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Old 12-06-2012, 10:07 PM   #141 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PoorOldPo View Post
I debate?..
Your Middle East position is disturbing.
I've moved to a new address
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Old 12-06-2012, 10:51 PM   #142 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Smartest poster - I'll give it to Right-Track for posting as infrequently as he does.
We love you too.
Originally Posted by Sequoioideae View Post
Fuck your hashtags, they have no power in this realm.
Originally Posted by FETCHER. View Post
I'm awfully sorry I'm not as good at writing pretentious posts as you are.
Let's Play TF2 Sometime.|Unrepresentative|Puns, Pokemon, and Miscellany
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Old 12-06-2012, 11:23 PM   #143 (permalink)
Do good.
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Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
Well actually I have Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attentative Defective Hyperactive Disorder. I did not know some English words until really I was about 8 years old but I did not talk to many people but I really became more effective when I became a teen (I will be 20 in April 20). But I am not always great with expressing my views. Plus lately I have learning other languages like French and Lingala and I happen to know Swahili somewhat.
My theory was correct!

Franco, as much as people on here dislike you (and as much as your sexual comments disturb me), you really are a gem and I enjoy having you around. A good many of my family and friends are in the autism spectrum, I understand it's hard to work with, and I applaud you for venturing onto the internet of all places. As you can see, the internet isn't exactly forgiving. If you were to disappear, I would honestly worry about you.

That said, you're still getting my vote for most inane. But know that doesn't mean I don't care.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ^my RYM^  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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Old 12-06-2012, 11:28 PM   #144 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Most Improved Member - stp
I improved? lol, thanks. If there was a Most Boring Internet Ghost I might win that but I appreciate the nom.
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Old 12-07-2012, 12:06 AM   #145 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Smartest poster - I'll give it to Right-Track for posting as infrequently as he does.
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Old 12-07-2012, 06:43 AM   #146 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Your Middle East position is disturbing.
In my defence!

That thread was made without my knowledge by some mod, from a comment I had made after seeing an image of two butchered pakistani children who were playing football when they were killed.
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Old 12-07-2012, 08:00 AM   #147 (permalink)
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Sexiest Member (Male): RVCA, he's that pretty mother****er.
Sexiest Member (Female): Vanilla by 20,000 leagues.
Most Inane: Franco, The Batlord
Angriest Member: Dirty, probably the only poster who legitimately gets angry at **** people say on here.
Nicest Member: toss up between grandpa Trollheart and Vegangelica.
Best Debater: HHBH/Tore
Best Writer: Anteater
Biggest Virtuoso: Plankton is the next SRV.
Smartest Poster: Tore
Funniest Member: Howard the Duck
Most Underrated Poster: Unknown Soldier
Most Obscure Music Taste: Anticipation
Best Music Taste: ASAP Sparky/Smegma-covered Bell End
Best Thread Starter: Pedestrian
Most Missed Poster: Everyone.
Moderator of the Year: Freebase Dali/Loathsome Pete
Best New Member 2012: Smegma-covered Bell End
Member of the Year 2012: Howard the Duck
Biggest Lounge Lizard: Hermione
Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Po, Kayleigh, Phantom Limb, ASAP Sparky, Fred Hale Sr; it's gonna happen one day soon bud. We'll burn and have some brews with the old ladies.
Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator: Trollheart
Most amusing Shoutboxer Exo/Engine
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Old 12-07-2012, 08:12 AM   #148 (permalink)
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Best Avatar: HHBH's blingeed up Easy E (not that he had any choice in it)

Sexiest Member (Male): Rezz has been leaving little cock teasing messages on my profile all year.You sexy beast Rezz.

Sexiest Member (Female): Bob in a blonde wig and a french maid outfit :fap fap fap:

Most Inane: I'd like to thank Vegangelica for curing insomnia with her posts

Angriest Member: Engine does it with such style you can't help be impressed

Biggest Drama Whore: Vanilla has been the cause of me having to call the police and lock my doors and windows several times this year so I'll say her.

Nicest Member: Bob & Lisnaholic, If you don't like them you're just being a cunt. And what the hell is a Lisnaholic anyway?

Best Debater: I always find myself agreeing with Janzsoon, which is really fucking annoying when he's arguing against me.

Worst Debater: Vegangelica, rambling incoherently and being nice to people doesn't mean you're good at debating. I wish she'd learn the meaning of the word concise.

