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TockTockTock 08-24-2011 03:57 PM

Are you a cat person or a dog person?
The question is fairly self-explanatory...

I would like to say I'm both, but I have been a cat person for most of my life. Plus... they aren't nearly as annoying as dogs can be. Dogs can get too clingy, and mine (as much as I love him) can be a pain in the ass at times.

Paedantic Basterd 08-24-2011 04:00 PM

Very much a cat person.

DoctorSoft 08-24-2011 04:03 PM

Dogs, i ****ing hate cats

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-24-2011 04:04 PM

Zer0 08-24-2011 04:04 PM

Yeah I'm a cat person. I've only ever had cats as pets growing up so it just comes naturally, I know their way of thinking. The cat my parents have at the moment is just like Simon's Cat, he will do anything for food and will just keep nagging you until you give him something. He's an idiot but I love him.

EvilChuck 08-24-2011 04:10 PM

Dogs, I've had a cross alsation labrador which we had when i was a baby until I was like 8 or 9 (my family had it longer), a jackrussel which didnt seem to grow bigger than a puppy, lived til it was about 19 though, and another labrador that looked exactly like an andrex puppy that we ended up giving away because we didnt have enough time for it for walks and such.

Flyingpig437 08-24-2011 04:19 PM

I prefer dogs but I'd only want a short legged one. The bigger ones need a good walk 2-3 times a day. My friend has bought 2 big dogs and when he and his ex (it's complicated) are out then they lock them in a cage. I think it's a bit cruel really. I mean they take them out to a park a bit but I'd feel guilt tripped if I didn't take a big dog on several good walks a day. I'd like a West highland terrier. I'd take it on walks but if I didn't feel like it I wouldn't feel it'd be cruel 'cause it's little legs would still get a good work out running round the house. I like cats too but you can't build a relationship with them like you can dogs. Cat's don't like people.

Janszoon 08-24-2011 04:28 PM

Definitely a cat person here. They're low key and low maintenance yet hilariously entertaining. Plus their way of being affectionate is far more appealing to me than the dog way.

djchameleon 08-24-2011 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Flyingpig437 (Post 1098311)
I like cats too but you can't build a relationship with them like you can dogs. Cat's don't like people.

That's not true. It's just a common misconception that dog people like to toss around. My cat is very friendly and he likes to rub up against any visitor I have. He also likes to lay down in front of people so they can rub his belly which is a trap. He doesnt want his belly rubbed he takes his paws and moves your hand the top of his head where he really wants you to pet.

TheCunningStunt 08-24-2011 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by DoctorSoft (Post 1098306)
Dogs, i ****ing hate cats


Cats are cunts.

Zer0 08-24-2011 04:50 PM

When a cat rubs up against your leg it's actually marking it's territory, rather than showing affection. It's basically marking you as it's property.

Mykonos 08-24-2011 05:50 PM

Cats. I like dogs, but I had a fear of them when I was younger, and I'm still a bit intimidated by them now.

captaincaptain 08-24-2011 10:24 PM

I'm definitely a dog person. Cats are cool, but my wife is allergic. A Savannah cat would be great to own.

VEGANGELICA 08-24-2011 10:30 PM




Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 1098315)

Cats are cunts.

:laughing: ^ This is actually probably one reason I *am* a cat person.

Paedantic Basterd 08-24-2011 10:43 PM

I don't find myself longing for affection or companionship with cats. I get those things, but without the relentless neediness of dogs. When a cat likes you, it's because it likes you, not because it needs you. ;)

VEGANGELICA 08-24-2011 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1098374)
I don't find myself longing for affection or companionship with cats. I get those things, but without the relentless neediness of dogs. When a cat likes you, it's because it likes you, not because it needs you. ;)

That's the feeling I get with cats, too, Pedestrian.

Then I remember a cartoon I like that shows the thoughts of a cat who is sitting next to its disturbed-looking owner: "If you were smaller, I would eat you." I think that's probably true. :) I have a feeling that a dog would be less likely to eat its human if the person suddenly shrunk down to mouse size.

Cats often seem more reserved with their affection and need more space and privacy than dogs, but when cats *do* bond they can be very intimate. I relate to and feel more comfortable with that, so being around cats is easier for me than being around dogs. When I'm with cats, I can relax. I feel like I'm with my own kind...minus the cat traits of being a carnivore and having a penchant for chomping up spiders and cockroaches! ;)

Mykonos 08-25-2011 01:56 AM

It's funny that you say cats genuinely like you and feel intimate, because I've always felt mine use me as a food/comfy bed/scratching dispenser. They're probably just reserved in their affections, but still, I always get the feelig that cats are in it more for the perks than the people.

