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djchameleon 02-04-2011 02:49 AM

I still have two years and a half years to go before that big celebration but yeah it's going to be awesome.

Bloozcrooz 02-04-2011 02:54 AM

Sounds pretty awesome indeed...2 years doesnt take that long to go by...oh well I forgot about that half. Still best of luck

djchameleon 02-04-2011 03:00 AM

thanks, so why are you up at the ass crack of dawn?

Bloozcrooz 02-04-2011 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 998047)
thanks, so why are you up at the ass crack of dawn?

I napped off and on during the day yesterday....Im a night owl to, but I dont keep a set schedule of sleeping hours. Its constanly revolving aound its self...What about you?

djchameleon 02-04-2011 03:06 AM

pretty much the same but i think my schedule is slowly starting to take some shape....I nap from 6pm til about 930pm wake up so that I can raid til midnight or a little after then about two hours later, I end up going back to bed so from 2am til about 5am or so which tends to vary like this morning I think I woke up at 330am instead of the regular 5am

Bloozcrooz 02-04-2011 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 998052)
pretty much the same but i think my schedule is slowly starting to take some shape....I nap from 6pm til about 930pm wake up so that I can raid til midnight or a little after then about two hours later, I end up going back to bed so from 2am til about 5am or so which tends to vary like this morning I think I woke up at 330am instead of the regular 5am

What do you mean raid till midnight? Guess im lost on that

djchameleon 02-04-2011 03:15 AM

oh yes I need to stop throwing around world of warcraft terminology like it's common knowledge....raiding just means a group of 9 other friends and I spend 2 hours in an online game trying to take down bosses that are super hard and require coordination and pre-planning before each attempt.

Bloozcrooz 02-04-2011 03:22 AM

Ahhh..gotcha..dont play internet games or any video games really..every now and then I might but its rare. Im sure you already guessed my hobbies by now so I wont elaborate. When I hear World Of Warcraft all I can think of is the South Park episode where it engulfed the whole community. All of them were trying to beat some dude that was on some elite level they couldnt match.

djchameleon 02-04-2011 03:28 AM

I love that episode so much and even though they were exaggerating the situation of world of warcraft players there is always a running joke about some player being a fat 30 yo virgin that lives in his parent's basement playing WoW way too much that's the only reason why he is so good and has such good gear.

I play all sorts of video games though. I grew up with them and continued to carry on the tradition of playing them. I will probably play them for life just that when my life gets a bit more busy I will have less time for them but I will definitely still play and I hope to one day introduce my kids to gaming and game with them. That will be a precious moment.

Bloozcrooz 02-04-2011 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 998066)
I love that episode so much and even though they were exaggerating the situation of world of warcraft players there is always a running joke about some player being a fat 30 yo virgin that lives in his parent's basement playing WoW way too much that's the only reason why he is so good and has such good gear.

I play all sorts of video games though. I grew up with them and continued to carry on the tradition of playing them. I will probably play them for life just that when my life gets a bit more busy I will have less time for them but I will definitely still play and I hope to one day introduce my kids to gaming and game with them. That will be a precious moment.

South Park always goes that extra mile in their episodes on whatever topic their shredding to pieces. One of the few shows though that literally makes me LOL. Even if I dont agree with whatever their agenda is. I always find the humor in it.

djchameleon 02-04-2011 03:39 AM

do you feel like South Park has gone down hill in recent years? I still love them as much as when i first watched them back in the 90s sometimes even more so. I don't agree with people who say that South Park has gone downhill.

Bloozcrooz 02-04-2011 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 998075)
do you feel like South Park has gone down hill in recent years? I still love them as much as when i first watched them back in the 90s sometimes even more so. I don't agree with people who say that South Park has gone downhill.

