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Old 11-29-2012, 01:10 PM   #51 (permalink)
Horribly Creative
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Disclaimer: I try not to take things in life that seriously anymore as it's full of nasty surprises. So negative sounding mentions of any people here, are not meant with any hostility.

Best avatar - The Batlord, Janszoon and Ekoskeletal always seem to have the best.
Sexiest Member (male) -
Sexiest Member (female) -
Most Inane - Franco Pepe Kalle is basically the definition of inane.
Angriest member - Big 3 Usually jumps in with a bunch of obnoxious comments and normally misses the whole point of the thread.
Biggest Drama Whore - HHBH always seems to love getting up people's noses with his right-wing views.
Nicest member - Necromancer, Janszoon and Blarrobarg come to mind, but be fair there are a lot on here.
Best debater - Tore and Janszoon are probably the tightest.
Worst debater - Franco Pepe Kalle, the boy's just comical beyond belief when he attempts to debate.
Best Writer - Trollheart far too smart to be Irish and Big Ears a newbie with great writing skills.
Biggest Virtuoso -
Smartest poster - Tore, he's Norweigan so that probably explains it.
Funniest member - The Batlord, the guy's wasted on here and should be a stand-up comic in some sleazy bar.
Best Mediator - Janszoon seems to get it just right.
Biggest Troll - HHBH, when he talks music he's fine, when he talks politics and economics he's got knowledge but he uses it in a disruptive manner.
Most Improved Member -
Most Underrated Poster - Plankton, seems to have some real knowledge hidden away, just needs more coaxing.
Most Obscure Music Taste -
Best Music Taste - Big Ears and Almauro just have a great taste and also The Batlord (I've taken him under my wing and he's coming on leaps and bounds)
Biggest music nerd - Trollheart, he reviews about 20 albums a day, don't believe me!!! Check out his journal.
Best Thread Starter - Urban's very good at this, knows how to keep the different factions at each others throats, the guy should've been a politician.
Most Missed Poster - Salami and Ki always good posters and of course Howard the Duck.
Thread of the Year - Wacky World of the Middle East, can't think of anything else.
Best Journal - Trollheart, the king of journals.
Moderator of the Year - Janszoon and Urban (good cop/bad cop) also Vanilla seems to moderate well.
Best new 2012 member - Rjinn a great new member comes around every 6 months or so and she's the best recent.
Member of the Year 2012 - Howard the Duck RIP.
Biggest Lounge Lizard - FlyingPig who keeps us up-to-date with life in lovely Doncaster and his adventures with Derek and Cheryl.
Member you'd most like to meet in real life - The Batlord and the Necromancer quickly come to mind as people I could easily chill out with.
Member you'd most want to avoid meeting in real life - I can't be cruel and put anybody.
Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator -
Most amusing Shoutboxer -
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
Metal Wars

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Pounding Decibels- A Hard and Heavy History
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Old 11-29-2012, 02:13 PM   #52 (permalink)
Quiet Man in the Corner
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Best Avatar: Janszoon
Sexiest Member (Male): Adidasss
Sexiest Member (Female): Tie between Hermoine/Paloma and Fetcher/Kayleigh.
Nicest Member: Vegangelica
Best Debater: Big3
Best Mediator: Janszoon
Most Obscure Music Taste: bob
Most Missed Poster: Howard the Duck
Moderator of the Year: Janszoon

I only voted for the things I felt that I actually had an opinion on.
Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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Old 11-29-2012, 03:02 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Best avatar - Tores bearded man, unfortunately he changed it.
Sexiest Member (male) - pass
Sexiest Member (female) - pass
Most Inane - Cant think is anyone who is very inane
Angriest member - HHBH
Biggest Drama Whore - urban hatemonger
Nicest member - Lisnaholic
Best debater - Tore
Worst debater - One of the newest members, seekn4
Best Writer - Janszoon
Biggest Virtuoso - plankton, though I haven't heard much from anyone else
Smartest poster - Musically speaking, venjacque
Funniest member - Rezz.
Best Mediator - Conan
Biggest Troll - seekn4
Most Improved Member - FPK, he's shown me he's not quite as bad as I thought he was at first.
Most Underrated Poster - Howard the duck
Most Obscure Music Taste - pass
Best Music Taste - surell
Biggest music nerd - Venjacques
Best Thread Starter - Conan
Most Missed Poster - Howard the duck
Thread of the Year - "god is in your mind". Always been a good, thought provoking read.
Best Journal - Haven't read any journals
Moderator of the Year - Tie between Conan and Janszoon
Best new 2012 member - chives, even though he started at the end of 2011, it still counts to me
Member of the Year 2012 - My vote goes to frownland for nominating me for most underrated member. **** the rest of you
Biggest Lounge Lizard - pass
Member you'd most like to meet in real life - Salami, even though he has been MIA for a while.
Member you'd most want to avoid meeting in real life - Anticipation, I'd probably end up in a fight with him. Only talked to him a few times but I can't stand the guy.
Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator - Pass
Most amusing shoutboxer - pass

