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djchameleon 02-17-2011 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Plum (Post 1006783)
It's late, I got sushi and some Vanilla sleepytime tea, and a new episode of Skins to watch and my school week is over

feelin pretty at peace with the world

I have alot of Skins episodes to watch but its the US version.

Sansa Stark 02-17-2011 10:24 PM

ew, gtfo

Dirty 02-17-2011 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1006789)
I have alot of Skins episodes to watch but its the US version.

Worst show ever, spend your time doing anything else

djchameleon 02-17-2011 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dirty (Post 1006799)
Worst show ever, spend your time doing anything else

well it's clogging up my dvr. I saw the previews and thought I would give it a try. I haven't started watching it yet so I don't even know if I will like it or not

Sansa Stark 02-17-2011 10:30 PM

go for the British one

or Misfits!

djchameleon 02-17-2011 10:31 PM

I told you I already watch Misfits! :P

Sansa Stark 02-17-2011 10:33 PM


I wish it would come back already :(

djchameleon 02-17-2011 10:52 PM

yeah, I need to watch the second series. I haven't yet.

zachsd 02-17-2011 11:18 PM


Worst show ever, spend your time doing anything else
I actually kind of agree with this and don't get all the Skins hype.

It's just shock and awe melodrama. Like a soap opera but more gritty.

Bloozcrooz 02-18-2011 02:15 PM

I havent been able to find anything worth watching on T.V. Series wise anyway..I somewhat catch a episode or two of the "Spartacus Gods Of The Arena" show on Starz, but not really impressed with that many more days till training camp for football starts??lol. Mostly I just watch movies ive already seen over and over again. Every now and then a good one will come on thats actually worthwhile but meh..

Dirty 02-18-2011 02:49 PM

I hear ya, i never find anything good on tv. all i end up watching is garbage reality stuff late at night. And I always check MSNBC to see if prison or gang stuff is on. Usually stop when I see Pawn Stars too. Other than that, just sports stuff.

I had HBO last year, kinda miss it now

Bloozcrooz 02-18-2011 03:02 PM

@ Dirty..yeah I had HBO last year but thats long since been gone. Every now and then ill watch lockup jail shows. Then sometimes they'll show "Gangland" on the history channel and those are ok. I just find it extremley hard to get into a citcom like most do. Like House, Greys Anatomy, or whatever else people watch. If someone else has it on I can watch it with them, and it doesnt bother me but I dont find myself tuning back in on my own. I guess its time to get into basketball again. just get tired of the media trying to hype up the Heat 24/7. Its like they have already crowned them champions this year.

s_k 02-18-2011 03:17 PM

why switch on the TV when you can put op some music?
I only watch TV at sundays, 9pm here.

Bloozcrooz 02-18-2011 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1007119)
why switch on the TV when you can put op some music?
I only watch TV at sundays, 9pm here.

I keep the T.V. on while I also listen to music. Unless of course its a football game or something. Still it'd be nice to find a show that actually kept me interested through more than a couple of episodes. I love listening to music, but also I like entertaining comedic type shows as well.

s_k 02-18-2011 03:31 PM

Why would you keep the TV on?

Bloozcrooz 02-18-2011 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 1007129)
Why would you keep the TV on?

I dont case something funny or interesting comes on I guess. Why?

djchameleon 02-18-2011 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1007086)
I havent been able to find anything worth watching on T.V. Series wise anyway..I somewhat catch a episode or two of the "Spartacus Gods Of The Arena" show on Starz, but not really impressed with that many more days till training camp for football starts??lol. Mostly I just watch movies ive already seen over and over again. Every now and then a good one will come on thats actually worthwhile but meh..

Oh come on! how can you NOT like Spartacus? there is nudity, blood, violence, cursing! backstabbing it's like the perfect guy series. What's wrong with you?

s_k 02-18-2011 03:52 PM

Haha, I didn't see the point.
But allright, that's a reason.
I guess it would distract me too much and I wouldn't like the flickering in the background.

Bloozcrooz 02-18-2011 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1007141)
Oh come on! how can you NOT like Spartacus? there is nudity, blood, violence, cursing! backstabbing it's like the perfect guy series. What's wrong with you?

