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tehpathogen 08-03-2011 07:47 PM

My given right to decimate my auditory system.
Come on now, really now our governments are gonna try and pull this. what is your guys take on it.

CTV British Columbia - B.C. medical journal calls for cap on iPod volumes - CTV News

The Batlord 08-05-2011 12:14 PM


"Our focus is on providing information that allows Canadians to make informed decisions."
No, your focus is on making those decisions for us *******! If I want to **** up my hearing just so that I can enjoy Cannibal Corpse as it was meant to be enjoyed, then you can **** right the hell off!

Burning Down 08-05-2011 12:18 PM

Actually, it's worse to be a classical musician, playing in orchestras professionally. Over time the average hearing loss for a classical musician is about 50%. It's less for rock musicians and general listeners. I read this in a journal article I looked up for a school project, and if I find it again I will try and reference it here.

The Batlord 08-05-2011 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1092586)
Actually, it's worse to be a classical musician, playing in orchestras professionally. Over time the average hearing loss for a classical musician is about 50%. It's less for rock musicians and general listeners. I read this in a journal article I looked up for a school project, and if I find it again I will try and reference it here.

Really?! That's wierd. BAN CLASSICAL MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-05-2011 12:32 PM

The EU have been pulling this shit for years.

I wish I had an American IPod :(

Burning Down 08-05-2011 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1092588)
Really?! That's wierd. BAN CLASSICAL MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!


But seriously, that kind of scares me.


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 1092599)
The EU have been pulling this shit for years.

I wish I had an American IPod :(

You should have said that 3 months ago when I was selling my old one!!!! (well it was one of the iPod Classics, so not that old)

EvilChuck 08-05-2011 03:01 PM

I dont understand the desperate need to have the sound deafeningly high, but respect people's choice to have it so. I would guess that most people turn up the volume too high to block out noise from elsewhere, so maybe if the governments want us to lower the volume they should either a) reduce noise in the world so music listening on headphones doesnt get distracted - which of course is unreasonable and illogical, or b) enforce a law that all iPods/mp3 players must come with noise cancelling headphones, instead of the shítty 'let everything except the music be heard' type headphones.

lucifer_sam 08-05-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 1092599)
The EU have been pulling this shit for years.

I wish I had an American IPod :(

even American iPods carry more stringent volume limits now. i used to have a 5th gen iPod that i could listen to while mowing the grass (not a practice i recommend), my iPhone 4 regularly gets outstripped by other people talking on their cell phones. =/

on another note, they should enact a global ordinance barring the sale of ridiculous car sound systems. it's enough for the morons who buy them to render themselves stupid while driving, but for fucks sake don't roll your goddamn windows down. btdubs, your bass sounds like SHIT.

Janszoon 08-05-2011 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 1092599)
The EU have been pulling this shit for years.

I wish I had an American IPod :(

*Waves American iPod tauntingly at Urban*

Burning Down 08-05-2011 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 1092697)
even American iPods carry more stringent volume limits now. i used to have a 5th gen iPod that i could listen to while mowing the grass (not a practice i recommend), my iPhone 4 regularly gets outstripped by other people talking on their cell phones. =/

on another note, they should enact a global ordinance barring the sale of ridiculous car sound systems. it's enough for the morons who buy them to render themselves stupid while driving, but for fucks sake don't roll your goddamn windows down. btdubs, your bass sounds like SHIT.

I hate that bass sound so much. First of all, it doesn't impress anybody and secondly their hearing is ruined, which is why they have it up so loud. Also, I wonder if thats all they hear, just this annoying booming bass sound?

Paedantic Basterd 08-05-2011 11:20 PM

I don't particularly care either way, probably because I've never been one to blow my own ear drums. I'm the loser wearing earplugs at the concert.

djchameleon 08-05-2011 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1092769)
I hate that bass sound so much. First of all, it doesn't impress anybody and secondly their hearing is ruined, which is why they have it up so loud. Also, I wonder if thats all they hear, just this annoying booming bass sound?

The part I hate is when they blow their speakers and it sounds even worse but they think theyare hot **** blastin "Racks" for the millionth time

Dirty 08-06-2011 12:08 AM

I support this idea. If we can eliminate one more idiot in the library or computer lab from blasting his music 10X too loud, then I'm all for it.

hip hop bunny hop 08-06-2011 12:35 AM

****ing nanny state cocksuckers.

I hate this ****. Once a nation transitions from "how do we have the best possible infrastructure?" to "geeze, how can we convince people to stop smoking?" - the **** is in free-fall.

Although I'm not Canadian, this is one reason why I fully support making national parliaments/legislatures strictly part-time. Give them enough time to handle real issues; when these ****s are sitting year round, we get sin taxes, sin regulations, and idiotic moral grand-standing on issues like *** buttsex and women's (wymyn's?) right to be fire fighters, even if that means lowering the standards for femi****s.

****. Goddamned cocksuckers.

TockTockTock 08-06-2011 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 1092796)
****ing nanny state cocksuckers.

I hate this ****. Once a nation transitions from "how do we have the best possible infrastructure?" to "geeze, how can we convince people to stop smoking?" - the **** is in free-fall.

Although I'm not Canadian, this is one reason why I fully support making national parliaments/legislatures strictly part-time. Give them enough time to handle real issues; when these ****s are sitting year round, we get sin taxes, sin regulations, and idiotic moral grand-standing on issues like *** buttsex and women's (wymyn's?) right to be fire fighters, even if that means lowering the standards for femi****s.

****. Goddamned cocksuckers.

I hope you're not implying that this is a "real" issue.

