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djchameleon 02-23-2011 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1009711)
On a different note all together...last night I got a call about an old friend of mine passing away last weekend. His funeral is today and im not gonna be able to make it cause...well im in a tight spot right now and its hundreds of miles away. I do want to say that this man was close to being if not The Best Person ive ever had the honor of knowing. I feel I owe it to him to speak my peace even if it is to complete strangers who never knew him.

As a young punk kid in his late teens I found myself moving far away from home on a whim. The people were different and I immediatley kind of went crazy. So glad to finally be out on my own and away from my folks. One evening as me and another guy were headed back to the beer managed to somehow find the ditch before we got there. He bolted and I stayed. Around 7 or so that morning I hear a tap on the window and this man was standing there smiling. Seeing my Texas tags he proceeds to call me Tex without knowing my name or asking for it. Willingly just offereing help after he asks.."rough night Tex?" We exchange hello's and all that good stuff and try to pull my truck out. His 4 wheel drive wasnt enough truck to do the job so he leaves..and returns with his backhoe. After some time of rearranging the chains and pulling and tugging we manage to get it out. I offer the man all the money i had left from the night before...which was about 40 bucks. He would not hear of taking my money. Instead he told me to help out the next person I saw in need of the same kind of helping hand. Then he offered me a beer as he was already drinking He spotted my guitar and asked if I played. When I told him I like to think I try too..he invited me down to his house. Needless to say we became very good friends after that and his family kind of became my home away from home. I had never felt as welcomed and comfortable around anyone even from my home state as him and his family made me feel. He helped me many more times throughout my stay there and im always in debt to him.

The years eventually brought me back home but I would often go and visit him from time to time when I had the chance. He always loved to hear me play and sing and thats how I remember him. Funny he liked to wear cowboy boots and hats as I did not... He had cirrhosis of the liver the last two years and finally lost the battle last weekend. If I had to gues I would say he was in his mid 70's by now. I never knew he had the condition as ive been married..having kids..getting divorced. Im kind of glad in a way..I wouldnt want to have seen him sick....ill always remember the man behind the half drunk smile. Kind hearted and good spirited..always able to make me laugh and always willing to do whatever it took to help out anyone in need. This was TRULY one of the best men ive ever met. May he R.I.P. today when they put him to rest.

my condolences

he does sound like a truly wonderful man to have met and to have the pleasure of knowing.

Bloozcrooz 02-23-2011 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1009731)
my condolences

he does sound like a truly wonderful man to have met and to have the pleasure of knowing.

Thanks DJ...he was liked by everyone that I came to meet from around there. Just that kind of guy.

Neapolitan 02-24-2011 03:13 PM

truly sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.

djchameleon 02-24-2011 09:21 PM

ramble ramble ramble....someone join me please.....I want to talk about something.....anything.

Howard the Duck 02-24-2011 09:56 PM

^^ I'm here - shoot!

djchameleon 02-24-2011 10:09 PM

dang, I had a topic for us to talk about but I lost it now lol

so if you have anything I'll work off of what you are thinking/want to talk about.

Howard the Duck 02-24-2011 11:22 PM

^^nothing much - pretty bored here actually - already finished most of my work and waiting to go to a meeting

djchameleon 02-24-2011 11:33 PM

frak man, i'm tired but I have to go to work soon.

Howard the Duck 02-24-2011 11:44 PM

and what is it that you do?

djchameleon 02-24-2011 11:59 PM

I do what I want because spontaneity is the spice of life

Dirty 02-25-2011 12:09 AM

touching words boozin, sounds like a hell of man.

well, went out to the bar wednesday with a girl i met and stayed with last weekend. i feel like shes into me. im making that conclusion based on her texting me out of the blue and inviting me out wednesday and her introducing me to all of her sorority girls. sounds stupid i know, but i got the vibe she was into me. Well it was $1 drink night and lets just say i left home with $20 and came home with nothing, so a lot of drinks were downed. and somewhere in there she brought up the fact that she just broke up with her ex 2 weeks ago. theres only 2 places to drink in this town so he was at the bar too.

i couldnt care less about ex boyfriends of girls im interested in, couldnt care less about past relationships and dont ever wanna talk about them. learned these mistakes years ago. but after he came into the bar she grabbed my hand and pulled me across the bar to go outside for a cig. im glad i called her out cause i knew what was goin on, she did that cause she wanted him to see her with another guy. of course she was like no no no, thats not why but whatever. we smoked a cig and had some more drinks. of course her feelings for her ex "are totally gone." Yeah right, she must think im a moron. I've seen the ending to this movie many times. The one where we hang out for a little while until her and her ex get their shit figured out and get back together. Went back to her place expecting to at least fool around. I ended up drunkenly stealing her room mates deli ham and made us some deli ham cheese melts in her microwave oven and then i headed out. she texted me after i got outside and said "i wanted you to stay but i dont want you to think im using you."

