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Paedantic Basterd 09-16-2012 03:04 PM

The Fine Art Appreciation Thread
We have a lot of fans of visual art here as well as music, and I've been wanting to share some of my favourite finds for a long time, as well as see what else people have been admiring, so here's a thread for your favourite visual artists.

A WARNING: Some pieces may contain nudity, graphic violence, or dark imagery. Please insert these images under a spoiler tag for the (probably few) sensitive members.

I'll start off with a bit of Jenny Saville, who you'll probably recognize from Manic Street Preachers albums, and known for her enormous portraits of obese womens' figures.

Lisnaholic 09-16-2012 07:25 PM

Long Time No See, Pedestrian !

I like the paintings you`ve chosen, especially the last one. I really like the dynamic, angry way the head is painted and the creepy effect of the glazed eyes.

I`ve worked out from other posts that you are particularly interested in portraits, but I hope you`ll tolerate my offering anyway:-

Paul Nash had a tamer style, but a special, subtle way with landscapes :-

^ This one is unusually bright and sunny for him, but it shows two PN characteristics; a landscape that is undramatic, a little offbeat, and empty of people. More typical are the ones below; scenes in the eerie light that you might come across on a long wintery walk in England`s "Home Counties" :-
The End Of The Steps
Pillar in Moonlight

Frownland 09-16-2012 08:02 PM

I really like Philip C. Curtis's work. He blends nature and upper class society into his paintings so well, and the distancing between the characters in the painting is a brilliant motif in his work as well.

Lisnaholic 09-16-2012 08:42 PM

I`ve never heard of Philip C. Curtis, but the elegant ladies at the beach, especially, is a great image !

Australian Russell Drysdale put more working class figures into his landscapes :-

PoorOldPo 09-17-2012 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 1231741)
Long Time No See, Pedestrian !

I like the paintings you`ve chosen, especially the last one. I really like the dynamic, angry way the head is painted and the creepy effect of the glazed eyes.

I`ve worked out from other posts that you are particularly interested in portraits, but I hope you`ll tolerate my offering anyway:-

Paul Nash had a tamer style, but a special, subtle way with landscapes :-

^ This one is unusually bright and sunny for him, but it shows two PN characteristics; a landscape that is undramatic, a little offbeat, and empty of people. More typical are the ones below; scenes in the eerie light that you might come across on a long wintery walk in England`s "Home Counties" :-

The End Of The Steps

Pillar in Moonlight

His style is beautiful. Wow.

Paedantic Basterd 09-17-2012 07:49 AM

I'm also quite fond of Anya Janssen's work, which I've definitely displayed my admiration of before.

works :: anya janssen

(I think the most of her style when she's using it to suggest motion).

Dayvan Cowboy 09-17-2012 08:15 PM

Paedantic Basterd 09-17-2012 08:37 PM

I'm going to breeze past that and post some of Liz Wolfe's work. Moving away from portraiture, I like Liz Wolfe for her childish images and dark humour.


CanwllCorfe 09-17-2012 10:51 PM

I'm particularly fond of Odd Nerdrum's work. They have such a wonderful old quality to them, and yet the content is so surreal. It's such a wonderful mix.

I'm also a fan of Igor Melnikov, who I used quite a bit for my avatars.


Chrysalis 09-17-2012 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy (Post 1232087)

Dammit, I was going to post that. >8U

On a more serious note, I'm liking those paintings by Philip C. Curtis, Lisnaholic. :D

Hitch 09-17-2012 11:51 PM

My tastes tend to gravitate towards tradition, representative and a bit of realism in the art (and quite predominantly European), such as Tissot's "A passing storm" -

I adore the lighting and composition. I like how the Lady and the Still life in the foreground balance each other out with regards to the fixation of my eyes. Clearly, the man is boiling in his head and the title as well as the storm clouds in the background is a nice twist to what went on between the two.

Janszoon 09-18-2012 06:10 AM

I'm a big fan of Chuck Close though unfortunately the impact of his absolutely massive paintings doesn't really translate well to a little jpeg on the internet. His stuff really has to be seen in person to be appreciated.

PoorOldPo 09-18-2012 06:15 AM

I have always been very inspired by Jean Michel Basquiat. Was pointed towards him about a year ago.,_1984.jpg

Paedantic Basterd 09-18-2012 07:52 AM

Some awesome stuff being posted. I'm taking note.

Mark Gilbert, who does a lot with deformities and open surgical wounds.

Frownland 09-18-2012 08:10 AM

I don't know much of her work, but I saw this amazing piece of Yayoi Kusama's at the Phoenix Art Museum. It's called "You Who Are Being Obliterated in the Dancing Swarm of Dragonflies" and it's a dark room with hanging LED lights and mirrors for floors, walls and ceilings. When you walk into the room, it's like stepping off of the Earth and into a particularly vivid area of infinity. It was nothing short of amazing.