I feel I am a pretty underrated member here, shout out to frownland for recognizing. Am I just that mediocre, is that why nobody else recognizes me?
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Old 11-29-2012, 03:18 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
I feel I am a pretty underrated member here, shout out to frownland for recognizing. Am I just that mediocre, is that why nobody else recognizes me?
It's because you only seem to talk about Bob Dylan and you stay out of some of the more mainstream threads. Sometimes existing in the shadows, is more satifying than hogging the limelight though.

Saying all that, I tend to always read your posts and think that you have some good stuff to say, but you always seem to talk about artists that I really don't listen that much to, so I don't comment.
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
Metal Wars

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Pounding Decibels- A Hard and Heavy History
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Old 11-29-2012, 03:47 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Apologies to any who take offense; I love you all.

Best Avatar: I think Janszoon's cookie monster one has been my favorite.
Sexiest Member (Male): Jackpat/Cenotaph, RVCA, and Adidasss.
Sexiest Member (Female): The Phanastasio and Awwsugar
Most Inane: FPK and PoorOldPo.
Angriest Member: Forward to Death. I swear I read all of her posts in Dee Reynold's voice and it fits perfectly.
Biggest Drama Whore: HHBH
Nicest Member: WWWP
Best Debater: Big3. I hope I never get into an argument with him.
Worst Debater: HHBH. I also hope I never get into an argument with him.
Best Writer: Janszoon. His style is accessible and easy to read, while being very lucid and colorful.
Smartest Poster: jackhammer. His wealth of knowledge extends from metal to philosophy to home maintenance.
Funniest Member: Urban Hatemonger, Janszoon, and jackhammer.
Best Mediator: Janszoon
Biggest Troll: HHBH
Most Improved Member: Forward to Death
Most Underrated Poster: Howard the Duck. I really enjoyed the guy's sense of humor. Cenotaph and Canwll Corfe also don't get enough recognition.
Best Music Taste: Janszoon and jackhammer. I'm always sampling their journals and last.fms for music and most of the time I'm not disappointed.
Biggest Music Nerd: jackhammer has probably forgotten more about music than I know now.
Most Missed Poster: I miss right-track's succinct sarcasm. And khfreek, what happened to you, man?
Thread of the Year: Many hearty laughs were had.
Journal of the Year:
Best New Member of the Year: Meddle. Affable personality and the TT session I had with him was great.
Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Canwll Corfe for psych nerd academic reasons.
Member you'd most want to avoid meeting in real life: Urban Hatemonger
Most amusing ShoutboxerHermione and anticipation when he's touching the ceiling.
Originally Posted by Sequoioideae View Post
Fuck your hashtags, they have no power in this realm.
Originally Posted by FETCHER. View Post
I'm awfully sorry I'm not as good at writing pretentious posts as you are.
Let's Play TF2 Sometime.|Unrepresentative|Puns, Pokemon, and Miscellany
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Old 11-29-2012, 03:55 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Most amusing Shoutboxer: drunk Pedestrian
Oh Christ.
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Old 11-29-2012, 08:03 PM   #57 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Best Avatar: Don't notice them at all these days. Try harder.
Sexiest Member (Male): RVCA is the new adidass, Yac is a sexy bastard too.
Sexiest Member (Female): Far too many to mention but ThePhanastasio wrestling was a nice highlight! Vanilla pouting is always good and Hermione's eyes get me too.
Most Inane: 95% of you.
Angriest Member:
Biggest Drama Whore:
Nicest Member: Trollheart. His music tastes may not be your thing (not my words) but he is a top man and always around to offer words of support.
Best Debater: Urban. It's a British thing. I have not actually found anything that Urban has said on here offensive but across the pond it could be deemed that way. He knows his stuff.
Worst Debater: FPK. I do think his grasp of vernacular is not the best. Bless.
Best Writer: Bic biro's. Never let me down.
Biggest Virtuoso:

