neurological problems, and using other drugs can have similar effects as well as the baby being born addicted to the drugs.

Although I've noticed that people who's mothers smoked during pregnancy often become smokers themselves later in life. That's just based on anecdotal evidence though, but it's interesting.

Engine 03-23-2013 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1299902)
It's not so bad. My mom smoked when she was pregnant with me and I turned out totally fucking perfect.


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1299974)
You can't say your mother smoking had no effect on you. You don't know how you could have turned out otherwise. And anecdotal evidence is generally quite poor, f.ex statistically.


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1299981)
I'm pretty sure he was being humorous.


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1300001)
Ew, that's Exo trying to be funny? I don't believe that.

So maybe I'm not all that funny, but I do try to drink a lot in order to make up for that shortcoming, so at least I was born with the ability to recognize my flaws and attempt to correct them.

Tore (see how I know who I'm responding to, btw), I never said that my mother's smoking had no effect on me. If it did then the anecdotal evidence suggests that some women absolutely should smoke during pregnancy. If she hadn't smoked, I may have been born with physical deformities or mental handicaps.

Mojo 04-01-2013 05:14 PM

This girl on my Facebook, who I have posted about in this thread before, continues to amaze, baffle and infuriate me. I know I should unfriend her but I just have to see what she puts on. It's becoming an illness.

She shares things that I find inappropriate, personally. Whatever, that's only my opinion. But she posts a hundred times a day, usually so vague and uninteresting I'm sure not one person could be interested and sometimes...well, she shares too much.

Recently she decided to inform everyone that her son had been returned by his father after a stay at his fathers house. Upon him leaving and when she got round to taking the childs clothes out of his bag to wash them, she found a pair of womens underwear, apparently belonging to the fathers girlfriend.

Not only did she share this with hundreds of people she knows, a lot of which she barely knows anymore (like me, I went to school with her), she also decided to inform everyone that the underwear came with a nice, fresh stain. Lovely.

Oh, and then came the photo's of them...

14232949 04-01-2013 06:56 PM

pics or it didn't happen!

Mojo 04-01-2013 07:13 PM

Haha. I didn't particularly want to see a photo of them the first time. Never mind go and find it and share it with everyone else. This was also then followed by status updates of the fallout when the father and the girlfriend either saw or were informed what she was doing.

Some people.

Sansa Stark 04-01-2013 07:14 PM

I've got some Facebook messages that would go nicely in this thread tbh

14232949 04-01-2013 07:22 PM

I rarely post on facebook myself any more. I see it more like a zoo, and thankfully I'm on the observation side.

jackhammer 04-01-2013 07:25 PM

Is to be on there in the first place. I was in a record store recently and I overheard 2 guys chatting and they seemed to be friends. They then swapped FB crap and suggested that they contact each other on there instead of actually spending an extra 5 mins face to face.

Their status: I can talk to you now we are not face to face and I have removed that horrible physical facade of looking you in the eye and conversing.

Yes I am not a facebook fan.

Dr_Rez 04-01-2013 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1302975)
Is to be on there in the first place. I was in a record store recently and I overheard 2 guys chatting and they seemed to be friends. They then swapped FB crap and suggested that they contact each other on there instead of actually spending an extra 5 mins face to face.

Their status: I can talk to you now we are not face to face and I have removed that horrible physical facade of looking you in the eye and conversing.

Yes I am not a facebook fan.

Add me Lee, lets swap info.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-02-2013 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Mankycaaant (Post 1302974)
I rarely post on facebook myself any more. I see it more like a zoo, and thankfully I'm on the observation side.

Neither, I barely ever log on tbh.

ThePhanastasio 04-02-2013 02:14 AM

The thing that concerns me about facebook lately is that people no longer seem to communicate in words beyond one sentence - and even then, it's only in response to some picture they've decided to post with a 'witty' caption.

I almost liked it better when everything on my news feed was someone posting a hugely illogical rant. At least then, I was getting something resembling thought, even if it was completely asinine nine times out of ten. Now, it's ****ing pictures which are asinine ten times out of ten.

Seriously, the only things which post actual words and thought on my feed seem to be NPR and Al Jazeera English.

Sequoioideae 04-02-2013 02:50 AM

I never see any statuses any longer than 3 words. It's always "Smoke me up", "One word to describe weather", ect. My friends aren't stupid, but they don't take FB seriously at all.

ZiggyStardust 04-02-2013 03:46 AM

Condescending Wonka solves everything.

image says ''your status contains multiple spelling mistakes, and you're too dumb to realise''

Trollheart 04-02-2013 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Mankycaaant (Post 1302974)
I rarely post on facebook myself any more. I see it more like a zoo, and thankfully I'm on the observation side.

WWWP 04-02-2013 03:24 PM

I'm pretty sure I'm the only funny person on facebook/twitter/youtube/musicbanter/internet/earth.

