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Old 07-12-2013, 08:54 AM   #241 (permalink)
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Last night around 11PM I hit a low where I got so depressed I wanted to sob. I wonder if Ive been ingesting something that cancells out my antidepressant, something in the diet shakes like a vitamin combo.
Ppl who are on HBP medication cant eat grapefruit or their med wont work.
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Old 11-04-2013, 02:52 PM   #242 (permalink)
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It seems (and I might be wrong here, I've not researched it) mental illnesses are on the increase and I wonder why that is? The stress of modern life, the s**t they put in our food (chemicals, genetically modified sh*t, etc.), pollution in the air we breathe? There has to be a reason.
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Old 11-04-2013, 03:06 PM   #243 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie View Post
It seems (and I might be wrong here, I've not researched it) mental illnesses are on the increase and I wonder why that is? The stress of modern life, the s**t they put in our food (chemicals, genetically modified sh*t, etc.), pollution in the air we breathe? There has to be a reason.
i dunno i mean its bein diagnosed at a higher rate. i think some of that is just bein able to recognize mental issues we didnt recognize before (expandin the spectrum of mental health) and then some it is kinda bull****

and by that i mean that little brats all over the country are havin a diagnoses excuse their jackassery. its a big problem, more of a parenting problem. im speakin as someone who has been employed workin in mental and behavioral health for a few yrs, with kids and now with adults. not that i know everythin but i probably have a closer perspective than other ppl so lemme rant a lil bit here

lots of kids i worked with either use their diagnoses as an excuse for their **** behavior or their parents do. every dumb, idiotic, rude, etc thing they do is "well johnny has (insert diagnoses here)." and it absolved them from responsibility. ive harped many times on here about lack of accountability. maybe its a parental problem but it becomes an individual problem as kids age. ive seen the cycle from moms excusin their 8 yr olds from ****ty behavior to teenagers usin the excuses themselves

ive worked long enough and been around it enough to tell whats a result of an illness and what is manipulation and they go hand in hand most the time.

also mental illness is such a broad term. in my opinion i try to separate them. someone who can function enough to post on a forum for instance is much different from someone who cant tie their shoes. so i separate them in different groups i guess, theres a distinction to be made. i also think some ppl are just lazy and use their 'illness' to get government money and be bums
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Old 11-04-2013, 04:06 PM   #244 (permalink)
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My neurologist used to come up with a new diagnosis every week. Ive had add, adhd, aspergers, ocd, odd, depression, childhood anxiety....

Not once did the neurologist just say "she acts like that because she is a child" and I have literally outgrown every single one of those diagnosis. Where does being a child end and mental disorder begin?

Edit: I find it funny they didn't catch on to the one mental disorder I actually have until much later. Body dysmorphia suxxxxxx

Last edited by Dayvan Cowboy; 11-04-2013 at 04:11 PM.
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Old 11-04-2013, 04:10 PM   #245 (permalink)
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Maybe quacks are encouraged to invent and falsely diagnose disorders? Medicine is big business.
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Old 11-04-2013, 04:12 PM   #246 (permalink)
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I most definitely have an avoidant personality, chronic mild depression, and am a catastrophic thinker.
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Old 11-04-2013, 04:21 PM   #247 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy View Post
My neurologist used to come up with a new diagnosis every week. Ive had add, adhd, aspergers, ocd, odd, depression, childhood anxiety....

Not once did the neurologist just say "she acts like that because she is a child" and I have literally outgrown every single one of those diagnosis. Where does being a child end and mental disorder begin?

Edit: I find it funny they didn't catch on to the one mental disorder I actually have until much later. Body dysmorphia suxxxxxx
exactly. way too many diagnoses goin on in the world tryin to explain things. kids will be kids. i really get tired in this industry of ppl makin excuses for others and themselves. theres a different between figurin out how someone gets from new-born child to violent 17 yr old tryin to put you in a choke hold for tellin him we are out of chocolate milk, and excusin the behavior. ppl with mental illness can still be dicks contrary to the belief of some.

i remember when i worked in a 2nd grade classroom with a kid. and had to docuent every little thing. im like dude, yeah he made a fart noise with his hands and disrupted class, hes a kid, this isnt reason to sit around at a staff meeting and over analyze this

Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie View Post
Maybe quacks are encouraged to invent and falsely diagnose disorders? Medicine is big business.
i think so. look at the number of pill addicts and junkies in this country. they are almost all losers in my experience. how do they get on these drugs in the first place? how are they available? cause some doc prescribes some lazy kid some adderal which he doesnt really need and he sells them to all his buddies. just a small example, it happens with every kind of pill. society ends up with more junkie losers, pharma companies profit heavily. thats why my kid will never take pills unless its a dire reason. youre right it is huge business
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Old 11-04-2013, 04:25 PM   #248 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post

i remember when i worked in a 2nd grade classroom with a kid. and had to docuent every little thing. im like dude, yeah he made a fart noise with his hands and disrupted class, hes a kid, this isnt reason to sit around at a staff meeting and over analyze this
That's f*cking frightening. Anyone whose colourful gets thrown in the wash until they're grey.
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Old 11-04-2013, 04:33 PM   #249 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie View Post
That's f*cking frightening. Anyone whose colourful gets thrown in the wash until they're grey.
this kid was high functioning autistic but sometimes he was just doin kid stuff. when he would do somethin that i didnt see typical of a normal 8 yr old, id do somethin about it. id usually quickly ask myself 'would anyone else in the class do this' and if the answer was no, id take him to the hallway or somethin dependin on what he was doin

but when a supervisor or specialist would sit-in, they'd ask me why i didnt document certain things. it was because they werent a big deal. but they want every little thing documented, which i kinda understand since they arent always around and maybe it can help paint a bigger picture, but truthfully i think its so companies can add as much **** as possible to progress reports. so when they submit reports to insurance companies or the government or wherever, they get more funding

sorry just ventin about past jobs lol i dont get the chance that often
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Old 11-04-2013, 04:37 PM   #250 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie View Post
That's f*cking frightening. Anyone whose colourful gets thrown in the wash until they're grey.
This quote accurately describes me on too many levels. My child psychologist probably caused me more harm than good. A big part of child psychology is "make the child understand their limitations" but all that did to me was convince myself there's something wrong with me and that I'm broken and my mother had to try to reverse this herself because it depressed me and stifled my formerly extravagant creativity.

I believe because of this child psychologist, I now have bdd, which makes me think everything is wrong with me when it's not.
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