Smartest Poster: Alfred. That guy has grown into a great young man.
Funniest Member: Urban. I would kill for 10% of his humour.
Best Mediator: Burning Down and Pedestrian. Two ladies with a great attitude.
Biggest Troll:
Most Improved Member: The Batlord. I took him as a narrow minded metalhead when he first joined but the guy knows his stuff and listens to some great music.
Most Underrated Poster: Canwll Corfe. I read virtually all of his posts.
Most Obscure Music Taste: I am sorry but the veterans win here by a long mile. Bob, Janszoon and Urban. Canwll Corfe deserves a mention.
Best Music Taste: Again Bob and Janszoon but a big shout to Vanilla who has far better music tastes than you think.
Biggest Music Nerd: Trollheart, Urban, Bob... me.
Best Thread Starter:
Most Missed Poster: Where the frig has NSW been the past few months? Lateralus, Wayfarer, Rezz.
Thread of the Year: wwwp- any! Love her threads.
Journal of the Year: Trollheart.
Moderator of the Year: Loathsome Pete. Back with a vengeance.
Best New Member 2012: Rijnn. A credit to the forums.
Member of the Year 2012: Vegangelica. We have shared a lot in commom this year.
Biggest Lounge Lizard: Hermione. In a good way.
Member you'd most like to meet in real life: All of you. I'm not fussy. Still want a beer with Right Track though.
Member you'd most want to avoid meeting in real life:
Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator: Trollheart
Most amusing Shoutboxer: Hermione.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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Old 11-29-2012, 10:44 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PoorOldPo View Post
Angriest Member: Engine, Urban
I've finally hit the big time
Like an arrow,
I was only passing through.
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Old 11-29-2012, 11:14 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Not gonna lie, I'm really bad with names. Especially if you've only joined in the past couple of years. Nevertheless, this is probably the best, most diverse group I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of.

Best Avatar: LoathsomePete, Princess Mononoke is amazing
Sexiest Member (Male): RVCA, classic handsome face - and what a beard too!
Sexiest Member (Female): Vanilla, her very presence just screams sex appeal
Most Inane: No one strikes me as being overly inane
Angriest Member: Urban Hatemonger, he's like a strict father whose intimidating presence overshadows the love and respect you have for him
Biggest Drama Whore: Salami, poor kid. Not his fault.
Nicest Member: Trollheart, always struck me as very warm.
Best Debater: TheBig3
Worst Debater: I don't actively participate in many debates.
Best Writer: Janszoon
Biggest Virtuoso: WWWP, both musically and artistically
Smartest Poster: Jackhammer, and not just because he nominated me either. I see him as this forum's wise man.
Funniest Member: Franco Pepe Kele
Best Mediator: Janszoon
Biggest Troll: HHBH knows the right buttons to push
Most Improved Member: FRED HALE SR. - not that he was bad in the first place, but his presence in the forum has increased huge.
Most Underrated Poster: Thom Yorke
Most Obscure Music Taste: CanwilCorfe
Best Music Taste: Jackhammer
Biggest Music Nerd: Tore
Best Thread Starter: Conan
Most Missed Poster: Howard The Duck - still can't believe he's gone.
Thread of the Year: WWWP's member pictures thread.
Journal of the Year: Janszoon's 25 Albums
Moderator of the Year: Pedestrian
Best New Member 2012: Rjinn
Member of the Year 2012: Howard The Duck
Biggest Lounge Lizard: Hermione
Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Well, I wanna meet Howard in the afterlife. Umm, probably Conan, James, Salami, Dayvan Cowboy, CanwilCorfe, RVCA, Freebase Dali, Janszoon, Jackhammer, Exoskeletal, The Batlord, FRED HALE SR. and Mankycaaant. I definitely would love to experience Hip Hop Bunny Hop and Franco Pepe Kele in the flesh.
Member you'd most want to avoid meeting in real life: I don't really dislike anyone here at all. I think all of you would be at least somewhat interesting to meet.
Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator: Everybody secretly wants to be a mod.
Most amusing Shoutboxer: I don't go there too much, it's kind of inane.

Last edited by Alfred; 12-12-2012 at 07:00 PM.
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Old 11-29-2012, 11:35 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
It's because you only seem to talk about Bob Dylan and you stay out of some of the more mainstream threads. Sometimes existing in the shadows, is more satifying than hogging the limelight though.

Saying all that, I tend to always read your posts and think that you have some good stuff to say, but you always seem to talk about artists that I really don't listen that much to, so I don't comment.
Ah, c'mon man, that's not true. I talk about him quite a bit, mostly with chives and Howard (RIP), but that's far from all I talk about. But I admit, I'm really not that active in many threads.

Oh ya, to vote sexiest member and what not, you must have seen these people before. My question is, where? Facebook?

Last edited by blastingas10; 11-29-2012 at 11:41 PM.
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