Janszoon 04-02-2013 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1303219)
I'm pretty sure I'm the only funny person on facebook/twitter/youtube/musicbanter/internet/earth.

You are, it's true.

PoorOldPo 04-02-2013 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1303219)
I'm pretty sure I'm the only funny person on facebook/twitter/youtube/musicbanter/internet/earth.

I dunno now. I like to think I am pretty funny too. you might have some competition.

P A N 04-02-2013 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1303044)
The thing that concerns me about facebook lately is that people no longer seem to communicate in words beyond one sentence - and even then, it's only in response to some picture they've decided to post with a 'witty' caption.

I almost liked it better when everything on my news feed was someone posting a hugely illogical rant. At least then, I was getting something resembling thought, even if it was completely asinine nine times out of ten. Now, it's ****ing pictures which are asinine ten times out of ten.

Seriously, the only things which post actual words and thought on my feed seem to be NPR and Al Jazeera English.

i couldn't agree with this more. it's really disheartening too. i have a few friends that use it (kinda like i do) to try and keep people updated on things going on the world, and that feels good. but out of roughly 500 "friends" i see only ten (and that's rounding up) who use it for this. i am pretty accustomed to using full sentences and making an effort to express myself and what i have to offer as thoroughly as i can, and it sucks SO MUCH when some ignorant d*ck say something about writing an essay to make look like i'm somehow out of line... not because i feel out of line, but because it's evidence that social media - what with the sheer pace of it alone - is serving to sort of degrade the attention span of people in general... i really could write an essay about this, but i just wanted to sort of agree with the above quote and express my sadness at the inanity of it all.

ThePhanastasio 04-02-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by P A N (Post 1303290)
i couldn't agree with this more. it's really disheartening too. i have a few friends that use it (kinda like i do) to try and keep people updated on things going on the world, and that feels good. but out of roughly 500 "friends" i see only ten (and that's rounding up) who use it for this. i am pretty accustomed to using full sentences and making an effort to express myself and what i have to offer as thoroughly as i can, and it sucks SO MUCH when some ignorant d*ck say something about writing an essay to make look like i'm somehow out of line... not because i feel out of line, but because it's evidence that social media - what with the sheer pace of it alone - is serving to sort of degrade the attention span of people in general... i really could write an essay about this, but i just wanted to sort of agree with the above quote and express my sadness at the inanity of it all.

Yes, there are a VERY select few on my friend's list who will actually post something moderately interesting or state some sort of opinion, but they, like me, don't really post often. I think we're probably all disheartened by our other facebook friends doing nothing but posting the same memes or photos over and over again. I've only posted a few quote photos, like, maybe three or four ever, and those have just been because it was something I really wanted to share - like, something I'd just read which I found particularly moving for some reason - and figured no one would even read it amongst the sea of pictures otherwise.

Today, I posted that I was reading American Gods, because, I mean, Hell, I am...and maybe someone will post a recommendation based on that, or something. Before that, though, I think my last post was a lengthy rant about people wanting to leave gay marriage "up to the states." Aside from that, I use a few private groups on there which rarely post pictures and encourage discussion, or just skim.

The Batlord 04-03-2013 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1303219)
I'm pretty sure I'm the only funny person on facebook/twitter/youtube/musicbanter/internet/earth.

Well, that's why you got the award for Funniest Member. Oh wait. That was me.

WWWP 04-03-2013 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1303427)
Well, that's why you got the award for Funniest Member. Oh wait. That was me.

Well I certainly didn't vote for you.

Also I got that award once. Back when there was competition.

Plankton 04-03-2013 12:04 PM

Do I smell something burning? Oh, thats just Batty.

Burning Down 04-03-2013 12:50 PM

The Most Infuriating Examples Of Spoiled Brats On Facebook | Happy Place

The Batlord 04-04-2013 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1303493)
Also I got that award once. Back when there was competition.

And yet you didn't get it this time around. Better luck next time. For you to poop on.

WWWP 04-04-2013 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1303801)
And yet you didn't get it this time around. Better luck next time. For you to poop on.

Good one. You totally got me.

Sansa Stark 04-04-2013 11:32 AM


Mojo 04-04-2013 11:34 AM

Now, now people.

Lets make a compromise, and agree that neither of you are remotely amusing.

Doesn't everyone feel better?

Sequoioideae 04-04-2013 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 1303910)

Doesn't everyone feel better?


gunnels 04-04-2013 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1303507)

:laughing: I think this one was my favorite:

The Batlord 04-05-2013 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 1303907)
Good one. You totally got me.

WWWP 04-05-2013 04:16 PM

Killin it.

ladyislingering 04-06-2013 03:05 PM

from my days as an alcoholic -

ThePhanastasio 04-20-2013 10:00 PM

This is what has resulted from Facebook's latest update:

Cuthbert 04-21-2013 10:32 AM


14232949 04-21-2013 12:23 PM

^ Tell me I didn't just see that?!?!?!?!

By the way, what's your facebook name FK?

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