Not in the least...they are just as funny as ever in my opinion. I always look forward to a new episode. One of the few shows I can actually watch on a consistant basis.

zachsd 02-04-2011 11:39 AM


The ****'s wrong with the stylish breaking of stuff? Breaking stuff with style is my favorite way to break stuff. I like watching it on film too.
There's nothing wrong with it, it's just Tarantino/lots of people thinks he's the shit for breaking stuff with style when it's all done before. I enjoy his movies, but at then end of the day they're just action movies. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just you can't be an amazing director if you only direct action movies, in my opinion.

djchameleon 02-04-2011 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by zachsd (Post 998280)
There's nothing wrong with it, it's just Tarantino/lots of people thinks he's the shit for breaking stuff with style when it's all done before. I enjoy his movies, but at then end of the day they're just action movies. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just you can't be an amazing director if you only direct action movies, in my opinion.

I don't believe that. Being an amazing director to me doesn't mean you have to have the ability to direct various different types of genres. If you get to the point where you excel at a certain genre then more power to you and you are deemed an amazing director for it in my book. I feel like his actions movies are a bit more top notched and more high brow than the regular action movie. He definitely deserves all the praise he gets. One thing that bugs me about his movies are his lengthy dialogue scenes which some people love him even more for that but I feel like sometimes they are oddly placed in just so you know it's his style of movie. Also his foot fetish is a tad bit weird but I let that one go.

s_k 02-04-2011 01:54 PM

What's late night?
It's 21:... ehh... 9:54PM here.
Not late, is it?

zachsd 02-04-2011 06:34 PM


I don't believe that. Being an amazing director to me doesn't mean you have to have the ability to direct various different types of genres.
True, but in my opinion you can't be an amazing director and direct only action movies. This gets back to my belief that his movies are just stylized violence with little substance.

TheFolkslave 02-04-2011 07:42 PM

almost 5am in here. That's not late is it? It's early. Right? Well I think it's time to get some sleep.

jackhammer 02-04-2011 07:56 PM

2 o clock in the morning drunk. Love u my man.

Bloozcrooz 02-04-2011 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 998575)
2 o clock in the morning drunk. Love u my man.

I like the story and the genuine emotion from the guy. I only wish I could understand what he was saying a little more. He's literally so close to sounding as if he is about to shower his acoustic with teaars. Its hard to make out what exzactly he's saying.

On a different note its midnight here, and just popped the top on a beverage and enjoying some tunes. Maybe you can enjoy it this one as well. Im afraid the vocals are edited a little from the original version...not quite sure why it wasnt allowed to say boobie but thats the way the actual song goes. At any rate its close enough for you to get the idea.

Buzzov*en 02-04-2011 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 998075)
do you feel like South Park has gone down hill in recent years? I still love them as much as when i first watched them back in the 90s sometimes even more so. I don't agree with people who say that South Park has gone downhill.

They have, but they also have had some classic episodes recently.

djchameleon 02-04-2011 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by zachsd (Post 998521)
True, but in my opinion you can't be an amazing director and direct only action movies. This gets back to my belief that his movies are just stylized violence with little substance.

I think you have something against action movies and also he does so much more than just stylized violence if you are looking at his movies from a director's perspective. it's fine you just think he's overrated and that's okay. I don't, I think he deserves all the acclaim that he gets.

Bloozcrooz 02-05-2011 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 998665)
I think you have something against action movies and also he does so much more than just stylized violence if you are looking at his movies from a director's perspective. it's fine you just think he's overrated and that's okay. I don't, I think he deserves all the acclaim that he gets.