Heh..its ok like I said...Even when I do watch something its a movie ive already seen most the time. I halfway glimpse at the t.v. while I listen to music, and or type on the computer. I dont really focus on one particular thing except football games for the entirity of its air time. Again unless its exceptionally funny or interesting like I stated.

djchameleon 02-18-2011 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1007147)
Heh..its ok like I said...Even when I do watch something its a movie ive already seen most the time. I halfway glimpse at the t.v. while I listen to music, and or type on the computer. I dont really focus on one particular thing except football games for the entirity of its air time. Again unless its exceptionally funny or interesting like I stated.

yeah I do the same just to have it as more filler. I like to multi-task. Sometimes, I will pause my music to actually watch what is on the tv though so I can clear up my dvr a bit. Right now I'm doing that, I will sometimes play music during the commercials or just fast forward through them.

Bloozcrooz 02-18-2011 07:07 PM

These meds really take away from my alcohol cravings...for that matter any ambition to do anything really. Took a really cool looking crap earlier...bout the highlight of my day so far

Raust 02-18-2011 10:59 PM

Well it's 12 A.M. here. Some friends wanted to hang out around 9 P.M., but never got back to me. I'm pretty damn restless and can't sleep so I'm working on a psychology paper that's due next week based on the novel The Giver.

djchameleon 02-18-2011 11:01 PM

I just woke up from a mini nap and now i'm back on MB and watching the expendables at the same time while listening to music. yay for subtitles.

Howard the Duck 02-18-2011 11:23 PM

it's afternoon here, was very happy from a dental visit as the work didn't cost much

listening to Pink Floyd's Meddle - miles better than the overrated Dark Side of the Moon but somehow doesn't fit the hot afternoon vibe

Bloozcrooz 02-18-2011 11:28 PM

The Tiger Woods bashing continues in the news. I really dont get it..a woman gets caught banging multiple guys she's just written off as a slut and no real criticism is given. Tiger gets some poon on the side and he's the worst human being since Hitler. Does it really matter? I dont care what kind of person he is as long as he's exciting to watch play golf. Well as exciting as golf could ever hope to be anyway. Where do people keep getting the illusion that being great at sports automaticlly makes you a great person? Or demands that you should act in such a way? To my knowledge theres nothing in any contract that says if your not a good person. We will deduct this much pay or not allow you to participate. I could care less what Vick,Pacman Jones, Plaxico Burress Randy Moss or any other player does on his time. Long as they compete at an elite level on the field, and make the game more electrifying. Short of having some unfathomable conviction on their record...shut up already and let them play. Their going to anyway and their more than likley not gonna change so the criticism isnt deterring any teams from signing them. Long as they execute and continue to play at the expected level. Critics are simply wasting their time.

Alfred 02-18-2011 11:34 PM

1:34, planning on dozing off soon though

Bloozcrooz 02-19-2011 10:50 PM

Around midnight here and a pretty dull sat night...watching reruns of die hard.

Bloozcrooz 02-20-2011 07:49 PM

Yeah im double posting but I was there an official drama thread? A serious one and not a...."were just playing around" fake thread. One where MB drama queens and kings could debate and resolve personal issues? Mods would you allow this to go down if there's not? Just wondering i think it would be rather amusing to some.

djchameleon 02-21-2011 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1007321)
The Tiger Woods bashing continues in the news. I really dont get it..a woman gets caught banging multiple guys she's just written off as a slut and no real criticism is given. Tiger gets some poon on the side and he's the worst human being since Hitler. Does it really matter? I dont care what kind of person he is as long as he's exciting to watch play golf. Well as exciting as golf could ever hope to be anyway. Where do people keep getting the illusion that being great at sports automaticlly makes you a great person? Or demands that you should act in such a way? To my knowledge theres nothing in any contract that says if your not a good person. We will deduct this much pay or not allow you to participate. I could care less what Vick,Pacman Jones, Plaxico Burress Randy Moss or any other player does on his time. Long as they compete at an elite level on the field, and make the game more electrifying. Short of having some unfathomable conviction on their record...shut up already and let them play. Their going to anyway and their more than likley not gonna change so the criticism isnt deterring any teams from signing them. Long as they execute and continue to play at the expected level. Critics are simply wasting their time.

Well see, they have to be good role models for the products that they are endorsing. The companies that give them contracts for endorsing don't want to support an athlete that is a scum bag even if it's just in his personal life. They don't want any negative attention attached to their product so that's why it's a big deal.

Bloozcrooz 02-21-2011 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1008450)
Well see, they have to be good role models for the products that they are endorsing. The companies that give them contracts for endorsing don't want to support an athlete that is a scum bag even if it's just in his personal life. They don't want any negative attention attached to their product so that's why it's a big deal.

