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Old 12-11-2019, 09:08 AM   #4901 (permalink)
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Oh no Trollheart losing your cat is the worst
My condolences

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
You sound like Buffy after they dragged her back from Heaven.
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I want to open a school for MB's lost boys and teach them basic coping skills and build up their self esteem and strengthen their emotional intelligence and teach them about vegetables and institutionalized racism and sexism and then they'll all build a bronze statue of me in my honor and my bronzed titties will forever be groped by the grubby paws of you ****ing whiny pathetic white boys.
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Old 12-11-2019, 11:19 AM   #4902 (permalink)
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My condolences on the loss of your cat.
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Old 12-11-2019, 03:50 PM   #4903 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Just looking in to advise you all my cat Molly (also known as Millie) died last night. I took her to the vet yesterday, fearing she had gone blind (she had) and we were to make a plan later today. However fate intervened and she passed away early this morning. My heart is broken.

RIP Molly/Millie (2002-2019)
Sorry about your kitty man.

I have to comment on how strange I find it that she passed away in the hours between her vet visit and a decision that would have ultimately been made about her future. Life is weird.

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Old 12-11-2019, 06:26 PM   #4904 (permalink)
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Thanks everyone, your sympathy is very much appreciated.

Exo, yeah it is odd but consider it this way: they took her in yesterday, confirmed she was blind and could likely have or get a blood clot. I was advised that I could decide to take her home after the tests (few days) and then within about a month it was possible - though really not likely - that some sight might return to maybe one or both eyes, but if not, my vet told me some cats cope with being blind very well. Trouble is then there's another cat in the house, and one thing cats aren't is sympathetic or supportive: they smell weakness and they go in for the kill, so to speak.

So I was going - well, I should say we were going to have to make a decision at some point. Take her home after the tests, see how she got on, decide if her quality of life was going to be good enough/if I could cope. Cos let's be honest: looking after Karen AND a blind cat is a lot to try to take on. The chances are that I was leaning towards the bad option in the event her sight didn't return.

When I went down to sign the papers today they explained that she was actually quite sick (had lost a kilo in about a month or two) and that she would have died anyway even had I not brought her in. It was simply a done deal at that point. I'm sort of sad she didn't have the chance to die at home, but then, how traumatic would it have been, discovering her body and having to transport it down to the vet? So maybe it was best the way it happened. Horrible shock though. Didn't expect that.

Mind you, I almost did expect it. On Saturday I think it was I went to wake her up to temporarily move her off Karen's bed so that I could sort Karen for the night, and normally Millie once touched jumps - sorry, jumped: so hard to get used to thinking of her in the past tense - up when she's asleep, but this time she didn't, and I had to pet and encourage her for about three or four seconds before she woke up, to the point where I feared she had already died. At that time, I was almost prepared to come down the next morning and find her dead. But when I didn't, maybe I hoped too much, I don't know.

It was heartbreaking to see her today, cold and lifeless, but I brought her stuffed turtle which she always used to sleep on, and loved to pad, to ensure it goes to the cremation with her. I like to think - silly though it probably is - that she will have it with her in the kitty afterlife and won't be looking for it.

Tears abounded at home (and, if I'm honest, in the vet's from me) and we're both terribly upset of course. The worst is almost over: now comes the heart-wrenching removal of her bowl, tray, anything she used or that was hers. That's going to be tough.

It will be, basically, the shittiest Christmas I've had since 2017 when both Ritchie and my Auntie Eileen passed away.
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Old 12-12-2019, 06:46 AM   #4905 (permalink) to hear...
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I'm really sorry to hear that you've lost your cat Trollheart. I hope 2020 will be better for you.
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This is not a personal loss, so it's in a different category, but I wanted to mention that t.v. naturalist David Bellamy died yesterday. If you're too young to have seen him presenting one of his nature programs for kids, have a look at this short clip and you'll see within seconds why his unique style made him such a favourite:-

His unaffected enthusiasm appealed to both children and mimics (of whom there were many) and it's difficult to find his like today. RIP David.
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Old 12-13-2019, 07:32 AM   #4906 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Just looking in to advise you all my cat Molly (also known as Millie) died last night. I took her to the vet yesterday, fearing she had gone blind (she had) and we were to make a plan later today. However fate intervened and she passed away early this morning. My heart is broken.

RIP Molly/Millie (2002-2019)
Sorry Trolldaddio. I just buried one of mine in the back bout 2 months ago. Its peculiar, cats passing and getting sick is far more emotional for me than humans. The cute little bastards.
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Old 12-14-2019, 02:49 PM   #4907 (permalink)
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Thanks Lisna. Appreciate the thoughts.

Thanks also Dr Rezz, and welcome back (if you are back). We're actually getting her cremated. Costs 160 Euro but it's worth it. They give you the ashes in a lovely little replica coffin (casket) with a brass nameplate on it. This is what I've done for all my cats so far; building up quite a little collection sadly. She will join Spooky and Debbie and Ritchie in their little place of honour on the press in my bedroom, beside the memorial picture of my best friend who died over thirty years ago now. Not a shrine, in case anyone thinks it's weird, just a way to keep them all close.
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Old 12-14-2019, 03:06 PM   #4908 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Thanks Lisna. Appreciate the thoughts.

Thanks also Dr Rezz, and welcome back (if you are back). We're actually getting her cremated. Costs 160 Euro but it's worth it. They give you the ashes in a lovely little replica coffin (casket) with a brass nameplate on it. This is what I've done for all my cats so far; building up quite a little collection sadly. She will join Spooky and Debbie and Ritchie in their little place of honour on the press in my bedroom, beside the memorial picture of my best friend who died over thirty years ago now. Not a shrine, in case anyone thinks it's weird, just a way to keep them all close.
Nothing weird about that at all man, I totally get it. I'm not sure what we will do when one of ours goes. It's hard to think about, they're just so loving and innocent

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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
On this one your voice is kind of weird but really intense and awesome
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Old 12-22-2019, 11:16 PM   #4909 (permalink)
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Old 12-22-2019, 11:18 PM   #4910 (permalink)
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He's ramming ass in heaven now.
A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.
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