Surell 08-06-2011 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 1092697)
even American iPods carry more stringent volume limits now. i used to have a 5th gen iPod that i could listen to while mowing the grass (not a practice i recommend), my iPhone 4 regularly gets outstripped by other people talking on their cell phones. =/

on another note, they should enact a global ordinance barring the sale of ridiculous car sound systems. it's enough for the morons who buy them to render themselves stupid while driving, but for fucks sake don't roll your goddamn windows down. btdubs, your bass sounds like SHIT.

You ever heard the exterior car sound systems? Redick.

Pedestrian, i feel you on that for some shows. Can't do Dinosaur Jr. without earbuds, it's earbleed nation for a reason.

The Batlord 08-06-2011 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1092769)
I hate that bass sound so much. First of all, it doesn't impress anybody and secondly their hearing is ruined, which is why they have it up so loud. Also, I wonder if thats all they hear, just this annoying booming bass sound?

I wish the screws of those douche bags' cars would fall out. They only listen to that music for the beat. The actual lyrics of the songs don't matter, just that everybody within a mile radius can hear your car vibrating. :finger:

EvilChuck 08-06-2011 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1092912)
I wish the screws of those douche bags' cars would fall out. They only listen to that music for the beat. The actual lyrics of the songs don't matter, just that everybody within a mile radius can hear your car vibrating. :finger:

Janszoon 08-06-2011 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1092912)
I wish the screws of those douche bags' cars would fall out. They only listen to that music for the beat. The actual lyrics of the songs don't matter, just that everybody within a mile radius can hear your car vibrating. :finger:

What's really ridiculous is when they don't even listen to music that lends itself to a sound system with a powerful low end. My old neighbor was an example of this: driving around with the subwoofer booming... listening to Pearl Jam.

FETCHER. 08-06-2011 09:55 AM

Who actually cares if they limit it?! If I want to listen to music loud then there's plenty other ways it can be achieved. iPods arent the only form of music, not even in this generation.

The Batlord 08-06-2011 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1092919)
Who actually cares if they limit it?! If I want to listen to music loud then there's plenty other ways it can be achieved. iPods arent the only form of music, not even in this generation.

It's the principal. Protect me from fake medicine and defective brakes in my car. Not loud music.

FETCHER. 08-06-2011 10:29 AM

Well obviously there is that, but once they have their mind set on something.

Queen Boo 08-08-2011 09:39 AM

Eh, you guys are all old enough to make conscious decisions though. I don't think eight, nine, and ten year olds should be given the resources to render themselves deaf. Why don't they just make the standard earbuds a bit weaker and if the rest of us want louder headphones, we buy them? I got skullcandys for ten bucks a while back. Ugly as hell but brand new and great sound quality.

Paedantic Basterd 08-08-2011 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Tumor (Post 1093552)
Eh, you guys are all old enough to make conscious decisions though. I don't think eight, nine, and ten year olds should be given the resources to render themselves deaf. Why don't they just make the standard earbuds a bit weaker and if the rest of us want louder headphones, we buy them? I got skullcandys for ten bucks a while back. Ugly as hell but brand new and great sound quality.

Perfect valid point, just wanted to emphasize that.

The Batlord 08-08-2011 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Tumor (Post 1093552)
Eh, you guys are all old enough to make conscious decisions though. I don't think eight, nine, and ten year olds should be given the resources to render themselves deaf. Why don't they just make the standard earbuds a bit weaker and if the rest of us want louder headphones, we buy them? I got skullcandys for ten bucks a while back. Ugly as hell but brand new and great sound quality.

So we should allow lazy parents to ruin headphones the same way they've ruined TV?

FETCHER. 08-08-2011 10:53 AM

you can adjust the sound yourself on your ipod. atleast I can on my iTouch and my iPhone.

The Batlord 08-08-2011 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1093589)
you can adjust the sound yourself on your ipod. atleast I can on my iTouch and my iPhone.

You can get your kid some ****ty headphones that have no volume. There are plenty of ****ty headphones that cost almost nothing.

FETCHER. 08-08-2011 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1093593)
You can get your kid some ****ty headphones that have no volume. There are plenty of ****ty headphones that cost almost nothing.

That's actually an excellent idea.

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-08-2011 11:05 AM

You can put volume locks on Ipods anyway.

FETCHER. 08-08-2011 11:06 AM

Thats what I meant by adjusting the sound. My post looks retarded.

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-08-2011 11:08 AM

Or you could just slap the whiny brat across the face & tell him he can have an ipod when he can afford one & not before.

The Batlord 08-08-2011 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Aurora (Post 1093594)
That's actually an excellent idea.

Which is my point. There are easy ways to solve the problem that don't involve the government. This is a non-issue. I'm not one of those right wing libertarian types (anymore), but I still see no reason to get the government involved when it serves no necessary purpose.


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 1093600)
Or you could just slap the whiny brat across the face & tell him he can have an ipod when he can afford one & not before.

This is an excellent point. One should make a habit of cracking their kids in the face every once in a while. It builds character. Not to mention if he's ever a soldier and he gets captured, he will be less likely to break if you've built his pain threshold a little bit.

tehpathogen 08-11-2011 03:34 PM

yeah, all valid points, but my worry is that once they try regulating something like this they go overboard and apply it to all manufactures of headphones. And if they can take this right from us, what stops them from making laws like if you go jogging u need to wear a f'n helmet, lol. does the government have the right to try and protect us from ourselves this much.

Farfisa 08-11-2011 03:56 PM

I need my Swans at the highest volume level possible, it's just not the same otherwise.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 08-13-2011 02:41 PM

Well, there goes the fun in Merzbow.

Itsme 08-14-2011 10:21 PM

Everywhere I look the government is trying to play mommy and daddy for everybody "protecting" us from ourselves. What ever happened to the freedom of choice? People need to just live and let live.

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