EDIT: As you can tell, a jpg doesn't do it much justice.

Paedantic Basterd 09-18-2012 08:57 AM

I love those types of exhibits, and contemporary galleries in general. A jpg just does not convey enough.

Janszoon 09-18-2012 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1232189)
I don't know much of her work, but I saw this amazing piece of Yayoi Kusama's at the Phoenix Art Museum. It's called "You Who Are Being Obliterated in the Dancing Swarm of Dragonflies" and it's a dark room with hanging LED lights and mirrors for floors, walls and ceilings. When you walk into the room, it's like stepping off of the Earth and into a particularly vivid area of infinity. It was nothing short of amazing.


EDIT: As you can tell, a jpg doesn't do it much justice.

That looks amazing!

Burning Down 09-18-2012 09:08 AM

I'm sure you're all familiar or vaguely familiar with David Hockney. I always liked his paintings and prints and my mom has a couple of prints framed in the house.

American Collectors:

A consistent theme in Hockney's artwork is swimming pools:

A Bigger Splash (you've probably seen this one somewhere):

Day Pool (wish this one was bigger):

CanwllCorfe 09-18-2012 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1232189)
I don't know much of her work, but I saw this amazing piece of Yayoi Kusama's at the Phoenix Art Museum. It's called "You Who Are Being Obliterated in the Dancing Swarm of Dragonflies" and it's a dark room with hanging LED lights and mirrors for floors, walls and ceilings. When you walk into the room, it's like stepping off of the Earth and into a particularly vivid area of infinity. It was nothing short of amazing.


EDIT: As you can tell, a jpg doesn't do it much justice.

That's awesome! Along that same line is an awesome piece by Olafur Eliasson called The Weather Project.


Eliasson used humidifiers to create a fine mist in the air via a mixture of sugar and water, as well as a semi-circular disc made up of hundreds of monochromatic lamps which radiated yellow light. The ceiling of the hall was covered with a huge mirror, in which visitors could see themselves as tiny black shadows against a mass of orange light. Many visitors responded to this exhibition by lying on their backs and waving their hands and legs. Open for six months, the work reportedly attracted two million visitors, many of whom were repeat visitors.

FRED HALE SR. 09-18-2012 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1232221)
I'm sure you're all familiar or vaguely familiar with David Hockey. I always liked his paintings and prints and my mom has a couple of prints framed in the house.

American Collectors:

A consistent theme in Hockney's artwork is swimming pools:

A Bigger Splash (you've probably seen this one somewhere):

Day Pool (wish this one was bigger):

Lots of interesting stuff in here. My favorite artist of any period is Diego Rivera. I think he can cover all aspects of painting so well and I could not choose just one so here is his Complete Works to check out. My favorite is The Flower Seller/El Vendedor De Alcatraces from 1942. I love his choice of color always and he can paint abstract or traditional so very well.

CanwllCorfe 09-18-2012 09:56 PM

Cole Thompson

Hiroshi Sugimoto

PoorOldPo 09-19-2012 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1232221)
I'm sure you're all familiar or vaguely familiar with David Hockney. I always liked his paintings and prints and my mom has a couple of prints framed in the house.

American Collectors:

A consistent theme in Hockney's artwork is swimming pools:

A Bigger Splash (you've probably seen this one somewhere):

Day Pool (wish this one was bigger):


Paedantic Basterd 09-19-2012 07:47 AM

Noting both of those Canwll.

In exchange, I have the following on the photography front.

Robert & Shana Parkeharrisson Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison

Pep Bonet Pep Bonet, photographer | Welcome


Burning Down 09-19-2012 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by PoorOldPo (Post 1232507)

Oh I know! I love Hockney's artwork. Simple but elegant - the best kind. My favourite from those three that I posted is Day Pool, the third one. Reminds me of my pool and of summers gone by.

CanwllCorfe 09-20-2012 12:10 AM

Grant Wood

Barnett Newman

Plankton 09-20-2012 10:41 AM

Lots of good stuff in here:

It's a FB Page called "No"...

CanwllCorfe 09-21-2012 03:59 PM

Doug Glovaski

Georges Russe

Frownland 09-21-2012 07:35 PM

Those Russe pieces are amazing.

Paedantic Basterd 09-22-2012 03:37 PM

Anne Von Freyburg systematically alters photographs with ballpoint, string, and general wear, among other destructive techniques, to results that are both haunting and peaceful.

ribbons 09-22-2012 10:58 PM

This is Blackfield, an installation by artist Zadok Ben-David featuring thousands of finely crafted painted metal sculpted flowers based on Victorian textbook illustrations, with the flowers planted in sand. Upon entry to the exhibit, the flowers are black but as viewers travel to the opposite side they are seen as a field of color.

