Originally Posted by Trollheart
Urban, I don't mean to retrospectively earn a spot in the "Biggest Drama Whore" category for your nominations, but I feel I have to defend my journal.
Your comment about every journal being "long-winded album reviews" or short one-liners with youtubes is hardly applicable in my case. Actually, the first is certainly applicable (guilty!) and maybe the second but NOT ONLY those! I go to immense lengths to do different and interesting things in my journal, of which the below are only a few, and I am always looking for new slants and ideas to keep readers interested. There can be nothing as boring as album review after album review for some people, which is why I try to keep it fresh and new.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger ?
Most people pick a formula and stick to it, which is fine but personally that style of writing doesn't really do a lot for me. I voted Pedestian's journal as the best one. Go take a look at. It's not about just one thing, you never know what or how she's going to write next. That's the sort of thing I'd like to see more of which is why I said I hoped to see more originality in peoples writing. It would be nice if people mixed things up a bit.
Interesting points here and really just a matter of opinion. Basically I chose a journal format that I myself would want to see either on the internet or in book form if I was getting into a certain subject. I usually like stuff that is straight to the point, focused, reasonably thorough and with a little room for diversity.
I'm not interested in reading about what band somebody was listening to when they had their first shag, what music their cat likes, or what they were listening to this morning over breakfast, some people really dig this kind of thing but I don't.
The beauty of journal writing, is that there are no rules or criteria that members have to follow, so they're free to operate it how they want.