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PunkRockFreak09 05-01-2012 12:21 PM

The Illuminati
Okay, I have heard several things about this "Illuminati". I have heard the Jay-Z and Beyonce are huge parts of it. What exactly is this? Is it some secret society? I'm very curious and thought you guys might know.

Exo 05-01-2012 01:02 PM

You know who would know a lot more than us guys? Google.

As far as i know it's a secret society dedicated to running the world from behind closed doors. They have had a hand in every major operation and decision involving world politics and society and that they're going to be doing so until the end of time. There is no proof of its existence and nobody has come forward officially stating it exists.

That's my best answer.

PunkRockFreak09 05-01-2012 01:17 PM

Yes, I know Google would be better but I wanted to hear your guys' input.

Thanks for the answer.

bob. 05-01-2012 01:43 PM

The Vigilant Citizen

if you really want to believe the SATAN (Illuminati) is running the scene and using pop stars to control our minds and keep us in a meditated'll love this site

if not its quite entertaining for about 666 minutes :)

PunkRockFreak09 05-01-2012 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1184470)
The Vigilant Citizen

if you really want to believe the SATAN (Illuminati) is running the scene and using pop stars to control our minds and keep us in a meditated'll love this site

if not its quite entertaining for about 666 minutes :)

Haha, I don't believe that junk but I think you guys are great. Glad to see some people so passionate about music.

Howard the Duck 05-02-2012 07:12 AM

i am actually a member of the Illuminati

my superior said i can tell you all a secret

Spoiler for secret:

The Fascinating Turnip 05-02-2012 11:20 AM

The Illuminati are a group of people who set themselves on fire and run around in circles going: "Squock, squock, squock, I'm a little fairy".

And then they die.

PunkRockFreak09 05-02-2012 12:30 PM

Haha! I love the answers!

Of course, Unchained Ballad's is the most logical.

mr dave 05-03-2012 07:33 AM

The Illuminati are just a bunch of punk bitches. Templar Knights are where it's at now chumps.

Janszoon 05-03-2012 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 1185222)
The Illuminati are just a bunch of punk bitches. Templar Knights are where it's at now chumps.

Bah. The reptilian overlords have always been, and will always be, firmly in charge

mr dave 05-03-2012 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1185224)
Bah. The reptilian overlords have always been, and will always be, firmly in charge

Icke is a fool. He totally spilled the beans on the whole Denver International (read: Intergalactic) Airport and their network of tunnels meant to acclimate the multitude of Greys out there. The greys aren't in charge any more than the rest of us.

bob. 05-03-2012 03:24 PM

i think if you're going to bring up's best to remember the 6+ years that he only wore the turquoise tracksuit :)


FRED HALE SR. 05-03-2012 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by bob. (Post 1185442)

i think if you're going to bring up's best to remember the 6+ years that he only wore the turquoise tracksuit :)


I used to bust that same suit back in my marathon days.

PoorOldPo 05-03-2012 05:04 PM

They're actually a bunch of radioactive homosexual spunk monkeys who get together on Fridays and set old women on fire and throw them off 14 storey buildings while masturbating to orchestral music.

FETCHER. 05-03-2012 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by PoorOldPo (Post 1185501)
They're actually a bunch of radioactive homosexual spunk monkeys who get together on Fridays and set old women on fire and throw them off 14 storey buildings while masturbating to orchestral music.

That is far too detailed for you not to have done that. :laughing:

The Bullet 05-06-2012 10:12 AM

I actually know A LOT about this. NOT THAT I BELIEVE IT. I JUST THINK ITS ENTERTAINING. Basically, they run most of the world, the economy, media, most powerful world governments (alas some Arabian countries) etc. They're known for controlling "everything execpt the armies themselves," as I've heard people say. They have religious beliefs that are basically a combination of many occult and pagan beliefs, and they use this symbolism in public due to the Masonic belief that an audience makes a ritual more powerful. Someone posted a link to Vigilant Citizen, so you've seen that. People argue about how long they've been doing this. Most Illuminati-believers can agree that they've been running things since at least the middle ages.