VEGANGELICA 09-22-2012 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by ribbons (Post 1233790)
This is Blackfield, an installation by artist Zadok Ben-David featuring thousands of finely crafted painted metal sculpted flowers based on Victorian textbook illustrations, with the flowers planted in sand. Upon entry to the exhibit, the flowers are black but as viewers travel to the opposite side they are seen as a field of color.

That's such an interesting idea behind Blackfield, Liz! I can imagine how fun it would be to walk through such an exhibit.

Now I am reminded of how many years have passed since I've been in an art museum. :/ Given that I minored in studio arts, it seems like an especially long time.


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1232090)
I'm going to breeze past that and post some of Liz Wolfe's work. Moving away from portraiture, I like Liz Wolfe for her childish images and dark humour.


^ Pedestrian, I really like these thought-provoking and troubling/amusing photos by Liz Wolfe, especially the flowers with the feet of (I assume) dead chickens (that's one of the troubling ones, to me).

The bleeding popsicle torture photo made me smile due to its juxtaposition of lovely lavender floral wallpaper and the splotch of messy "blood." Her pairing of life with death, and cloying sweetness with cruelty, appeals to me because it feels so realistic while appearing fantastical.

Paedantic Basterd 09-25-2012 08:05 AM

Andre Ethier

ARTISTS - André Ethier

Chiomara 04-01-2017 09:33 PM

Some favorites in no particular order:

Manuel Bujados-

Suad al-Attar, Garden of Eden (1993) -

Smell the Roses, 2016, by Abe Odedina -

Franz von Stuck, The Kiss of the Sphinx (1890-1914) -

Spoiler for a bit risque:
Roberto Ferri:

My favorite Apollonia Saintclair piece-- L'ange incarné (The earthly angel)

GuD 04-01-2017 10:04 PM

You seem to like very erotic visual art...

Chiomara 04-03-2017 11:59 AM

I suppose so.

Today's favorites:
Jozef Sedlák - Ballads, 1997
Randy Ortiz - Happy Person Having a Pleasant Conversation in Public
(charcoal, acrylic, pastel)
Martin Cienski, You Won't (Oil on canvas)
Henrik Uldalen, Fuse (from Rapture exhibition @ Last Rites Gallery, 2016)

And who doesn't love Remedios Varos:
(Solar Music, 1955)

Spoiler for more:

Frownland 04-03-2017 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Chiomara (Post 1819367)
Randy Ortiz - Happy Person Having a Pleasant Conversation in Public
(charcoal, acrylic, pastel)

Excellent. Avatar material.

Franz Sedlacek - Ghost over the Trees[/SPOILER]
Love it. Reminiscent of Bill Evans' Undercurent (one of my favourite album covers).

Chiomara 04-03-2017 03:35 PM

Who took the photo on the album cover, do you know? (There is always an endless array of photos featuring girls pretending to drown, so I can't keep track of them all) I like it; reminds me a bit of certain photos in Sally Mann's 'Immediate Family' series and, for whatever reason, of this one by John Donica:

Spoiler for naked tree lady:
..not sure why, I suppose due to the lighting.

(oh, I also saw that there was a post-mortem photography thread? Was that one yours?)

I meant to share these as well; they're profoundly unsettling. I love them.

by Dragan Bibin (Serbian, b. 1984, Zrenjanin, Serbia) - 1: Dead Of Night, 2015 2: Pull, 2015 3: Push, 2015 from The Human Condition series (Oil on panel)

And this is the full-size version of my avatar (one of Alejandra Acosta's illustrations for Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber) :

Spoiler for .:
(yes I know I've probably already posted it before)

Speaking of illustrations, the old 50watts blog is a fantastic resource for obscure book and magazine illustrations, particularly childrens' books.

Key 04-03-2017 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Chiomara (Post 1819441)

(oh, I also saw that there was a post-mortem photography thread? Was that one yours?)

Nope. And you're welcome.

Chiomara 04-04-2017 03:28 PM
Richard Cartwright’s The Scented Path, 1951

Ikegami Yoriyuki:

Annalynn Hammond:

Spoiler for Fuyuko Matsui aka 松井冬子 (Japanese, b. 1974, Morimachi, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan) - Scattered Deformities In The End, 2007 Color Pigments on Silk, Hanging Scroll:

Spoiler for Aron Wiesenfeld (American, b. 1972, Washington D.C., USA) - Night Grove, 2016 Paintings: Oil on Panel:

La Nuit de Eve: Marchesa Luisa Casati, Federico Beltran Masses, 1929

Spoiler for another naked lady (photographer unknown):

Key 04-04-2017 04:45 PM


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