TheCunningStunt 08-25-2011 06:56 AM

Cats are only good for one thing

Howard the Duck 08-25-2011 07:09 AM

i had a dog and a cat

my dog was noisy, barked all through the night, and was usually smelly needing a bath at least once a day, my dad gave it up for adoption

my cat was naughty and terribly mischievous, but it was some sort of "familiar" to me, i nearly cried when my dad had to give it away. cos it was a total terror to my relatives (climbing up the sofa to paw their hair unexpectedly)

i suppose i loved my cat, and didn't really care for my dog

Scissorman 08-25-2011 07:27 AM

I have 2 cats and I am afraid of dogs.

VEGANGELICA 08-25-2011 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mykonos (Post 1098397)
It's funny that you say cats genuinely like you and feel intimate, because I've always felt mine use me as a food/comfy bed/scratching dispenser. They're probably just reserved in their affections, but still, I always get the feelig that cats are in it more for the perks than the people.

I definitely felt my cat had affection for me rather than seeing me as *just* a source of food, scratches, and a comfy lap. :)

Sometimes when I pet her she'd groom me...lick my hand, give little painless nips and vibrate her jaws very quickly as if I had fur that she were working her teeth through (because that's the motion she'd make when grooming her own fur). I took her grooming me as a sign of affection, because she was giving me something *back*.

Also, when I was out in the garden she'd meow and find me just to sit close. I got the feeling that she liked being around me and specifically me. She didn't do that with just anyone.

Finally, when she was in a playful mood, she'd seek me out to play...and when she was in trouble, she'd call out until I arrived.

Paedantic Basterd 08-25-2011 10:56 AM

My first cat stuck to my side like glue, full of love. My second cat we adopted a few years ago, and she felt like a cat that used me for attention, and disliked me at all other times. Cat 1 passed away, and after a while, cat 2's relationship and mine became very close. I think she felt that as long as cat 1 was alive, that's where all my care and attention was going. When she finally got to be top cat, she opened up a great deal more.

If you want to have a close bond with a cat, I think you ought to either adopt it as a kitten and treat it well, or go to a shelter and interact with all of the animals to find out who you connect with best.

LoathsomePete 08-25-2011 11:02 AM

I grew up in apartments most of my life being raised by a single mother so dogs were pretty much out of the picture, however we had a few cats left over from when my mum use to breed them. I definitely enjoy cats, however whenever I got the chance to see my uncle and his dog I took it because there's just something about wrestling with an excited dog to help take the edge off. I would definitely like to get a dog one day, but for the moment I'm a cat person.

VEGANGELICA 08-25-2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1098456)
I grew up in apartments most of my life being raised by a single mother so dogs were pretty much out of the picture, however we had a few cats left over from when my mum use to breed them. I definitely enjoy cats, however whenever I got the chance to see my uncle and his dog I took it because there's just something about wrestling with an excited dog to help take the edge off. I would definitely like to get a dog one day, but for the moment I'm a cat person.

Yes, dogs can have a wonderful exuberance. I appreciate that, but at the same time I'm afraid to have a dog because having one seems a lot like having a human child.

I think I'd start to feel drained caring for a dog's psychological health. I also value having control over my privacy times, and with a dog you can't really do that easily, can you?

Finally, I'd hate to do damage to a dog due to not being able to give it the attention I feel it needs and deserves. I couldn't let myself do what some people do: train a dog to get used to the despair of being in a kennel, leave a dog alone all day, dominate the dog through obedience training.

djchameleon 08-25-2011 11:39 AM

even though I'm a cat person. I don't mind dogs completely. I much prefer small dogs now though. I have had my fair share of big dogs and I'm so over them. Having to walk them just after a snow storm and the whole getting up super early to do the same.

VEGANGELICA 08-25-2011 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1098465)
even though I'm a cat person. I don't mind dogs completely. I much prefer small dogs now though. I have had my fair share of big dogs and I'm so over them. Having to walk them just after a snow storm and the whole getting up super early to do the same.

I had a friend whose family had two big dogs, and those dogs got into everything. The family had to dog-proof the house severely.

One time the family left a plastic bag containing a loaf of bread on the kitchen counter. When they returned from an outing, they found that one of the dogs had pulled down the bag, gutted it, and devoured the contents.

Another time, the other dog wolfed down a kitchen sponge (!), which she shat out on the lawn intact! :laughing: (That same dog ate a decaying dead snake.)

And the drool!! Oi! :eek:

The sponge-eating big dog was a drooler, and so she had big drool. One time I was in the passenger seat of the car and her head was just to my left because she was sitting in the back seat in the middle but leaning forward to get a better view. Dangling from her lips was a 3-inch-long clot of oozing saliva, wiggling every time she turned her head.

