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Old 05-08-2011, 09:52 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Yeah im not sure what to think about the whole its a disease thing either. I mean ive always been told thats what alcoholism is but I dont know. Im not looking for sympathy or using it as an excuse for anything ive done...I just want to get it resolved now and move on. Like I said it was a ultimatum that just may very well be the eye opener I needed to patch up my life. Cause yes Dirty I like to get bombed and have a great story to talk about the next day only sometimes their not always funny and my consumption has gone way up latley. So maybe ill have to change my name to slower&sober or something i
I like to hear about other people making the change and restoring their relationships and maintaining it through the years. Its inspiring cause in spite of all of my Terrel Owens and Randy Moss admiring...I know its not all about me. I have a reason to straighten up thats more important than any drunken story will ever be worth or good times. Ive had plenty of good times...ill pass the torch on to the next generation of alcohol inspired partiers. Ill just live vicariously through others good times and stories.
Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Fuck you, bloozin! Your stupid thread too!
<DoctorSoft>: You know life is good when you take Viagra to jack off lol
Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
- Hendrix didn't even play the blues that well -

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Old 05-08-2011, 11:03 PM   #32 (permalink)
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My father was an alcoholic (or so I'm told, having only met him a handful of times). I don't believe that alcoholism can be passed down from generation to generation, nor do I believe in any genetic predisposition to it. Everyone makes their own choices. One normally doesn't have a problem with alcoholism until the consumption and craving of alcohol begins to negatively affect the people and things that are important to them.

I personally don't have a notable drinking pattern at the moment. Looking back, I used to be an alcoholic. I would drink before school, before work, basically at every opportunity. My problem was not being able to stop. I would start drinking at a party and end up sh*t-faced in the backyard the next morning. I could not drink socially. If I drank one drink, I may as well have drank a hundred. It was sad that it had to be an all-or-nothing sort of ideology behind my drinking habits.

I went through the 12 step programs and the buddy systems and the YMCA clubs. All of these places are bullsh*t unless you actually WANT to stop drinking. For me, it came to a point where I HAD to stop drinking. I had a wife and a son to think about, so I manned up and became a sober individual. With my wife and son gone, and going through a hellacious divorce, the temptation has been ever present.

Right now, I drink most nights of the week. Either a bottle of red wine or vodka mixed with juices. I consider drinking daily to be a problem, but my current personal situation is not the best, and I am not in the best frame of mind. I may have a problem with alcohol at this specific point and time, but overall I believe that I can cope with it.
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Old 05-09-2011, 04:06 AM   #33 (permalink)
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This is what happens to your body, it breaks down in defacement. The first day you’re crying, heaving, puking, screaming, and wondering why death just doesn’t finish you off right there. It becomes soundless in your own head and your heart beat goes back and forth between wanting to continue and not. Your skin sears in pain at any touch, it stings and burns that you’re surprised all the blood isn’t bursting through your pores. You can’t move much but all you want to do is desperately crawl out of this agony. You close your eyelids but there is nothing but a million spiders with their long legs rapidly moving towards you. Your body eventually crashes into torpor but you awake ten minutes later. Your body demands for another fix, it won’t hurt, just please, stop this pain. Cry. Beg. Scream. Puke. You don’t know if you’re going to make it, in fact you don’t want to make it. Close your eyes and end it. I’m ready. Except you do not die. You pass out again in writhing anguish. You awake feeling like your entire skeleton was ripped out of your skin, through your muscles, tearing out every organ as all the blood spews in laughter. But it’s not, in fact your sweat glands are working overtime as you lay there soaked in it. You’re suddenly paralyzed with numbness, you scream in misery, you feel your eyebrows draw together and you’re wondering how you’re producing oxygen to your lungs. Well it’s very shallow. Just enough to keep you barely alive. This is what happens to your body.
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Old 05-09-2011, 04:54 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ismileargyle View Post
This is what happens to your body, it breaks down in defacement. The first day you’re crying, heaving, puking, screaming, and wondering why death just doesn’t finish you off right there. It becomes soundless in your own head and your heart beat goes back and forth between wanting to continue and not. Your skin sears in pain at any touch, it stings and burns that you’re surprised all the blood isn’t bursting through your pores. You can’t move much but all you want to do is desperately crawl out of this agony. You close your eyelids but there is nothing but a million spiders with their long legs rapidly moving towards you. Your body eventually crashes into torpor but you awake ten minutes later. Your body demands for another fix, it won’t hurt, just please, stop this pain. Cry. Beg. Scream. Puke. You don’t know if you’re going to make it, in fact you don’t want to make it. Close your eyes and end it. I’m ready. Except you do not die. You pass out again in writhing anguish. You awake feeling like your entire skeleton was ripped out of your skin, through your muscles, tearing out every organ as all the blood spews in laughter. But it’s not, in fact your sweat glands are working overtime as you lay there soaked in it. You’re suddenly paralyzed with numbness, you scream in misery, you feel your eyebrows draw together and you’re wondering how you’re producing oxygen to your lungs. Well it’s very shallow. Just enough to keep you barely alive. This is what happens to your body.
That's either something from a D.A.R.E. ad, or you just wrote an awesome metal song.

I have had problems with alcohol and substance abuse in the past, nothing severe, but I have overused from time to time. I try to limit myself to drinking 3 nights a week at most, although sometimes I crave beer, I love the taste and the experience of drinking beer.

I don't consider myself an alcoholic, because I can stop drinking whenever I want or need and I have on several occassions for extended periods of time.

