The 2012 Music Banter User Awards: NOMINATIONS! - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 12-07-2012, 02:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
Posts: 2,014

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger ? View Post
Most Inane: I'd like to thank Vegangelica for curing insomnia with her posts
You're welcome. My posts help with my insomnia, too.

* * * * *

Best Avatar: The Batlord (When you want to see pictures of sexy women, his avatar is the place to look on MB--and he thoughtfully changes them with the seasons!); Plankton (I always smile when I see that cute, tiny shrimp-critter down in the corner of its vast, lonely world); Vanilla (I like that her avatars express her music passion and personality so well.)

Sexiest Member (Male): Freebase Dali (He's an attractive fellow and I hope he knows it); TheBig3 (His running photo and the one where he posed like a scarecrow in a dance-off made me realize, hey, this is a handome albeit very conservative-looking man...who looks nothing like I expected based on his irate-sounding posts!); Zaqarbal (A dark-haired, fluffy, artistic, passionate Spaniard with a daring, wild side equals hot!); Honourable mentions: CanwllCorfe (for dramatic, brooding, bald-headed beauty) and Jackhammer (for his sensitive tough-man, biceps-like-rocks gorgeousness). And the Award for Cutest Member (Male) goes to our very own Conan!!

Sexiest Member (Female): Hermione (Her striking, large eyes in her pretty, pixie face always startle me in a good way); Rjinn (She reminds me of a female Marc Bolan!); Vanilla (Beautiful hair, beautiful almond-shaped eyes, a sexy demeanor, and that smoking photo of her licking her finger is seared in my brain). Award for Cutest Member (Female): DayvanCowboy. <-- Daww! (And she knits!)

Most Inane:

Angriest Member: Urban Hatemonger ? and also Loathsome Pete:

Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
Start doing that every time you post an album in here, it's Albums You're Digging, not the "Post pictures of albums then fuck off to do something else because you're too lazy to say anything about these albums you're apparently digging" thread.
Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
Your attempts at trolling are getting pretty lame, go back to the poor grammar and adolescent sex fantasies if want to stick around here.
^ Yikes!

Biggest Drama Whore:

Nicest Member: ribbons (Liz always has a kind word to say to people with whom she interacts); lisnaholic (He is tactful, appreciative, and respectful of others); FRED HALE SR. (Fred goes out of his way to offer friendly support, with this thread providing a good example.)

Best Debater: Tore (Tore doesn't just debate like a god. He *is* God. )

Worst Debater:

Best Writer: MoonlitSunshine (He's a thoughtful, careful, expressive, and amiable writer); slappyjenkins (Slappy is playful and honest with a great sense of comedic timing! I enjoy reading the free flow of his thoughts); sopsych (While some people's short posts say very little, sopsych's concise writing style retains the most important ideas about a topic and has a wider scope than the brevity suggests. He chooses to present the iceberg's tip while I like to show the whole iceberg, and I enjoy that difference.)

Biggest Virtuoso: Freebase Dali (I've known many musicians, but when I listened to Freebase's music several years ago I felt for the first time that I was hearing creative genius. I hope he is busy making his own music. Do it for us if not for yourself. ); Plankton (An excellent guitarist, Plank extracts an exquisite range of emotions out of an instrument that some people treat as if it were good for making only one type of sound); Aidy (His music shows great skill, which I admire even though his presence here has been mostly to promote his songs.)

Smartest Poster: Tore (If I want a thorough and logical yet kind answer to a question, he'd be the one to whom I'd turn.)