I spent most of that car ride wincing and praying her "droolactite" wouldn't fly off and splat me.

Paedantic Basterd 08-25-2011 01:01 PM

Dog drool sets off my gag reflex. It might be different when it's your dog, as you know where your dog has been, but... HURK!

The Batlord 08-25-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 1098315)

Cats are cunts.


Dude, that's epic. I love cats. They're all nuts. And it's bull**** that they're not affectionate. Cats can be just as needy as any dog.

Xyphon 08-25-2011 01:45 PM

I've had cats all my life, and just recently got a puppy. He gets along with the cats pretty good. So I gotta say both. I've always wanted a dog, too, but cats are tight.

Howard the Duck 08-25-2011 07:46 PM

even though I'm mostly a cat person, i wouldn't mind "toy" dogs

they're just like animated stuffed toys

Sneer 08-25-2011 07:51 PM

Cats, because they're arrogant. I dig that.

Farfisa 08-25-2011 10:31 PM

My cat likes hugging the corners of walls when he's excited and he's the nicest thing in the world. My grandma's cat is an asshole though, try and pet her and she'll get on your case like the neighborhood watch after a convicted pedophile who moves into the community. I love dogs too, they jump up on you and lick your face and have a more dependent personality type than cats.

ThePhanastasio 08-26-2011 01:11 AM

I really love both of them.

I love cats' independence and somewhat erratic behavior, whilst enjoying the mind-boggling loyalty of my canine friends.

One of my cats (a blue-point Siamese), Mathilda, is probably the most intelligent animal I've ever encountered. She's picked up that she can point at things with her paw to say that she wants them, and has even tried to emulate human speech at points, and human mannerisms. E.g.: I once was sitting one a chair, and her favorite thing ever is helium balloons. Somehow the string had become tangled, and she couldn't reach it to mess with it.

She walked up to me, looked me dead in the eyes, and meowed something which sounded approximately, like, "Get the balloon down!" I was baffled, and then asked of my sister, "Did Mathilda just ask me to get the balloon down?!" and then the cat NODDED, put her paw on my leg and repeated, "Get the balloon down!" and then pointed at it with her paw.

Consequently, I'm somewhat scared of that cat.

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-26-2011 08:20 AM

My cat is great.

Whenever I walk outside she'll walk in front of me & escort me everywhere I go.
If I stand still she'll circle me investigating any danger that might arise.
And then when I go back inside she'll get to the doorstep and flop over expecting me to stroke her.

It feels a bit like being protected by a small cute & furry secret service member.

Janszoon 08-26-2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 1098627)
One of my cats (a blue-point Siamese), Mathilda, is probably the most intelligent animal I've ever encountered. She's picked up that she can point at things with her paw to say that she wants them, and has even tried to emulate human speech at points, and human mannerisms. E.g.: I once was sitting one a chair, and her favorite thing ever is helium balloons. Somehow the string had become tangled, and she couldn't reach it to mess with it.

She walked up to me, looked me dead in the eyes, and meowed something which sounded approximately, like, "Get the balloon down!" I was baffled, and then asked of my sister, "Did Mathilda just ask me to get the balloon down?!" and then the cat NODDED, put her paw on my leg and repeated, "Get the balloon down!" and then pointed at it with her paw.

Consequently, I'm somewhat scared of that cat.


O2OnlineAngel 08-26-2011 06:13 PM

I have a dog who i love but I actually think im a cat person and would get one when I move out...

IWP 08-27-2011 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 1098660)
My cat is great.

Whenever I walk outside she'll walk in front of me & escort me everywhere I go.
If I stand still she'll circle me investigating any danger that might arise.
And then when I go back inside she'll get to the doorstep and flop over expecting me to stroke her.

It feels a bit like being protected by a small cute & furry secret service member.

I'd like to hire your cat as a personal bodyguard.

lucifer_sam 08-28-2011 12:46 PM

I love both, cats a bit more from personal experience, but I can't help this floating to the top of my head when someone calls himself a "cat person":

Burning Down 08-28-2011 05:13 PM

I'm allergic to both, sadly. However, having had a dog as a kid and having the responsibility of taking care of him, I can say that cats seem like much less work. You don't have to walk them, they don't gobble up their food in two bites and then ask for more, all that kind of stuff. I think they are also more cuddly than dogs are. So for the purpose of this thread, I'll say I have a slight preference for cats.

FETCHER. 08-28-2011 06:14 PM

I'm a dog person. The fact that I can I push my dog the lenth of my livingroom and she runs rapidly back to maul my ass. Joking but she does jump on me and stuff, which is always fun when you have a 3ft-ish Great Dane. I don't like small dogs or cats all that much. Although I'm always very nice to them I love big dogs so much more.

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