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head over to michael jackson's house and do some investigating. when they headed over there, they went straight for his bedroom. they looked under his bed and found a well known celebrity named...
Pierce Brosnan, who said, "I'm hiding here so I don't have to do another James Bond movie... becaus I'm to tired... can you go fetch me a...
glass of fresh orange juice, for i am parched from being under a bed hiding from Imonlydancing for many many years because i was too scared to...
'see the garden hose' or whatever the hell she was trying to make me do... watch out when you go in the kitchen, there are ninja pandas and...
scary fighting pirahnas might bite you' and with that they left the bedroom and made their way to the...
kitchen. in there they found macualy culkin hiding in the fridge sitting in the fetel position eating chocolate syrup.
...and dancing with micheal's nose, all of a sudden a mole-man came bursting out from the ground!! "Awrioght, come with me gorgeous" He said, gruffly. Before he knew it macualy was on his way to!....
michael jacksons trial. he was supposed to be going on the witness stand for the defense but got side tracked from all that chocolate. so when he got there...
He'd become dom-vito, "wherethehellsheatMATILDA" and shoved some more krispy kremes on his trolley. Well Micheal was not pleased, he got his flying monkey minions to swoop dom-vito up back for him to be.......
eaten by the evil corn bores. but he ate all the corn bores before they could eat him so he...
flew to the magical fairy gum drop land only to find it in flames, so he metamorphed into a no-name bad-ass with a shotgun and went new york to exact revenge upon the people who burned the magical fairy gum drop land:...
suddenly an M&M storm started and everybody had to
run for cover under a massive sombrero...but then....suddenly...
the sumbrero turned into a......
giant skelenton threatening to...
kill everyone and everything unless his demands were met. so he told everyone what he wanted from them which was...
to watch an episode of The League Of Gentle Men and then...
....have tubs burn him, so he went and eat a magic....
mushroom (hahaha) then out of nowhere came....
santa and his elves back from the dead. and this time they were the ones with the sub machine guns.
the machine guns broke into fire, whilst santa sang 'merry christmas' at the top of his voice' but then...
Papa Lazarou appeared as if from nowhere and he...
scared all the women and children away leaving only the men to fend for themselves.
the men had no idea what to do...so in fear...they.....
went to the local shop for local people and there they found...
Cheap Cheap Prices On Everything That Must Sell!
and offers on powdered milk - buy one get one free! so from there they....
ask Dave if he wants to buy some pegs and then...
he says he doesnt so aprilmay gets really angry and hurls some jame tarts at....
Reece Shearsmith who declares everyone should go and see the new League Of Gentlemen film because...
aprilmay is obsessed with the League of Gentlemen film, and....
also declares that Little Britain really sucks due to other people's poor impressions, then there is a large explosion...
and suddenly popcorn starts flying out of the sky...
and the popcorn doesnt have any butter
so a riot broke out, and...
the whole riot blew up, and instead of a gore explosion, they exploded into butter, which impacted(rw?) into the butter and made it a buttery popcorn...
so everyone rejoiced and ate popcorn until they all got fat and died of heart attacks
but the popcorn gave them immortality so they only died momentarily. once they were immortal they...
jumped off a cliff so they could learn what it's like to fall at high speeds and land on...
jello. then once they land on the jello, they bounce uncontrollably for 27 days. then...
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