Originally Posted by Chula Vista
You are such a pretentious dick.
(trying to figure out how many times I've made this point.)
Yet he is still a mod.
Obvisouly your MB Administrative peers are fine with your dickish retorts.
**** off dickweed
Jeez Chula man! Even I, with my ultra-annoyance of Frownland (can't say hatred, cos I don't hate him. Much..) knew that was a throwaway joke, and I find it hard to get his humour most of the time. Not sure why you're getting so upset. It's not like he insulted Holdsworth after all: in fact, he repped him pretty hard when all is said and done. Like the others say, and as has been said to me a whole lot, lighten up.
Originally Posted by Chula Vista
Pretty sure Frowny's going to retort with an MP3 of him banging on an empty Quacker State Oatmeal container. Thumbs up dude! Real talent is so underatted.
whatcha got against rats?
Originally Posted by Lisnaholic
That's a lot of years! Were you playing a lot of obscure stuff? And fancy seeing Moondog on the streets. I wonder if you noticed him as a talented guy, or was it like, "I wish this weirdo would get out of my way?"
^ Wonderful rec of a band I've never heard of ! Thanks 
(Poor old Moondog is going to get bumped out of first place, I fear.)
Moondog is ISB's pick in the Album Club soon!
I know nothing of Holdsworth (though I have heard vaguely of him) so will just add my condolences, as he seems to have been universally revered by his peers, and you can't really get a stronger endorsement than that. RIP.