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Bloozcrooz 03-29-2011 07:38 PM

June Bugs
A problem in Texas even in the end of March are June bugs. Also can make for quality redneck entertainment with a bug light. Watching them fly to their death while enjoying a 30 pack of beer can be quite both senses. Along with the mosquitos and other pesky bugs. Didnt know if anyone else was as easily amused as me. Or if the June bug infestation was merely a Texas thing.

Burning Down 03-29-2011 08:39 PM

I don't think I've ever seen one in real life. I'm not even sure if June bugs live here. We do have beetles, though.

ThePhanastasio 03-29-2011 08:43 PM

We get those here. I called them "clicky bugs" when I was little because they crashed into things and made clicky noises. That's how I knew that one had gotten into the house.

Bloozcrooz 03-29-2011 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1027054)
I don't think I've ever seen one in real life. I'm not even sure if June bugs live here. We do have beetles, though.

Freebase Dali 03-29-2011 09:21 PM

I fucking HATE June bugs.
Why is it that out of all the flying creatures on this earth, they are the most inept at aerial navigation? Or do they just enjoy crashing into your head, or other body parts, or straight into walls? They generally seem like the most purposeless bug ever invented, to me. Dumb, inadequate, and if any any insect predators actually find themselves at the bottom of the barrel and feed on them, they're only doing so for a short period of time.
I don't get it. They're the most retarded of all bugs, in my book. I don't know how they survive as a species. Maybe it's because all the creatures in the world have standards.

Bloozcrooz 03-29-2011 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1027068)
I fucking HATE June bugs.
Why is it that out of all the flying creatures on this earth, they are the most inept at aerial navigation? Or do they just enjoy crashing into your head, or other body parts, or straight into walls? They generally seem like the most purposeless bug ever invented, to me. Dumb, inadequate, and if any any insect predators actually find themselves at the bottom of the barrel and feed on them, they're only doing so for a short period of time.
I don't get it. They're the most retarded of all bugs, in my book. I don't know how they survive as a species. Maybe it's because all the creatures in the world have standards.

:laughing: you ****ing crack me up man...I forgot your from cajun country so you know all about it. Do you enjoy the hours of bug zapper entertainment as well? Yall have monster mosquitos I know...we use to make it a guessing game as to whoever could predict which bug was going to fry the longest upon his landing. The loser having to down a beer....good cheap fun.

Freebase Dali 03-29-2011 09:41 PM

Never had a bug zapper. But there were times where I considered loading up the shotgun and just going buck wild.

Bloozcrooz 03-29-2011 09:49 PM

Lol...a deep seeded hatred for june bugs indeed man

Freebase Dali 03-29-2011 09:53 PM

I have a hatred for June bugs, cockroaches, and regular roaches. All other bugs, I am perfectly fine with, and even enjoy having around me. Except for stink bugs. Especially the large ones that we, in our youth, called "daddy stink bugs". Their legs were long and menacing. They could fly, land, and crawl on you with great maliciousness and propensity for grossing you out. Those were another feared enemy.

Bloozcrooz 03-29-2011 10:15 PM

I remember the stink bugs as a child...waiting till my buddies werent looking and tossing them onto them then smashing the bug while it was still on them so the odor was smeared onto their clothes. June bugs were like that too...wait then toss them at a friend...its incredible how loud the noise they make is if they fly anywhere close to your ear. Even today my buddies still act as if they were being attacked by a taradactyl or something. Especially if they are borderline passing out..heh

Erika! 03-29-2011 10:23 PM

We have a lot of June bugs in Illinois, especially during summer. I'm completely terrified of them! And they hurt so bad when they just happen to run into your head when you're not expecting it.

Bloozcrooz 03-30-2011 04:12 PM

Their not any bigger I dont think than anywhere else just seems like more of them here. Almost every girl I know is scared of June Bugs...their legs kind of stick to you when they touch your skin. And their really loud when they fly past you or into you out of nowhere. Lol...again great fun to see them land on the bug zapper though

s_k 03-30-2011 04:52 PM

We have june bugs here, but I don't have much problems with them?

Bloozcrooz 03-30-2011 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1027720)
We have june bugs here, but I don't have much problems with them?

Their just a nuisance really...I dont really detest them as much as Freebase does lol..but they are kind of a pointless bug. Their all squashed and laying everywhere in the garage from the car running over them. One more thing to clean up.

s_k 03-30-2011 05:19 PM

Ah, I don't think we have so many.
They're not pointless, they're food for the little birds. :D.

crukster 03-30-2011 05:20 PM

lol everytime I looked at this thread I assumed it was about coding or something

s_k 03-30-2011 05:20 PM

Musicbanter is like a box of chocolates...

