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Freebase Dali 02-03-2011 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 997316)
Yeah I think your pretty accurate in your descrition of youthful imagination. Using the most primitive of tools to emulate the sophistication of 007 type reenactments. The building of forts and creek bed barriers serving as the foundation for the Bat Caves and what not. Growing up in the country there was never any shortage of open range and rough terrain for the most vivid of imagination. For me more so than Bond type movies were the Young Guns type flicks. With your single pump daisy air rifle that crapped out after 15 feet of flight. Probaly at a whopping 3 feet per 3.5 seconds. There was nothing you coudnt go up against in the wild wild west. Setting out across the plains and through the woods to meet up with the villan and his gang(usually Dr.Pepper cans or empty beer bottles) At any rate were made short work for your all to keen ability for hitting your target. Till you discovered your b.b. gun didnt have the power to break or shatter the glass. Of course thats until you graduated later in life to the more high powered of air rifles.

Haha, yea I can relate to most of that, although I didn't have as much of a fixation on wild-west scenarios, but living in the country, I certainly had access to shooting implements when I got old enough. First bb gun was one of those black spring action Daisy pistols whose bbs barely harmed an apple at any respectable distance. Those types were the types you played bb gun wars with! Although I think my generation had begun gravitating towards Cops 'n Robbers more so than Cowboys 'n Indians.
Then later, my dad allowed me to start using the pellet rifle. But this was no ordinary pellet rifle. It was an old Benjamin pump rifle. You pump that sucker 8 times, and it's almost like a half-ass .22 rimfire.

Cans, bottles and other debris stood no chance. They all became a threat and I always sent 'em to the morgue. :D

djchameleon 02-03-2011 04:47 AM

you didn't get into paintballing when you were older since you say you lived in the country? i live in new york but i'm pretty much in a boondocks type area so there are lots of woods around here and paint balling in the woods was THE thing to do in my teens.

Freebase Dali 02-03-2011 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 997323)
you didn't get into paintballing when you were older since you say you lived in the country? i live in new york but i'm pretty much in a boondocks type area so there are lots of woods around here and paint balling in the woods was THE thing to do in my teens.

Not really. If I had heard about paintball earlier than when I had, I probably would have done it a lot more than I have. Woodsball would have been my thing for sure. Unfortunately, the only significant paintballing I've done was in the Army and that was training type stuff, so there was obviously a limit to how much fun you could have. I did get to do some speedballing rounds on the side, and although I like the adrenaline, I prefer the strategic side of woodsball.
But now days I'd prefer just to sit at home and drink. heh...

djchameleon 02-03-2011 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 997327)
Not really. If I had heard about paintball earlier than when I had, I probably would have done it a lot more than I have. Woodsball would have been my thing for sure. Unfortunately, the only significant paintballing I've done was in the Army and that was training type stuff, so there was obviously a limit to how much fun you could have. I did get to do some speedballing rounds on the side, and although I like the adrenaline, I prefer the strategic side of woodsball.
But now days I'd prefer just to sit at home and drink. heh...

lol you are starting to sound over the hill. I can tell that you are 30 or quickly approaching it.

Bloozcrooz 02-03-2011 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 997323)
you didn't get into paintballing when you were older since you say you lived in the country? i live in new york but i'm pretty much in a boondocks type area so there are lots of woods around here and paint balling in the woods was THE thing to do in my teens.

Not really man...I never really got into the paintball thing. I was pretty much content with my b.b. guns as far as what I liked to arm myself with. I had some friends that were into painball guns. I liked for my weapon of choice to resemble a authentic western rifle as much as possible. By the way Freebase those Benjamins are some pretty kick @ss air rifles. I saw some at a Cabela's that were just wicked. Their feet per second ratio was something nasty for a air rifle. Like you mentioned they were borderline 22 caliber.

Bloozcrooz 02-03-2011 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 997327)
Not really. If I had heard about paintball earlier than when I had, I probably would have done it a lot more than I have. Woodsball would have been my thing for sure. Unfortunately, the only significant paintballing I've done was in the Army and that was training type stuff, so there was obviously a limit to how much fun you could have. I did get to do some speedballing rounds on the side, and although I like the adrenaline, I prefer the strategic side of woodsball.
But now days I'd prefer just to sit at home and drink. heh...

Set at home and drink... h..e...double hockey sticks yeah!!! Now were having some late night rambling. You'll have to enlighten me on your alcoholic prefferences.

Freebase Dali 02-03-2011 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 997331)
lol you are starting to sound over the hill. I can tell that you are 30 or quickly approaching it.

Yea actually my 30th birthday was this past Sunday.
I didn't celebrate it. I just stayed home and loathed it.


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 997336)
Set at home and drink... h..e...double hockey sticks yeah!!! Now were having some late night rambling. You'll have to enlighten me on your alcoholic prefferences.

Haha... actually, the enlightening part is probably the word alcoholic, because when it comes to what I'll drink... one would assume that a preference has nothing to do with it.
If I'm holding a 12-pack of Natural Light, that means I'm busy being economically minded. ;)
I'm almost exclusively a beer drinker simply because I enjoy drinking more than being drunk. I like Killian's a lot, along with Dos Equis, pretty much any Sam Adams fall/winter seasonal, Rolling Rock for something extra thin, OR... whatever you put in front of me as long as it isn't Eichbaum.

Bloozcrooz 02-03-2011 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 997401)
Yea actually my 30th birthday was this past Sunday.
I didn't celebrate it. I just stayed home and loathed it.

Haha... actually, the enlightening part is probably the word alcoholic, because when it comes to what I'll drink... one would assume that a preference has nothing to do with it.
If I'm holding a 12-pack of Natural Light, that means I'm busy being economically minded. ;)
I'm almost exclusively a beer drinker simply because I enjoy drinking more than being drunk. I like Killian's a lot, along with Dos Equis, pretty much any Sam Adams fall/winter seasonal, Rolling Rock for something extra thin, OR... whatever you put in front of me as long as it isn't Eichbaum.

Nice! pretty much the same in preference. As in relation to what my wallet looks like at time of consumption. I can mix all the necessary groups together for a complete intoxicated feeling of pure bliss(whiskey,wine,beer) or just enjoy enough of whichever till im back on my island of existance, and self worth. The only thing ive found that I literally can not stomach is Jack D. I dont know why, it just does not go down.

Freebase Dali 02-04-2011 12:06 AM

Yea I'm the same way with JD. The only way I can tolerate it is if I'm already drunk, and it's mixed with coke. Otherwise, no thanks.

zachsd 02-04-2011 12:32 AM


Wow xanax motivates you? Seems like it would be the opposite effect and calm you down. I get anxiety as well sometimes. Usually i can just smoke a few cigarettes and calm myself down. Im pretty lax most the time now..not being married anymore is probaly the biggest reason for that.
Well it usually takes a while for the xanax to kick in, and I try to limit my mindless nervous-energy activities to something somewhat productive, or at least not harmful to myself.


We don't need it to be a masterpiece. We just need it to make us want to break things with style.
This is pretty true. This is the same reason I don't like Tarantino though, he tries to make a "film" when it's just a movie of breaking stuff with style. Not that I have anything against that, it's just pretentious. I'll get off my Tarantino-hate soap box now.

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