I guess I can see the role model aspect of it. Sponsors and fans are two different things though. The guys lost his wife and kids. Been publicly humiliated and tarnished his reputation for life. All this has obviously effected his mental approach to the game. He's given a formal apologie to the media and the fans(which I dont think is any of their business but whatever) I guess everyones entitled to their own opinion but what did they expect? That he was super man or something? Its just funny to see the overly disappointed critics and fans taking his actions so personal. I hope he shapes up and gets his head back right. I really didnt give Tiger or golf that much attention before but now I hope he wins every major this year.

djchameleon 02-21-2011 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1008932)
I guess I can see the role model aspect of it. Sponsors and fans are two different things though. The guys lost his wife and kids. Been publicly humiliated and tarnished his reputation for life. All this has obviously effected his mental approach to the game. He's given a formal apologie to the media and the fans(which I dont think is any of their business but whatever) I guess everyones entitled to their own opinion but what did they expect? That he was super man or something? Its just funny to see the overly disappointed critics and fans taking his actions so personal. I hope he shapes up and gets his head back right. I really didnt give Tiger or golf that much attention before but now I hope he wins every major this year.

Tiger Woods seems like a big exception though he had this squeaky clean image and hid it well for so long. Golf fans are unforgiving and they feel so gutted to learn that he's human and makes mistakes. I think some of it has to do with him being so good at the sport and while they finally got over the color of his skin he goes and pulls this shit

Bloozcrooz 02-21-2011 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1008954)
Tiger Woods seems like a big exception though he had this squeaky clean image and hid it well for so long. Golf fans are unforgiving and they feel so gutted to learn that he's human and makes mistakes. I think some of it has to do with him being so good at the sport and while they finally got over the color of his skin he goes and pulls this shit

That could very well be...I think some level of forgivness has to be given. You cant deny his ability and talent for the game. Even if you dont like the sport you have to give some recognition for his accomplishments. It does require great skill to play the game effectivley. Regaurdless of his failures as a husband...I just cant condone all the critisism he endures from some bad choices.

Neapolitan 02-21-2011 09:51 PM

I never cared about Tiger Woods. I've seen him in some bio doc and in an interview he was shooting his mouth off how great he was. OK, I know he worked to get where he's at, and that he knows is the best in the eyes of the world, but imo talent isn't something to brag about. I don't think once person reaches a certain level of skill that sets them apart from other, that gives a right boast or talk smack before a game.

Stevie Ray Vaughn had the right attitude imo, I remember a story where he was ticked that he got top billing on a marquee in big bold letters, and not (I think) B.B. King, and in short he made the venue change the marquee. It's those little things about famous people's personality that makes me a fan or not.

djchameleon 02-21-2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1008971)
I never cared about Tiger Woods. I've seen him in some bio doc and in an interview he was shooting his mouth off how great he was. OK, I know he worked to get where he's at, and that he knows is the best in the eyes of the world, but imo talent isn't something to brag about. I don't think once person reaches a certain level of skill that sets them apart from other, that gives a right boast or talk smack before a game.

Stevie Ray Vaughn had the right attitude imo, I remember a story where he was ticked that he got top billing on a marquee in big bold letters, and not (I think) B.B. King, and in short he made the venue change the marquee. It's those little things about famous people's personality that makes me a fan or not.

I have always liked Stevie Ray but even more so now after hearing that story.


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1008967)
That could very well be...I think some level of forgivness has to be given. You cant deny his ability and talent for the game. Even if you dont like the sport you have to give some recognition for his accomplishments. It does require great skill to play the game effectivley. Regaurdless of his failures as a husband...I just cant condone all the critisism he endures from some bad choices.

Golf fans are mad cruel they don't care to forgive him one bit. I agree with you though give the man a break like seriously. We are all human and make mistakes.

Bloozcrooz 02-21-2011 11:20 PM

Stevie was one of the most humble people ive ever seen. Which is really uncommon for someone with the amount of talent he had. That was just him and who he was..I still would have liked him if he was an @ss. Which he wasnt by any means that im aware of.

As far as being ****y and being a good all for it. Do what you do and if nobodys good enough to match your talent and shut you up. Then they really cant say much. In sports competition I think being ****y is definatley a good thing. Im not really seeing a reason to be a ****y musician. There not beating each other up with guitars or anything. I dont me its different.

Neapolitan 02-22-2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1009003)
As far as being ****y and being a good all for it. Do what you do and if nobodys good enough to match your talent and shut you up. Then they really cant say much. In sports competition I think being ****y is definatley a good thing.

I'm not in total disagreement with that. I can expect someone talking smack before a WWF match (not that I'm a fan), and it's slowly creeping into professional football, (they're more notorious for showboating after a play than pre-game-smack). But if Tiger wants to talk smack like a muhammad ali in front of a bunch guys wearing sweaters and plaid pants zipping around in golfcarts ... well it just doesn't impress me.