im not taking whatever this could possibly be real serious but she is girlfriend material and i dont run into that everyday. so id like to keep getting to know her, but if shes stringing me along and using this as leverage or something for her ex, then hopefully i at least get some drunken sex out of it. or at least a blowjob

djchameleon 02-25-2011 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1010471)
touching words boozin, sounds like a hell of man.

well, went out to the bar wednesday with a girl i met and stayed with last weekend. i feel like shes into me. im making that conclusion based on her texting me out of the blue and inviting me out wednesday and her introducing me to all of her sorority girls. sounds stupid i know, but i got the vibe she was into me. Well it was $1 drink night and lets just say i left home with $20 and came home with nothing, so a lot of drinks were downed. and somewhere in there she brought up the fact that she just broke up with her ex 2 weeks ago. theres only 2 places to drink in this town so he was at the bar too.

i couldnt care less about ex boyfriends of girls im interested in, couldnt care less about past relationships and dont ever wanna talk about them. learned these mistakes years ago. but after he came into the bar she grabbed my hand and pulled me across the bar to go outside for a cig. im glad i called her out cause i knew what was goin on, she did that cause she wanted him to see her with another guy. of course she was like no no no, thats not why but whatever. we smoked a cig and had some more drinks. of course her feelings for her ex "are totally gone." Yeah right, she must think im a moron. I've seen the ending to this movie many times. The one where we hang out for a little while until her and her ex get their shit figured out and get back together. Went back to her place expecting to at least fool around. I ended up drunkenly stealing her room mates deli ham and made us some deli ham cheese melts in her microwave oven and then i headed out. she texted me after i got outside and said "i wanted you to stay but i dont want you to think im using you."

im not taking whatever this could possibly be real serious but she is girlfriend material and i dont run into that everyday. so id like to keep getting to know her, but if shes stringing me along and using this as leverage or something for her ex, then hopefully i at least get some drunken sex out of it. or at least a blowjob

I would have stayed and messed around with her then left immediately after it was over. If she thinks she is going to use me she has another thing coming. I would use her to get off then leave right away and NEVER contact her again. Sure she might be girlfriend material but she needs to get her baggage in order before she moves onto someone else.

Howard the Duck 02-25-2011 12:34 AM

^^harsh, bro

Bloozcrooz 02-25-2011 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1010318)
truly sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.

Thanks man

Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1010471)
touching words boozin, sounds like a hell of man.

well, went out to the bar wednesday with a girl i met and stayed with last weekend. i feel like shes into me. im making that conclusion based on her texting me out of the blue and inviting me out wednesday and her introducing me to all of her sorority girls. sounds stupid i know, but i got the vibe she was into me. Well it was $1 drink night and lets just say i left home with $20 and came home with nothing, so a lot of drinks were downed. and somewhere in there she brought up the fact that she just broke up with her ex 2 weeks ago. theres only 2 places to drink in this town so he was at the bar too.

i couldnt care less about ex boyfriends of girls im interested in, couldnt care less about past relationships and dont ever wanna talk about them. learned these mistakes years ago. but after he came into the bar she grabbed my hand and pulled me across the bar to go outside for a cig. im glad i called her out cause i knew what was goin on, she did that cause she wanted him to see her with another guy. of course she was like no no no, thats not why but whatever. we smoked a cig and had some more drinks. of course her feelings for her ex "are totally gone." Yeah right, she must think im a moron. I've seen the ending to this movie many times. The one where we hang out for a little while until her and her ex get their shit figured out and get back together. Went back to her place expecting to at least fool around. I ended up drunkenly stealing her room mates deli ham and made us some deli ham cheese melts in her microwave oven and then i headed out. she texted me after i got outside and said "i wanted you to stay but i dont want you to think im using you."

im not taking whatever this could possibly be real serious but she is girlfriend material and i dont run into that everyday. so id like to keep getting to know her, but if shes stringing me along and using this as leverage or something for her ex, then hopefully i at least get some drunken sex out of it. or at least a blowjob

Thanks for the comment....nice story by the way.

djchameleon 02-25-2011 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1010474)
^^harsh, bro

It's the truth and I'm at the point where I'm not letting any female walk over me/use me. Been there and done that. I'm worth more than that. There is plenty of fish in the sea.