On a totally different note I sucked it up and enjoyed some fun in the snow today...Took a trip to the store and encountered a couple of pitiful souls who couldnt make their way back up a hill. Due to the packed down snow turning into ice and making the roads slick. The majority of people in this area drive trucks and are inexperienced to driving in these conditions. Judging from where they stopped they looked as if they stopped in the middle of their traverse up the hill. Trucks being so light because of the bed are not ideal for icy road driving...provided its not 4 wheel drive as everyone knows im sure. I had planned ahead and took the car with the front wheel drive as apposed to the slick tired light ended truck. I stopped and told them id be back as they looked clueless as to what to do. I returned after my nicotine fix on our fourwheeler to find them still setting in the middle of the road. Coached them into slowly backing down the hill and attempting the other long way around as apposed to the way they were traveling. Dont know if they did but I felt satisfied in my good deed for the year. On the way back I engaged in some fun intentional slippingand sliding and donut cutting fun. Then quickly lost interest and came back inside. To dress in a more relaxing attire than the bundled up feeling. So yeah all in all it was an ok day I guess.

djchameleon 02-05-2011 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 998693)
On a totally different note I sucked it up and enjoyed some fun in the snow today...Took a trip to the store and encountered a couple of pitiful souls who couldnt make their way back up a hill. Due to the packed down snow turning into ice and making the roads slick. The majority of people in this area drive trucks and are inexperienced to driving in these conditions. Judging from where they stopped they looked as if they stopped in the middle of their traverse up the hill. Trucks being so light because of the bed are not ideal for icy road driving...provided its not 4 wheel drive as everyone knows im sure. I had planned ahead and took the car with the front wheel drive as apposed to the slick tired light ended truck. I stopped and told them id be back as they looked clueless as to what to do. I returned after my nicotine fix on our fourwheeler to find them still setting in the middle of the road. Coached them into slowly backing down the hill and attempting the other long way around as apposed to the way they were traveling. Dont know if they did but I felt satisfied in my good deed for the year. On the way back I engaged in some fun intentional slippingand sliding and donut cutting fun. Then quickly lost interest and came back inside. To dress in a more relaxing attire than the bundled up feeling. So yeah all in all it was an ok day I guess.

haha cool, I wish I could play in the snow but not when it's covered in a sheet of ice, it will hurt when I attempt to make a snow angel or roll down the hill like I normally would do.

Sansa Stark 02-05-2011 12:08 AM


Bloozcrooz 02-05-2011 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 998697)
haha cool, I wish I could play in the snow but not when it's covered in a sheet of ice, it will hurt when I attempt to make a snow angel or roll down the hill like I normally would do.

Funny you say that ... that reminds me...cause one of my siblings insisted on a snowball fight which quickly ended. Didnt take long for them them to lose interest..due to the fact the snow they were trying to pack wouldnt take form cause of it being freshly fallen. I went for the underneath the top more condensed already somewhat packed snow, and quickly triumphed in victory. They found it amusing to take part in some siiding down one of the hills on a homemade contraption. I did not participate..I was already begining to grow

Originally Posted by Plum (Post 998700)

Not sure I follow ya??

djchameleon 02-05-2011 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Boozinbloozin (Post 998711)
Funny you say that ... that reminds me...cause one of my siblings insisted on a snowball fight which quickly ended. Didnt take long for them them to lose interest..due to the fact the snow they were trying to pack wouldnt take form cause of it being freshly fallen. I went for the underneath the top more condensed already somewhat packed snow, and quickly triumphed in victory. They found it amusing to take part in some siiding down one of the hills on a homemade contraption. I did not participate..I was already begining to grow

I rule at snowball fights....I got into a short one the other day with my friend and for every snowball he threw, I threw two more at the end of the fight he threw a total of 10 and I hit him with 20 lol.:rofl:

Bloozcrooz 02-05-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 998733)
I rule at snowball fights....I got into a short one the other day with my friend and for every snowball he threw, I threw two more at the end of the fight he threw a total of 10 and I hit him with 20 lol.:rofl:


s_k 02-06-2011 05:27 PM

1:27am. Having some tea and a slice of bread
It's been a busy weekend.

djchameleon 02-06-2011 05:36 PM

what have you been up to this weekend?