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 1009003)
Im not really seeing a reason to be a ****y musician. There not beating each other up with guitars or anything. I dont me its different.

I use to think at one time, sports was combative competition one team against another, and music was cooperation where musicians jam together, that people who play sports are more competitive, and musicians are more cooperative, but I think otherwise now. You can find someone who acts like a ****y no matter where you go. Guitar players might not beat each other up with their guitars, but they might fight over what songs to do or the direction of the band, or a guitar player might not like the way the bass player plays etc. Band members can get on each other nerves, there can be an undercurrent of competition that isn't always so obvious. Music fans aren't so discrete, the can be like sports fans, they can be a little more brutal at times.

Bloozcrooz 02-22-2011 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1009570)
I'm not in total disagreement with that. I can expect someone talking smack before a WWF match (not that I'm a fan), and it's slowly creeping into professional football, (they're more notorious for showboating after a play than pre-game-smack). But if Tiger wants to talk smack like a muhammad ali in front of a bunch guys wearing sweaters and plaid pants zipping around in golfcarts ... well it just doesn't impress me.

I use to think at one time, sports was combative competition one team against another, and music was cooperation where musicians jam together, that people who play sports are more competitive, and musicians are more cooperative, but I think otherwise now. You can find someone who acts like a ****y no matter where you go. Guitar players might not beat each other up with their guitars, but they might fight over what songs to do or the direction of the band, or a guitar player might not like the way the bass player plays etc. Band members can get on each other nerves, there can be an undercurrent of competition that isn't always so obvious. Music fans aren't so discrete, the can be like sports fans, they can be a little more brutal at times.

Lol..ive never heard Tiger talk smack but thats funny. Yeah intimidating other golfers with a tough guy act isnt impressive. But it does make me laugh. I dont take much serious..lifes to short to let people get to ya that easy. As far as football im a fanatic and always pull for the showboats. Thats just me..but theres a thread already covering all that in the sports section.

Bloozcrooz 02-23-2011 04:43 AM

On a different note all together...last night I got a call about an old friend of mine passing away last weekend. His funeral is today and im not gonna be able to make it cause...well im in a tight spot right now and its hundreds of miles away. I do want to say that this man was close to being if not The Best Person ive ever had the honor of knowing. I feel I owe it to him to speak my peace even if it is to complete strangers who never knew him.

As a young punk kid in his late teens I found myself moving far away from home on a whim. The people were different and I immediatley kind of went crazy. So glad to finally be out on my own and away from my folks. One evening as me and another guy were headed back to the beer managed to somehow find the ditch before we got there. He bolted and I stayed. Around 7 or so that morning I hear a tap on the window and this man was standing there smiling. Seeing my Texas tags he proceeds to call me Tex without knowing my name or asking for it. Willingly just offereing help after he asks.."rough night Tex?" We exchange hello's and all that good stuff and try to pull my truck out. His 4 wheel drive wasnt enough truck to do the job so he leaves..and returns with his backhoe. After some time of rearranging the chains and pulling and tugging we manage to get it out. I offer the man all the money i had left from the night before...which was about 40 bucks. He would not hear of taking my money. Instead he told me to help out the next person I saw in need of the same kind of helping hand. Then he offered me a beer as he was already drinking He spotted my guitar and asked if I played. When I told him I like to think I try too..he invited me down to his house. Needless to say we became very good friends after that and his family kind of became my home away from home. I had never felt as welcomed and comfortable around anyone even from my home state as him and his family made me feel. He helped me many more times throughout my stay there and im always in debt to him.

The years eventually brought me back home but I would often go and visit him from time to time when I had the chance. He always loved to hear me play and sing and thats how I remember him. Funny he liked to wear cowboy boots and hats as I did not... He had cirrhosis of the liver the last two years and finally lost the battle last weekend. If I had to gues I would say he was in his mid 70's by now. I never knew he had the condition as ive been married..having kids..getting divorced. Im kind of glad in a way..I wouldnt want to have seen him sick....ill always remember the man behind the half drunk smile. Kind hearted and good spirited..always able to make me laugh and always willing to do whatever it took to help out anyone in need. This was TRULY one of the best men ive ever met. May he R.I.P. today when they put him to rest.

Howard the Duck 02-23-2011 04:49 AM

^^that's truly touching

neways about Tiger, I steer clear of him cos obviously he's a playa in a game of very small balls

Bloozcrooz 02-23-2011 05:05 AM

Appreciate the kind words ^^

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