Bloozcrooz 03-30-2011 05:27 PM

Yeah this is the opitome of typical redneck conversation or entertainment. Yes...June Bugs..."thats all I have to say about that"

crukster 03-30-2011 05:29 PM

I dunno Junebugs man where I'm from all we have is mites and crickets

Bloozcrooz 03-30-2011 05:32 PM

Nothing like a cricket sparking conversation about 2 hours into a deep sleep. Awakening you and staying hidden and silent every time you turn the light on to try an find them. Then as soon as you flick the light off the lil bastard starts his sounding off again. They make great fish bait though

Erika! 03-30-2011 05:34 PM

I especially hate June bugs because they always end up getting in my hair and it's soo disgusting and hard trying to get them out.

crukster 03-30-2011 05:34 PM

****ing cricket symphonies I love that **** man. I can't sleep here in the UK without it, it's the sound of nighttime imo

Bloozcrooz 03-30-2011 05:41 PM

If im camping or something its cool...but when the lil cricket bastards going acapella on my time not so much.

bahama 03-30-2011 11:46 PM

Come love for da june bugs???

Bloozcrooz 03-31-2011 12:22 AM

Ded gum June bugs...cant live with'em with'em

Howard the Duck 03-31-2011 07:44 AM

we have a sort of variety of that here - but they're pretty silent and adept flyers, and they don't cling to you - pretty harmless, really, i don't see any need to "zap" 'em, i just pick them up and put them out of the house to enjoy their merry bugging

the only bug that unsettles me is this kinda 6-8" HUGE sarawakian beetle with menacing mandibles - but they're quite rare in West Malaysia

Engine 04-01-2011 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1027068)
I fucking HATE June bugs.
Why is it that out of all the flying creatures on this earth, they are the most inept at aerial navigation? Or do they just enjoy crashing into your head, or other body parts, or straight into walls? They generally seem like the most purposeless bug ever invented, to me. Dumb, inadequate, and if any any insect predators actually find themselves at the bottom of the barrel and feed on them, they're only doing so for a short period of time.
I don't get it. They're the most retarded of all bugs, in my book. I don't know how they survive as a species. Maybe it's because all the creatures in the world have standards.

Ha! I've always wondered about them too. I mean, every one I see looks like it's in its death throes .. flying into walls, or on their back unable to turn over. I love them for it though, I'll flip 'em upright when they need some help. Usually when I see one I'm just glad it's not a tree roach .. although I like those guys too. It's fun to catch them and throw them back outside.

RE bug zappers, I hate them. The zapping sound and the blinding light bothers me more than any bug does.

In central TX, I haven't seen June bugs yet this year, probably because it's been unseasonably cool. God bless the idiotic June bug.

Anybody into paper wasps?

Bloozcrooz 04-01-2011 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1028883)
Ha! I've always wondered about them too. I mean, every one I see looks like it's in its death throes .. flying into walls, or on their back unable to turn over. I love them for it though, I'll flip 'em upright when they need some help. Usually when I see one I'm just glad it's not a tree roach .. although I like those guys too. It's fun to catch them and throw them back outside.

RE bug zappers, I hate them. The zapping sound and the blinding light bothers me more than any bug does.

In central TX, I haven't seen June bugs yet this year, probably because it's been unseasonably cool. God bless the idiotic June bug.

Anybody into paper wasps?

Whats a paper wasp?

Engine 04-01-2011 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1029040)
Whats a paper wasp?

I'm glad you asked because they're one of my favorite winged bug-things.

Here's what one looks like..

and they make nests in any little shaded crevice like a porch roof. The nests look like this ..

They look like other, more aggressive wasps but these guys are relatively peaceful. They sting but only when seriously provoked. I was stung by one that was hiding in my shoe after it got trapped in my house and I stuck my foot into my shoe where it was hiding. Much less aggressive than most wasps and they eat almost every other bug. They eat ants and spiders (I love most spiders too, though) and they spend their lives building elaborate nests out of wood bits that they snatch from trees (so their nests are 'paper').

I reluctantly knocked down two of their nests near my window just yesterday. But they're really lovable creatures. They eat mosquitos!

All hail the Paper wasp.

Freebase Dali 04-01-2011 07:07 PM

Hrmm... I've seen those. I've always incorrectly referred to them as Hornets, although they're smaller than Hornets. I just never knew they were actually called Paper Wasps.

They look cool though.

Bloozcrooz 04-01-2011 07:19 PM

Hornets they seem like they could sting the **** out you but ive never been stung by one. Kind of like wood bee's. They just hover right in front of you making you think youve met your doom till you work up the courage to swat at them and they leave. Then come back minutes later like they know they are annoying you, but never sting ya.

By the way theses ****ing June bugs are just ridiculous here at night. Where the **** do they go during the day?

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