Dirty 02-25-2011 12:48 AM

its a girl i just met so its not like i have anything really invested in this. i dont mind being used if sex is included in that package, which i assume it will be soon. i woulda stayed but after the sandwich i could tell she didnt want me spending the night so thats why i bounced. definitely not trying to take on any baggage, im just gonna go with the flow n see what happens. just had to vent a slight bit cause its not cool shes recently single as that does not bode well for my chances of getting to know her better and going the non "casual sex partners" route...which now that i think about it isnt really that bad of a thing haha

djchameleon 02-25-2011 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1010480)
its a girl i just met so its not like i have anything really invested in this. i dont mind being used if sex is included in that package, which i assume it will be soon. i woulda stayed but after the sandwich i could tell she didnt want me spending the night so thats why i bounced. definitely not trying to take on any baggage, im just gonna go with the flow n see what happens. just had to vent a slight bit cause its not cool shes recently single as that does not bode well for my chances of getting to know her better and going the non "casual sex partners" route...which now that i think about it isnt really that bad of a thing haha

go for it man!

She totally wants a rebound guy and you are in the position to be THAT guy. Smash it and when you are done using her for sex move on.

Bloozcrooz 02-25-2011 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1010480)
its a girl i just met so its not like i have anything really invested in this. i dont mind being used if sex is included in that package, which i assume it will be soon. i woulda stayed but after the sandwich i could tell she didnt want me spending the night so thats why i bounced. definitely not trying to take on any baggage, im just gonna go with the flow n see what happens. just had to vent a slight bit cause its not cool shes recently single as that does not bode well for my chances of getting to know her better and going the non "casual sex partners" route...which now that i think about it isnt really that bad of a thing haha

Are you stressing over this chick already some? Im confused as to which route your wanting to go? You wanting to have a steady girl or just some casual fun or casual fun and if it turns into something serious then its cool?

djchameleon 02-25-2011 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1010486)
Are you stressing over this chick already some? Im confused as to which route your wanting to go? You wanting to have a steady girl or just some casual fun or casual fun and if it turns into something serious then its cool?

he totally is, he's talking about wanting to get to know her better but on the other hand he wants to just smash. He says it's casual but on the other hand it sounds like he is developing feelings imo.

Bloozcrooz 02-25-2011 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1010488)
he totally is, he's talking about wanting to get to know her better but on the other hand he wants to just smash. He says it's casual but on the other hand it sounds like he is developing feelings imo.

Ahh...hate it when that happens.

Dirty 02-25-2011 01:47 AM

basically can be summed up by saying shes a girl i hardly know, but i like what ive seen so far. would like to know her better, but if it ends up casual then thats not the end of the world either

djchameleon 02-25-2011 01:49 AM


Man I'm going to grow out my beard a bit, it's growing in spotty in areas and I hate the way it looks right now.

s_k 02-25-2011 05:02 AM

@ Dirty
If she seems allright, she probably is.
Invest some time in the girl instead of trying to get laid.
Just my two cents. I might be wrong.

djchameleon 02-25-2011 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1010541)
@ Dirty
If she seems allright, she probably is.
Invest some time in the girl instead of trying to get laid.
Just my two cents. I might be wrong.

I feel like you are way off base. The girl needs to work on herself she just got out of a relationship and needs to sort out her baggage. I wouldn't invest too much time into her right now.

s_k 02-25-2011 05:48 AM

That's the kind of girls I do invest time in in the first place :D.
But then I am very, very patient.

Bloozcrooz 02-25-2011 06:06 AM

Google Thesaurus other words for invest maybe?

djchameleon 02-25-2011 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1010550)
That's the kind of girls I do invest time in in the first place :D.
But then I am very, very patient.

Okay, that's a beta male characteristic and I used to be that way but then I came to realize that it's a huuuuge waste of time. You just befriend her and waste your time waiting for her to get over her issues. While you are secretly pinning for her the whole time. Some girls really hate guys that are like that. You also probably want to help her through her issues like you are a therapist when she needs to see professional one.

I wouldn't call that investing at all.

s_k 02-25-2011 06:28 AM

Allright. At first I never make a secret about whether I like a girl. So it's in no way secretly pinning for her. And even if I wouldn't want anything more than a friendship with that girl, i still usually like girls who have some luggage. I like to think I can help and support people who are having a hard time with themselves. All my friends are like that in some way.