Funniest Member: The Batlord (Many of his flippant and goofy comments amuse me greatly); slappyjenkins (His posts contain comic gems that leave me laughing long after I log off); ribbons (Liz's subtle jokes, our mutual love of puns, and her playful mindset are delightful. I love that she doesn't make jokes at people's expense; instead, she makes jokes *with* them); honorable mentions: Blarobbarg and Conan (masters of light-hearted banter)

Best Mediator: Burning Down, Janszoon, Pedestrian

Biggest Troll:

Most Improved Member:

Most Underrated Poster: Howard the Duck (The Duck posted prolifically about music and listened to a wide range, shared very honestly about his life and his issues, and made personal and valued connections with other members, including me, and so I've always felt sad when people devalued his contributions); Franco Pepe Kalle (Pepe's passion for the music and musicians he loves is a beautiful thing. I wish him well and enjoy his being one of our members); hip hop bunny hop (I've always felt I get along with him just fine, so seeing people riled up over him amuses me. How can you not like someone with the word "bunny" in his username? More seriously, I like hip hop's attitude of sharing his opinions even if they aren't liked by all)

Most Obscure Music Taste: Urban Hatemonger ? (Except for never listening to classical music, Urban seems to have the most diverse taste in music of anyone I've noticed on MB. Some of his preferred music I like, while some of it I absolutely hate...but it is always interesting)

Best Music Taste:

Biggest Music Nerd: Unknown Solider (I am in awe of his vast knowledge of metal music that enables him to form strong opinions about it. Just one example:

Best Thread Starter: Pedestrian (She starts massive numbers of threads to involve people in music discussions; thank you, Pedestrian); Vanilla (I enjoy her many threads about thought-provoking topics, especially feminist and personal issues, that encourage the community members to share with each other)

Most Missed Poster: adidasss (He logs in but doesn't post! ); Howard the Duck; ribbons (where are you???)

Thread of the Year: WWWP's Member Gallery (Cute, clever, and funny, a lovely gift to the community)

Journal of the Year: Trollheart's (He's such an enthusiastic journalist! I'm impressed); Unknown Soldier's Pounding Decibels (Educational and thorough)

Moderator of the Year: Conan, Pedestrian, Burning Down (all are frequently friendly and respectful)

Best New Member 2012: Rjinn (She involved herself so quickly in conversations that it feels as if she has been here much longer than she has. I enjoy her even-keeled comments); Plankton (He is personable and willing to share both about his life and his music)

Member of the Year 2012:

Biggest Lounge Lizard: (I'm not sure because I've hardly spent any time in the lounge this year. Amandria?)

Member you'd most like to meet in real life: ribbons (My cyber sister, we seem to be living strangely parallel lives with similar outlooks. I'd love to know Liz better and enjoy her beautiful presence in the 3D world); slappyjenkins (He's new here, but his way of writing shows me a sensitive self so similar to mine that I think meeting him would be great fun for both of us); sopsych (Our differences and similarities intrigue me, plus I like trying to get him to smile, so I can imagine that I would enjoy meeting him. I'd like to understand better how he became the person he is)

Member you'd most want to avoid meeting in real life: perhaps rostasi (Reason: when this member first joined I felt he seemed very angry, bitter, and nasty sometimes, and so I developed a little fear of him); loathsome pete (Pete seems completely indifferent to me and his aggressive outbursts freak me out, so I think neither he nor I would enjoy meeting in person...but if he ever wants to meet, I'm still game, because then he'll find out we have even less in common than he thinks. )

Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator: Trollheart (and I think you'd be good at it, too, because I know how much you care about people and want to come to their defense)

Most amusing Shoutboxer: Hermione (All I know is that she is down there a lot, so I suspect she and others are having fun together)
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"

Last edited by VEGANGELICA; 12-07-2012 at 02:20 PM.
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Old 12-07-2012, 02:20 PM   #2 (permalink)
The Sexual Intellectual
Urban Hat€monger ?'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Member you'd most like to meet in real life:slappyjenkins (He's new here, but his way of writing shows me a sensitive self so similar to mine that I think meeting him would be great fun for both of us)
You're in for a disappointment because he already left the forum complaining about people disagreeing with him, called them all '*******s'.

You never really were a good judge of character were you

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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