Best Writer: I don't think anybody has really stood out this year. I go in the journals section and I only ever seem to see 2 types of posts. Ones with really long drawn out album reviews and ones with loads of youtube videos with a brief 3 or 4 line explanation.
Come on people show a bit of originality.

Biggest Virtuoso: Big 3 is such a virtuoso with his language skills he could stump the type of people who study James Joyce's Finnegans Wake for fun with his posts.

Smartest Poster: Janszoon, common sense with a laughing smily, what more could you ask for.

Funniest Member: Who's that new kid with the cartoon fox thing in his avatar? Watching him talking about music had me in fits of laughter.

Best Mediator: HHBH, usually his posts bring the forum together in a spirit of unity I've never ever seen before or since.

Biggest Troll: Burning Down, always encouraging Franco's advances. stop cock teasing him girl.

Most Improved Member: No so much improved but I always hoped that Unknown Soldier would post more and this year he really seems to have thrown himself into getting himself known on the forum more.

Most Underrated Poster: I don't think it'll be too long before Frownland becomes a force of nature in this forum. I like Fred Hale Sr a lot too, he has a lot of interesting things to say. Psy-Fi needs to post more too.

Most Obscure Music Taste: Loathsome Pete,I Don't think I've heard of a single album he's posted here in about 3 years. I think from now on I'm going to go on a monthly Pete album download just to see what the hell he's listening to. I trust him enough to know it'll probably be interesting even if I don't like it.

Best Music Taste: Bob, second to myself of course.

Biggest Music Nerd: Obligiatry vote for Jackhammer so I don't win this. Goofle deserves a special mention too, that guy listens to EVERYTHING. I could record my farts, give it a nicely designed album cover, post it in the albums you're digging thread and Goofle will ask me for a link, and enjoy it.

Best Thread Starter: Wolfpigeonperson by miles

Most Missed Poster: My beloved Tumor, also Nonsubmissivewife because I gather she's had a difficult year from what she's said and she needs to know just because she's not always here she's still loved by those of us that miss her. I also miss James, Molecules & Bulldog too.

Thread of the Year: Mod Talk, for any non mods it's like the mods version of the spill your guts thread, but 1000 times more honest.

Journal of the Year: Pedestrian wins this by a mile, all the stuff I said earlier about journals doesn't apply to hers.

Moderator of the Year: Even when she's busy with other things Pedestrian still does more than I ever do. And she apologises for it too. Nobody should even consider voting anything else here.

Best New Member 2012: Rjinn, Slow Groove & Plankton I think all joined this year as far as I remember and all worthy mentions

Member of the Year 2012: Bob, just for being so fucking cool.

Biggest Lounge Lizard: As if this is a good thing

Member you'd most like to meet in real life: I'd love to go out on the lash with Bob, Jackhammer, Rezz, Janszoon, Engine, RT , Batlord, Mojo, Big 3 and Loathsome Pete one night.
I can just see this list getting longer as I realise I've missed people out.
I'd also take along Franco & Flying Pig for comedy value and Vanilla for a quick blowey in a dark alley.

Member you'd most want to avoid meeting in real life: Guitar Bizarre, i'm sure he's a lovely guy in person and I don't even dislike him. It's just I can imagine after 10 minutes of his conversation I would want to throw myself under the nearest bus out of boredom.

Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator: Hello Trollheart. hows it goin'

Most amusing Shoutboxer I feel like the equivalent of the kind of award they give out to spastics to make them feel special so I shall abstain from this.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 12-07-2012, 08:20 AM   #149 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger ? View Post
Best Writer: I don't think anybody has really stood out this year. I go in the journals section and I only ever seem to see 2 types of posts. Ones with really long drawn out album reviews and ones with loads of youtube videos with a brief 3 or 4 line explanation.
Come on people show a bit of originality.
I'd just like to point out that I started a journal here earlier this year that is neither of those things, and was specifically aimed at you (and even mentions you by name in the first post), and you still ignored it. Bastard.

Anyway... thanks for the other nominations.
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Old 12-07-2012, 08:20 AM   #150 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger ? View Post
Thread of the Year: Mod Talk, for any non mods it's like the mods version of the spill your guts thread, but 1000 times more honest.
So true.

It's worth becoming a mod just so you can get access to this thread and search it for your own name.

Don't fucking lie, all you mods (bar maybe the oldies) did it!

Last.FM | Echoes and Dust
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