They became a public group but once, around 1850 or so, and then "dispanded" as far as the general public knows, look it up. Scaringly enough, most of the descendents of the public Illuminati formed secret societies and fraternaties. Skull and Bones comes to mind. All presidential candidates from the 2008 election came from one of these secret societies, even the ones for the third parties and in the primaries. I wish I could find the picture that explained it.

They are also known for corrupting religions with Pagan rituals. For example, Jesus was not originally named Jesus, although most Illuminati-believers agree a similar figure existed. G-Zeus means son of Zeus, and Jesus as we know it has basically been turned into a Hurculeas mith by the Illuminati. Catholisism, or basically any type of Christianity that worships Mary as a second Jesus is another form of the Illuminati corrupting a religion. Halos were originally meant to honer Cronos, the Greek God of rings, as is the Jewish ritual of Tefillin, since a black box has historically been used to symbolize Cronos.

People argue about the goals of the Illuminati. Usually, people say its to bring forth an Antichrist or Dajjal (Muslim antichrist). The Illuminati supposedly did a ton to push the state of Israel into existence, which would be required. For example, Chase bank, owned by an important "Jewish" Illuminati family (Jewish is in parenthesis because that's "only what they appear to the public," as the conspiracy-theorists would say), the Rothchilds, donated a ton of money to the Nazi's even during the Holocaust. (While that happens to be an agnoliged historict fact that disgusts me, even not believing this stuff, I still want to make clear before anyone attacks methat I think Israel has the right to exist.) The Rothchilds are indeed descended from the Rockerfellers, and David Rockerfeller (who I couldn't finish this post without) and his decendants/family own every national or international bank in the world that I've investigated.

Another main goal of the Illuminati is a one-world culture. They want to brainwash everyone into being the same, fro their perspective, "perfect" being. That's why you see Lady Gaga in her born this way video release a butterfly, a symbol used in MK Ultra, where the CIA tortured preteens and created alernate personalities in them while researching if recreational drugs, electrocusion, or SERIOUS hypnosis (not standard hypnosis therapy AT ALL) could benefit the military, and then you see everyone dancing in unison wearing the same clothing etc. Its also why the world is becoming Americanized, and why the US is occupying the middle east.

All this stuff is just off of the top of my head (NO GOOGLE I SWEAR, EXECPT WHEN I LOOKED FOR THE AFORMENTED PICTURE ABOUT THE 08 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES), and I could go on for a lot longer, but I should probably shut up. That's enough for now.

Sansa Stark 05-06-2012 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1184450)
You know who would know a lot more than us guys? Google.

this is what I think about 80% of the threads in here, lol

mr dave 05-07-2012 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by The Bullet (Post 1186378)
paranoia - but not specifically yours

Here's the common thread I've noticed with every single paranoid conspiracy theorist.

They're ALL terrified of the unknown.

That's it, that's all. The Illuminati, The Greys, The Horseheads, The Templar Knights, The NWO, The Rockefellers, ever notice how when the intensity of the discussion cranks up at all (and it always does) those names all blur into the one true terror of mankind - THEY.

THEY are out to get us. THEY are out to control us. THEY are out to enslave us.


Fact is it's pretty effing terrifying to recognize that absolutely everyone out there is just making it up as best they can based on whatever background they've been lucky enough to be brought up with. Organized society only exists because we choose to recognize its existence and the legal framework that defines it. It's simply impossible to please everyone all the time therefore there will always be conflict, there will always be what seem like incredibly boneheaded decisions. But someone has to make those decisions to try and benefit the largest group of people who support their ideas. Same as every single other person out here.

It's just a whole hell of a lot easier to defer the burden of responsibility outward onto THEM.

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