I'd never use the word 'invest' by the way. That sounds like I want to get something out of it. Which isn't the case.
Yes, sometimes there are girls I would like to start something with, but that isn't the reason I try to help or support them.

djchameleon 02-25-2011 06:41 AM

okay that's a bit more understandable.

oh btw my last video in the cafe. I have a question that I'm pretty sure you could answer for me.

Howard the Duck 02-25-2011 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1010507)

Man I'm going to grow out my beard a bit, it's growing in spotty in areas and I hate the way it looks right now.

I was supposed to shave just now but there's a pimple above my upper lip in the centre

if I don't shave that part, Jews in the shopping mall I'm going to tomorrow will probably call in the MOSSAD

djchameleon 02-25-2011 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1010585)
if I don't shave that part, Jews in the shopping mall I'm going to tomorrow will probably call in the MOSSAD

really? I don't know why but that sounds super racist.

Then again I don't know the customs in your part of the world.

The Batlord 02-25-2011 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1010620)
really? I don't know why but that sounds super racist.

First of all, it does sound kinda rascist, but the context is so vague that I don't honestly know what he's talking about, so it could be totally innocent.

Second of all, for some reason "super rascist" just made me think of Superman at a Klan rally...I know that's not really funny, but it kinda made me laugh and it is a thread about rambling...I'll just go...

Dirty 02-25-2011 11:55 AM

Hmm yesterday I posted a harmless comment on that girls facebook referring to the night before. "I owe you a bummed cig and a deli ham and cheese melt." And today, it's deleted. Man, I wonder why... it's almost like she wouldn't want her ex to see that.

On to the next one :pimp:

djchameleon 02-25-2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1010674)
Hmm yesterday I posted a harmless comment on that girls facebook referring to the night before. "I owe you a bummed cig and a deli ham and cheese melt." And today, it's deleted. Man, I wonder why... it's almost like she wouldn't want her ex to see that.

On to the next one :pimp:

See what did I TELL you!

and you have the right attitude.

On to the next one indeed.

Dirty 02-25-2011 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1010683)
See what did I TELL you!

and you have the right attitude.

On to the next one indeed.

Right on my man. It's not hard to see what's goin on around you as long as you don't put the pussy on the pedestal. On to the next one it is :beer:

Well, I'm heading out right now to my former college to partake in all-day drinking tomorrow, starting at 8AM. Should be a wild, wild time. Be back Monday. Yall take care and drink some beer this weekend.

Neapolitan 02-25-2011 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1010674)
Hmm yesterday I posted a harmless comment on that girls facebook referring to the night before. "I owe you a bummed cig and a deli ham and cheese melt." And today, it's deleted. Man, I wonder why... it's almost like she wouldn't want her ex to see that.

On to the next one :pimp:

No offense, but I thought it was a double entendre - coming from that angle maybe that's why she didn't want her ex to see it.

Howard the Duck 02-25-2011 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1010620)
really? I don't know why but that sounds super racist.

Then again I don't know the customs in your part of the world.

it's a joke - i meant if i shaved leaving that part of the stache, I would look like Hitler

i got no beef with the Jews, my best fren in Uni was a Jewboy


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1010662)
First of all, it does sound kinda rascist, but the context is so vague that I don't honestly know what he's talking about, so it could be totally innocent.

Second of all, for some reason "super rascist" just made me think of Superman at a Klan rally...I know that's not really funny, but it kinda made me laugh and it is a thread about rambling...I'll just go...

it is "super" innocent - commenting on me looking like Hitler

ha ha ha

I once wanted to write and draw a comic about a Jewish Superman - Uber-Juden - saving the Jews from the ovens in concentration camps

it's probably win a Eisner award

Neapolitan 02-25-2011 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1010865)
it's a joke - i meant if i shaved leaving that part of the stache, I would look like Hitler

i got no beef with the Jews, my best fren in Uni was a Jewboy

you were fine up until that point, then you went all david duke on us

Howard the Duck 02-26-2011 03:27 AM

dunno who's David Duke

djchameleon 02-26-2011 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1010945)
you were fine up until that point, then you went all david duke on us

ahahaha , I thought i was the only one that noticed that.

yeah , you are cool with jews but you feel like you have to call them jewboys?


the whole example reminds of me when some white people are like "yay i get to say ****** because I have one token black friend."

The hell you do! if you say ****** around the wrong people you will get stomped, stabbed, robbed or murdered. A combination of all four or just one out of four.

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