But man, sometimes I just need a beer. Like right now.
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"Never trust your own eyes, believe what you are told".
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Old 05-09-2011, 04:59 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Sometimes I wish I could lock the door to my room and drown my sorrows in liquor. Probably not the best way of going about my problems, but I guess people just need to get shitfaced every once in awhile to forget things.
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Old 05-09-2011, 09:18 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oojay View Post
My father was an alcoholic (or so I'm told, having only met him a handful of times). I don't believe that alcoholism can be passed down from generation to generation, nor do I believe in any genetic predisposition to it. Everyone makes their own choices. One normally doesn't have a problem with alcoholism until the consumption and craving of alcohol begins to negatively affect the people and things that are important to them.

I personally don't have a notable drinking pattern at the moment. Looking back, I used to be an alcoholic. I would drink before school, before work, basically at every opportunity. My problem was not being able to stop. I would start drinking at a party and end up sh*t-faced in the backyard the next morning. I could not drink socially. If I drank one drink, I may as well have drank a hundred. It was sad that it had to be an all-or-nothing sort of ideology behind my drinking habits.

I went through the 12 step programs and the buddy systems and the YMCA clubs. All of these places are bullsh*t unless you actually WANT to stop drinking. For me, it came to a point where I HAD to stop drinking. I had a wife and a son to think about, so I manned up and became a sober individual. With my wife and son gone, and going through a hellacious divorce, the temptation has been ever present.

Right now, I drink most nights of the week. Either a bottle of red wine or vodka mixed with juices. I consider drinking daily to be a problem, but my current personal situation is not the best, and I am not in the best frame of mind. I may have a problem with alcohol at this specific point and time, but overall I believe that I can cope with it.
Hang in there man and just stay responsible as possible with it if your going to drink. For your kids sake...Maintaining sobriety under those circumstances must be difficult but you dont have to I guess if its not a problem for you. Hope everything works out for you
Originally Posted by crash_override View Post
That's either something from a D.A.R.E. ad, or you just wrote an awesome metal song.

I have had problems with alcohol and substance abuse in the past, nothing severe, but I have overused from time to time. I try to limit myself to drinking 3 nights a week at most, although sometimes I crave beer, I love the taste and the experience of drinking beer.

I don't consider myself an alcoholic, because I can stop drinking whenever I want or need and I have on several occassions for extended periods of time.

But man, sometimes I just need a beer. Like right now.
It always hits at the weirdest moments it seems like. Three nights a week and not getting into any trouble certainly doesnt seem like you have a problem at all. Hope you fixed your sudden craving for a beer.
Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships View Post
Sometimes I wish I could lock the door to my room and drown my sorrows in liquor. Probably not the best way of going about my problems, but I guess people just need to get shitfaced every once in awhile to forget things.
Usually the number one reason for why I drink is to forget. Only forgetting every once in a while isnt sufficient for me. Im also one of those either im going to drink as much as possible and pass out. Or I wont drink at all cause theres no point. Problems are always there every day waiting their not going anywhere as of yet, and ive drank enough to probally flood the seems anyway. Point being my memories and problems havent washed away yet from drinking...only other things that were important to me. Hopefully your problems arent as severe as you think and will resolve themselves in due time.
Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Fuck you, bloozin! Your stupid thread too!
<DoctorSoft>: You know life is good when you take Viagra to jack off lol
Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
- Hendrix didn't even play the blues that well -

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Old 05-09-2011, 09:59 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Ehh top of my head sort of thing because that's pretty much what I go through a lot of days. It's lessened quite a bit in the course of three years, so that's something I suppose. I have more control, I can have a few beers and cut myself off, I can drink and not want to get drunk, so that's a pretty big kind of deal.
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Old 05-09-2011, 02:18 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Alcoholism and addiction in general is rampant in my family. I myself, am a drug addict. I have been clean since July of last year though.

The main thing is, that you realise that you have a problem. As cliche as it sounds, that REALLY is the first step in recovering. I did NA for a while, which of course is similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. I really encourage you to utilise their services and use this
Alcoholics Anonymous :

to find a meeting in your area. If you don't agree with some of the **** they are preaching, nbd. You'll get a great support system, which at this time in your recovery, you'll really, really need. Everyone in the meetings I've been to has been really friendly and genuinely willing to help you if you ask them. So really, don't be afraid to go to a meeting, I would advise going now, since there are meetings everyday of the week.

If you feel that AA is not right for you, maybe consider seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist to get to the underlying reason of why you drink so much. In my case, the reason I did so many pills is because they put me on a level emotional and behavioural plane. I got onto a medication that would do that without taking anything away, and it's been extremely beneficial to living a "normal" life. As I said in the chat before, I went from being a promiscuous little hooligan who took 6 yrs to graduate high school, to getting mostly A's & a B (lol) in college and being a stable, loving, monogamous relationship. And I'm actually happy. I'm not going to lie and say that it wasn't really, really ****ing hard emotionally and mentally to get to where I am now, but if I can do it in the span a little under the year, just imagine what you yourself can accomplish. But you really just have to get out there and try.

Anyway, I'm not a professional, far from it. But this is what I did, and hopefully you can be successful in getting clean too. It is possible.
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Old 05-09-2011, 02:24 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin View Post
Usually the number one reason for why I drink is to forget. Only forgetting every once in a while isnt sufficient for me. Im also one of those either im going to drink as much as possible and pass out. Or I wont drink at all cause theres no point. Problems are always there every day waiting their not going anywhere as of yet, and ive drank enough to probally flood the seems anyway. Point being my memories and problems havent washed away yet from drinking...only other things that were important to me. Hopefully your problems arent as severe as you think and will resolve themselves in due time.
What I said was kind of ignorant, but sometimes I really just feel like doing that. I do hope things are going better for you, man. I really do thank you for your insight.
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Old 05-09-2011, 02:44 PM   #40 (permalink)
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It will distract you. You are just trading one vice for another, but this one is far more socially acceptable, and it will at least keep you eating and sleeping okay, you also won't feel like **** all the time
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