omfg there is a mini darth vader on my tv screen

s_k 02-06-2011 06:17 PM

What have you been using man? :D

I've gone to a friend with a friend this saturday. Gone to some thrift stores together and to a music store (bought myself a nice Nick Drake rarities album). Had dinner, Went to another friend with the previous two friends after that to pick up some cassettes (more about that soon) and drank coffee. Met up with another friend there. Went with those three friends to another friend who had even more friends over as they just got married. Partehhh! Got home at 4:30. In bed at 5:30.
Today the first friend and me checked out some audio/music gains, played Gran turismo 5 against eachother and watched top gear.

djchameleon 02-06-2011 06:52 PM

I don't use drugs. drugs are bad mmmmk

This commercial popped up on my screen earlier.

sounds like you had an awesome weekend. I was pretty much alone this weekend. All my friends were too busy for me or something. I got no calls/texts from any of them.

s_k 02-06-2011 06:53 PM

Haha, I don't neccesarily have friends over during the weekend. They come and go both on weekdays and in weekends. My life seems pretty boring to most people. I don't go out regularly, am often alone on saturdays. But I really really don't mind :)

As much as I'm not into volkswagen, that passat is a beautiful car :)

s_k 02-06-2011 08:13 PM

4:12am. Should go to sleep soon.
I have this huge piles of cassettes that I got yesterday.
I have to listen them through (about 1000 of them).
There's some good stuf I don't know of on them :)
I put a cassette deck under a monitor that's left on me. There's plenty of decks standing around connected, but I want to be able to reach it from where I sit.
Beer, MusicBanter, Pile 'O Cassettes. This should keep me occupied :)

alli-oop 02-06-2011 08:42 PM

i really like your green walls and the pattern on it.

s_k 02-07-2011 06:28 AM

The pattern wall was blue first. The pattern was my idea, but the green was done by my ex-girlfriend. This was her room for several years :).
I like it myself, too.

Bloozcrooz 02-09-2011 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 999549)
4:12am. Should go to sleep soon.
I have this huge piles of cassettes that I got yesterday.
I have to listen them through (about 1000 of them).
There's some good stuf I don't know of on them :)
I put a cassette deck under a monitor that's left on me. There's plenty of decks standing around connected, but I want to be able to reach it from where I sit.
Beer, MusicBanter, Pile 'O Cassettes. This should keep me occupied :)

You have the stangest fixation with tapes.

At any rate its around 6 or so here and I cant sleep anymore. My shoulder is killing me every time my advil wears off.

djchameleon 02-09-2011 05:33 AM

Take some Nyquil so you can sleep through the pain

Bloozcrooz 02-09-2011 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 999549)
4:12am. Should go to sleep soon.
I have this huge piles of cassettes that I got yesterday.
I have to listen them through (about 1000 of them).
There's some good stuf I don't know of on them :)
I put a cassette deck under a monitor that's left on me. There's plenty of decks standing around connected, but I want to be able to reach it from where I sit.
Beer, MusicBanter, Pile 'O Cassettes. This should keep me occupied :)


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1000783)
Take some Nyquil so you can sleep through the pain

Definatley couldnt hurt to try....other than that not much else going on here..can hear the faint sound of rainfall outside...whats up with you?? Anything interesting the last couple days??

djchameleon 02-09-2011 05:46 AM

nothing too exciting but last night it was so windy, we were getting wind gusts of up to 30mph and it forced me to finally take my A/C out of the window because the drafty air coming in was unbearable.

Bloozcrooz 02-09-2011 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1000787)
nothing too exciting but last night it was so windy, we were getting wind gusts of up to 30mph and it forced me to finally take my A/C out of the window because the drafty air coming in was unbearable.

Know what you room has a similiar problem but its just a fault of whoever set the window stools. It doesnt keep the cold out very well but I kinda like it.( not to be mistaken for liking to be cold..just like it cold where i sleep)I still keep a fan on as well for the sake of having some kind of noise while im attempting to sleep. I toss and turn when its complete silence.

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