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Old 11-25-2012, 01:05 AM   #61 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by Morphinelle View Post
Those single-paragraph medical articles and 2 minute tests from google are useless, I made a thousand of them and it was awfull, they make your inner paranoid to pop out and never return. The funny thing was that some of them were true, I've got borderline disorder
I think self-diagnosis like this is a really poor idea. Many disorders, physical and mental, have symptoms that are so common and so general that it takes a professional to really figure it out. Everyone can have mood swings f.ex so who's to say when having them has become symptomatic of disease? Besides, when you do tests or whatever on the internet, often you don't even know who published that test.

When self-diagnosing - at worst, you're just making up new problems for yourself and increasing your anxiety.
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Old 11-25-2012, 03:09 AM   #62 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by A$AP Sparky View Post
lately i feel as though im starting to lose my mind a little bit
Sorry for jumping in on this thread. If you're aware of it, then the chances are you're aware of what's going on.
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Old 11-26-2012, 04:05 AM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I think self-diagnosis like this is a really poor idea. Many disorders, physical and mental, have symptoms that are so common and so general that it takes a professional to really figure it out. Everyone can have mood swings f.ex so who's to say when having them has become symptomatic of disease? Besides, when you do tests or whatever on the internet, often you don't even know who published that test.

When self-diagnosing - at worst, you're just making up new problems for yourself and increasing your anxiety.
Usually the only helpful function of those tests are whether a mental condition would be suspected. Which is then followed by "see a doctor." Not "yep you have it."
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Old 11-26-2012, 03:55 PM   #64 (permalink)
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I do a check every now and again to see how I feel about the following: Physical, Psychological, Social, Spiritual and Emotional.

If I'm not happy, I usually try and figure out what the issue is and work out how it's effecting me in the five states of emotional well being.
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Old 11-26-2012, 04:57 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rjinn View Post
Usually the only helpful function of those tests are whether a mental condition would be suspected. Which is then followed by "see a doctor." Not "yep you have it."
I agree, but then you know how some people are. They would think they have it and perhaps even use that to draw conclusions about themselves and who they should be.
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Old 03-06-2013, 06:23 AM   #66 (permalink)
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Okay, I want to introduce Maladaptive Daydreaming. While it's not an official disorder there are reports that have begun its awareness.

At around 12 (as far as I remember) I daydreamed most portion of my days. Whether it's being a superhero, or a completely different person, fantasy scenery, plots, supernatural moments, it took up basically, my entire time. Sure, it's expected of a kid to have a strong imagination but the problem is, I was pretty much living in it which disregarded real life. It could also be an early sign developing ADHD (which have been confirmed in 2 assessments but that's not really the issue). I've never faced my daydreaming problem and often just dismissed it as ADHD or not noticed it at all until like half an hour later for 5 minutes and then back again. But finally I've come to realise that excessive daydreaming has always been my killer. I'm 24 and it's still a big problem, except my daydreams are different (not any more credible but). I won't get into detail but it seems most of my emotional attachments are towards the world in my mind, so maybe that's what I need to confront. Despite spending so many hours in therapy.

Whether it's a symptom of whatever disorder I don't care. Getting out of the damn is what I'm looking for. There's a lot of things I've tried, socialising, keeping busy, working, exercising but still it seems to overpower. It can be a form of escapism but I think I'd know better than to escape reality so it doesn't make much sense. And as a child you have very little understanding wtf reality is so flying away until now doesn't make much sense either.

I thought getting it out there would help by possibly discussing it. Whether we do or not I'll pat myself on the back for the courage to express.

Last edited by Rjinn; 03-06-2013 at 07:06 AM.
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Old 03-06-2013, 10:50 AM   #67 (permalink)
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I really do suggest you nip it in the bud, now before your mind runs off with other fears and anxieties.
Quite recently, I went through an experience where I can say I felt the exact same way, and in hindsight I'm able to say a small aspect of it was self induced. I was Hungry, Angry and Sleepy... lets say over a week of rarely any sleep after dwelling on stressful pieces of my life. (Yes I made an acronym for it in order to keep in check the reasons why my mind may get away from me.)

I can only suggest, from my experiences.. that you take care of your physical state first and foremost, as it correlates with your mental mind frame. And no, these feelings do not just 'pop' out of nowhere.. there is a point where you really need to look inside yourself and be honest about why your emotions are filled with paranoia or anxiety.

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Old 03-06-2013, 10:54 AM   #68 (permalink)
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Surprised how many people are depressed or have anxiety. It's way more common than a lot of people think, your mates probably have it and you don't know.
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Old 03-06-2013, 11:31 AM   #69 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CLOSER View Post
I really do suggest you nip it in the bud, nowI was Hungry, Angry and Sleepy... lets say over a week of rarely any sleep after dwelling on stressful pieces of my life. (Yes I made an acronym for it in order to keep in check the reasons why my mind may get away from me.)

that's a very proactive approach closer. cheers.

i do similar things, but this is like streamlining the process and i think i will adopt something similar, so thanks for that idea (the acronym).

i also agree that stimulation is key. real stimulation, though. people are always going to be animals. we're sort of departing from a time when fretting really did mean that death was possibly imminent. a whole sh*tload of our animal instincts have become useless, but we can't get rid of them. now we have "1st world problems" and because all our time isn't taken up by surviving in a hardcore manner we have too much space for mental invention... i suspect that much of people psychological problems stem from this... that we aren't actually fully equipped to be "modern man." so to me food, friends and family, shelter, sex, and lots of physical activity helps me feel good. just all the animal stuff, really. we're not geared to be idle.

i'm not blanketing psychology by any means here. i do believe some people have some things mixed up inside them that can only be attributed to natural selection. so please don't assume that i mean to call everyone contributing to this thread an idle person. but this is how i look at myself... and i do it because i used to try and figure out why i'm going through what i'm going through. now i focus on going through what i want to go through, and although that comes with its own unique set of hurtles, they're nothing compared to trying to keep running while jumping over the obstructions of self-diagnosis.
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Old 03-06-2013, 12:56 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by P A N View Post
that's a very proactive approach closer. cheers.

i do similar things, but this is like streamlining the process and i think i will adopt something similar, so thanks for that idea (the acronym).

i also agree that stimulation is key. real stimulation, though. people are always going to be animals. we're sort of departing from a time when fretting really did mean that death was possibly imminent. a whole sh*tload of our animal instincts have become useless, but we can't get rid of them. now we have "1st world problems" and because all our time isn't taken up by surviving in a hardcore manner we have too much space for mental invention...
I'm glad you think H.A.S. could help you as
You made an interesting point when you referred to reconnecting with the animal in all of us.
I will also add that corrupting our minds or at least removing the innocence of different psychological terms for behaviors we exhibit might be the reason in itself why our mental state becomes unstable and weary.
i.e. Sometimes I am really better off not knowing ALL the facets of depressions symptoms in order for me not to attribute my entire personality to them... When really I just need to drink some water and get a few more Z's. Sort of an 'ignorance is kind of bliss sometimes' thing...
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